Darlow's Enigma
Moschata-Hybride, 1993 entdeckt von/discovered by/rosier découvert par Mike Darlow, USA, Etats-Unis.
Eltern/parentage/parents: unbekannt/unknown/inconnus.
Allgemeines • Preface • Remarques
Darlow's Enigma ist eine Fundrose aus den USA. Ob sie ein Zufallssämling oder mit einer anderen Rose identisch ist, wird diskutiert. Ähnlichkeiten sollen bestehen mit Snowstorm (1907) oder Cascadia (vor 1922). Die Rosenfreundin und langjährige Rosensammlerin Cassandra Bernstein aus Kalifornien, sagte hierzu 2008 in einem Forenbeitrag: "The possibility that "Darlow's Enigma" is Captain Thomas's 'Cascadia' has been repeated to me by several sources, some of whom credit the attribution to Mike Darlow himself. An experienced and capable rosarian from Portland, Oregon, gave me this version: "Interestingly enough, several years ago, more like 30 to be exact, I was visiting a rose lover in Eugene who had a white mountain covering the entire fence. Identical to DE, he told me then the rose was there for years, his grandmother planted [it], and he thought it was called "Cascades" or "Cascading" because of the way it draped itself around things. I looked high and low for a rose by that name, and of course I could not find anywhere anything remotely close to what he was talking about.... I mentioned [this to a nurseryman] some years back this after I tried unsuccessfully to find the farm where I first saw that rose, and he said the original one that Mike Darlow took his cuttings from came from somewhere in the Willamette Valley, either from Salem or Eugene or the close vicinity. Now, roses in Oregon develop their own brand of "sturdiness" if you please. If the anecdotal references are even mildly correct, that rose lived in Oregon for some 100 [?70] years at least. The "trunk" of the one I saw way back in 1970something was clearly about 5 inches in caliper, thick as a young lemon tree's trunk, with tons of clearly unattended canes flying in all directions of assorted and larger and smaller diameters. Without exaggerating it was a veritable mount of roses. I must add that I did not detect anything but a very faint fragrance, and since ours once in a while has a waft that kills you but more often than not is just a pleasant, nothing to write home about fragrance, I would suspect by all physical aspects that we are talking about the same rose here". Cass Bernstein.
Darlow's Enigma is a found rose from the USA. A hasard seedling similar to another rose is still discussed. There seem to be some similarities with Snowstorm (1907) or Cascadia (before 1922). The rose lover and long-term rose collector Cassandra Darlow's meant during a 28 discussion forum: "The possibility that "Darlow's Enigma" is Captain Thomas's 'Cascadia' has been repeated to me by several sources, some of whom credit the attribution to Mike Darlow himself. An experienced and capable rosarian from Portland, Oregon, gave me this version: "Interestingly enough, several years ago, more like 30 to be exact, I was visiting a rose lover in Eugene who had a white mountain covering the entire fence. Identical to DE, he told me then the rose was there for years, his grandmother planted [it], and he thought it was called "Cascades" or "Cascading" because of the way it draped itself around things. I looked high and low for a rose by that name, and of course I could not find anywhere anything remotely close to what he was talking about.... I mentioned [this to a nurseryman] some years back this, after I tried unsuccessfully to find the farm where I first saw that rose, and he said the original one that Mike Darlow took his cuttings from came from somewhere in the Willamette Valley, either from Salem or Eugene or the close vicinity. Now, roses in Oregon develop their own brand of "sturdiness" if you please. If the anecdotal references are even mildly correct, that rose lived in Oregon for some 100 [?70] years at least. The "trunk" of the one I saw way back in 1970 something was clearly about 5 inches in caliper, thick as a young lemon tree's trunk, with tons of clearly unattended canes flying in all directions of assorted and larger and smaller diameters. Without exaggerating it was a veritable mount of roses. I must add that I did not detect anything but a very faint fragrance, and since ours once in a while has a waft that kills you but more often than not is just a pleasant, nothing to write home about fragrance, I would suspect by all physical aspects that we are talking about the same rose here". Cass Bernstein.
Darlow's Enigma est un rosier découvert aux Etats-Unis. S'il s'agit d'un semis dû au haserd ou d'un rosier semblable à d'autres est toujours discuté. Il y aurait des similarités avec Snowstorm (1907) ou Cascadia (d'avant 1922). L'amie des roses et grande collectioneuse Cassandra Bernstein de Californoe disait lors d'un forum en 2008: "The possibility that "Darlow's Enigma" is Captain Thomas's 'Cascadia' has been repeated to me by several sources, some of whom credit the attribution to Mike Darlow himself. An experienced and capable rosarian from Portland, Oregon, gave me this version: "Interestingly enough, several years ago, more like 30 to be exact, I was visiting a rose lover in Eugene who had a white mountain covering the entire fence. Identical to DE, he told me then the rose was there for years, his grandmother planted [it], and he thought it was called "Cascades" or "Cascading" because of the way it draped itself around things. I looked high and low for a rose by that name, and of course I could not find anywhere anything remotely close to what he was talking about.... I mentioned [this to a nurseryman] some years back this after I tried unsuccessfully to find the farm where I first saw that rose, and he said the original one that Mike Darlow took his cuttings from came from somewhere in the Willamette Valley, either from Salem or Eugene or the close vicinity. Now, roses in Oregon develop their own brand of "sturdiness" if you please. If the anecdotal references are even mildly correct, that rose lived in Oregon for some 100 [?70] years at least. The "trunk" of the one I saw way back in 1970something was clearly about 5 inches in caliper, thick as a young lemon tree's trunk, with tons of clearly unattended canes flying in all directions of assorted and larger and smaller diameters. Without exaggerating it was a veritable mount of roses. I must add that I did not detect anything but a very faint fragrance, and since ours once in a while has a waft that kills you but more often than not is just a pleasant, nothing to write home about fragrance, I would suspect by all physical aspects that we are talking about the same rose here". Cass Bernstein.
Blüten • Blooms • Fleurs
Kleine, ungefüllte (4 bis 8 Petalen) Blüten in großen Büscheln, spitze Knospen. Blüht überreich und immer wieder nach bis zum Frost.
Small, non double (4 - 8 petals), clustered flowers; pointed buds. Very rich, continuous blooming until frost.
Petites fleurs simples, de 4 - 8 pétales, se présentant en larges groupes. Boutons floraux pointus. Floraison continue jusqu'aux gelées.
Farbe • Color • Coloris
Weiß, die goldgelben Staubgefäße bilden einen hübschen Kontrast.
White with yellow-golden stamens yielding a nice contrast.
Blanc; les étamines d'un ton jaune-or donnent un très beau contraste.
Hagebutten • Hips • Fruits
Trägt gleichzeitig kleine, lang-ovaloide, rote Hagebutten und späte Blüten.
Small, long/ovaloid red hips are seen together with the late bloom.
De petits cynorrhodons, longs/ovaloïdes, rouges accompagnent les dernières fleurs.
Wuchs • Growth • Port
Wüchsige Strauchrose, die leicht 3 m Höhe erreichen kann. Äußerst gesund und frosthart, hervorragende Bienenweide.
Vigorous shrub that can easily reach 3 m. Very healhy and winterhardy, an excellent rose for bees .
Arbuste vigoureux qui atteint facilement 3 m de haut. Très résistant aux maladies et aux gelées, il représente un vrai cadeau pour les abeilles butineuses.
Blätter • Foliage • Feuillage
3- bis 7-fiedriges, mittelgrünes, sehr gesundes Laub mit schlanken spitz-lang-ovalen Blättern, grob und flach gezähnt.
Medium-green, pennated, very healthy foliage with 3 - 7 thin, long/pointed/oval, flately and roughly dented leaflets.
Feuillage penné, vert-moyen, très sain, avec 3 - 7 fines folioles longues/pointues/ovales à dentition plate et grossière.
Triebe und Bestachelung • Sprouts and spines • Branchage et aiguillons
Rote Triebe mit kräftigen, roten Stacheln mit breiter Basis, in Abständen von 3 - 5 cm.
Red sprouts with solid, red spines with large bases, distanced by 3 - 5 cm.
Tiges rouges, aux aiguillons solides rouges, à bases larges, espacés de 3 - 5 cm
Meine Rose • My rose • Mon rosier
Friedhof Erndtebrück
Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Duft mit der Tageszeit, der Temperatur und Luftfeuchte stark schwanken kann!
Eine Rose kann morgens Duftklasse 4 sein und nachmittags nur noch 1!
Please bear in mind, that the fragrance may intensely vary during the day, or by temperature or humidity.
In the morning it may be category 4, in the afternoon only 1!
Il faut savoir que le parfum d'une rose peut fortement varier selon le moment de la journée, la température et l'humidité de l'air.
Le parfum d'une rose peut appartenir, le matin, à la catégorie 4, et l'après-midi, à la catégorie 1!
Duftkategorien | Categories of fragrance | Catégories de parfums | |
0 | kein Duft | no fragrance | aucun parfum |
1 | schwacher Duft | very mild fragrance | parfum léger |
2 | mittlerer Duft | mild fragrance | parfum modéré |
3 | starker Duft | strong fragrance | parfum fort |
4 | verströmt starken Duft | diffuses a strong fragrance | parfum à large dispersion |
Meine Rose stammt von o-planten und wächst wurzelecht im Rosengarten Alter Friedhof Erndtebrück, der Standort ist sonnig, mein Boden ist lehmig, steinig.
My rose from o-planten grows on own roots in the Rosengarten Alter Friedhof Erndtebrück in a sunny spot an a stony/heavy soil.
Mon rosier d'o-planten pousse sur racines propres dans le Rosengarten Alter Friedhof Erndtebrück dans un emplacement ensoleillé et un sol caillouteux/lourd/argileux.
Der Duft ist stark.
Strong fragrance.
Parfum fort.
Meine Rose duftet (Beschreibung mit Deinen Worten).
- Darlow's Enigma
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Antjes Gallicas
Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Duft mit der Tageszeit, der Temperatur und Luftfeuchte stark schwanken kann!
Eine Rose kann morgens Duftklasse 4 sein und nachmittags nur noch 1!
Please bear in mind, that the fragrance may intensely vary during the day, or by temperature or humidity.
In the morning it may be category 4, in the afternoon only 1!
Il faut savoir que le parfum d'une rose peut fortement varier selon le moment de la journée, la température et l'humidité de l'air.
Le parfum d'une rose peut appartenir, le matin, à la catégorie 4, et l'après-midi, à la catégorie 1!
Duftkategorien | Categories of fragrance | Catégories de parfums | |
0 | kein Duft | no fragrance | aucun parfum |
1 | schwacher Duft | very mild fragrance | parfum léger |
2 | mittlerer Duft | mild fragrance | parfum modéré |
3 | starker Duft | strong fragrance | parfum fort |
4 | verströmt starken Duft | diffuses a strong fragrance | parfum à large dispersion |
Meine Rose stammt von o-planten und wächst wurzelecht in Erndtebrück bei Antjes Gallicas, der Standort ist sonnig bis halbschattig, mein Boden ist steinig und lehmig.
My rose from o-planten grows on own roots in Erndtebrück at Antjes Gallicas in a sunny to semi-shaded spot and a stony/heavy soil.
Mon rosier d'o-planten pousse sur racines propres à Erndtebrück chez Antjes Gallicas dans un emplacement ensoleillé à semi-ombragé et un sol caillouteux/lourd/argileux.
Der Duft ist folgt.
Meine Rose duftet folgt.
- Darlow's Enigma
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Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Duft mit der Tageszeit, der Temperatur und Luftfeuchte stark schwanken kann!
Eine Rose kann morgens Duftklasse 4 sein und nachmittags nur noch 1!
Please bear in mind, that the fragrance may intensely vary during the day, or by temperature or humidity.
In the morning it may be category 4, in the afternoon only 1!
Il faut savoir que le parfum d'une rose peut fortement varier selon le moment de la journée, la température et l'humidité de l'air.
Le parfum d'une rose peut appartenir, le matin, à la catégorie 4, et l'après-midi, à la catégorie 1!
Duftkategorien | Categories of fragrance | Catégories de parfums | |
0 | kein Duft | no fragrance | aucun parfum |
1 | schwacher Duft | very mild fragrance | parfum léger |
2 | mittlerer Duft | mild fragrance | parfum modéré |
3 | starker Duft | strong fragrance | parfum fort |
4 | verströmt starken Duft | diffuses a strong fragrance | parfum à large dispersion |
Meine Rose wächst wurzelecht in Alsfeld-Hattendorf, Berfhof 4, bei "Die Gartenzwerge", der Standort ist sonnig, mein Boden ist steinig und lehmig.
My rose grows on own roots in Alsfeld-Hattendorf, Berfhof 4, at "Die Gartenzwerge" in a sunny spot and a stony/heavy soil
Mon rosier pousse sur racines propres à Alsfeld-Hattendorf, Berfhof 4, chez "Die Gartenzwerge" dans un emplacement ensoleillé et un sol caillouteux/lourd/argileux.;
Der Duft ist folgt.
Meine Rose duftet folgt.
- Darlow's Enigma
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Neu Heinde
Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Duft mit der Tageszeit, der Temperatur und Luftfeuchte stark schwanken kann!
Eine Rose kann morgens Duftklasse 4 sein und nachmittags nur noch 1!
Please bear in mind, that the fragrance may intensely vary during the day, or by temperature or humidity.
In the morning it may be category 4, in the afternoon only 1!
Il faut savoir que le parfum d'une rose peut fortement varier selon le moment de la journée, la température et l'humidité de l'air.
Le parfum d'une rose peut appartenir, le matin, à la catégorie 4, et l'après-midi, à la catégorie 1!
Duftkategorien | Categories of fragrance | Catégories de parfums | |
0 | kein Duft | no fragrance | aucun parfum |
1 | schwacher Duft | very mild fragrance | parfum léger |
2 | mittlerer Duft | mild fragrance | parfum modéré |
3 | starker Duft | strong fragrance | parfum fort |
4 | verströmt starken Duft | diffuses a strong fragrance | parfum à large dispersion |
Meine Rose stammt von .... und wächst veredelt?wurzelecht? in Neu Heinde im Rosengarten am See, der Standort ist sonnig und der Boden sandiger Lehm.
The rose from .... grows on own roots?/grafted? in Neu Heinde in the Rosengarten am See in a sunny spot and a sandy/heavy soil.
Le rosier de ..... pousse sur racines propres?/greffé? à Neu Heinde dans le Rosengarten am See dans un emplacement ensoleillé et un sol sablonneux/lourd/argileux.
Der Duft ist XYZ (Text Duftkategorie).
The fragrance is ... (text category of fragrance).
Le parfum est XYZ (texte catégories de parfums).
Meine Rose duftet (Beschreibung mit Deinen Worten).
My rose has a fragrance ... (like, remids me of.. describe your impression).
Mon rosier a un parfum de ... / sent le/la ...(Décris le parfum).
- Darlow Enigma
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