Prairie Princess

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Prairie Princess, Foto Heirloom Roses
Prairie Princess

Moderne, vor 1967 - Züchter/ breeder/ obtenteur Dr. Griffith J. Buck, USA
Eltern/ parentage/ parents: 'Carrousel' x ('Morning Stars' x 'Suzanne'
Synonyme/ synonyms/ synonymes: ---

Allgemeines • Preface • Remarques

Die Rose soll vermutlich an das Buch "Prairie Princess" von der Kinderbuchautorin Margaret Epp erinnern.

Blüten • Blooms • Fleurs

Große, locker gefüllte, schalen förmige Blüten. Sie erscheinen in kleinen Gruppen, Spitze, schlanke, rote Knospen mit schmalblättrig überstehenden Kelchblättern. Gelegentliche Nachblüte.

Farbe • Color • Coloris

Helles Rosa, lachsfarben überhaucht.

Hagebutten • Hips • Fruits

Wuchs • Growth • Port

Großer Strauch, 1,5 - 2,5 m, kann als Kletterrose gezogen werden.

Blätter • Foliage • Feuillage

3- bis 5-fiedriges, mittelgrünes, leicht glänzendes Laub mit spitz-lang-ovalen Blättern.

Triebe und Bestachelung • Sprouts and spines • Branchage et aiguillons

Schlanke, grüne Triebe, wenig Stacheln.

Meine Rose • My rose • Mon rosier

mein Ort xyz, place, localité

Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Duft mit der Tageszeit, der Temperatur und Luftfeuchte stark schwanken kann!
Eine Rose kann morgens Duftklasse 4 sein und nachmittags nur noch 1!
Please bear in mind, that the fragrance may intensely vary during the day, or by temperature or humidity.
In the morning it may be category 4, in the afternoon only 1!

Il faut savoir que le parfum d'une rose peut fortement varier selon le moment de la journée, la température et l'humidité de l'air.
Le parfum d'une rose peut appartenir, le matin, à la catégorie 4, et l'après-midi, à la catégorie 1!

Duftkategorien Categories of fragrance Catégories de parfums
 0 kein Duft no fragrance aucun parfum
 1 schwacher Duft very mild fragrance parfum léger
 2 mittlerer Duft mild fragrance parfum modéré
 3 starker Duft strong fragrance parfum fort
 4 verströmt starken Duft diffuses a strong fragrance parfum à large dispersion

Meine Rose stammt von XYZ und wächst (veredelt/wurzelecht).
My rose is from xyz and grows on it's (own roots, is grafted).
Mon rosier vient de/de chez XYZ et pousse (sur un porte-greffe/sur ses propres racines).

Sie wächst in (Ort: XYZ), der Standort ist (sonnig/schattig), mein Boden ist (sandig, schwer, lehmig o.ä.).
It grows in (Name of your city), the place is (sunny, shady), my soil is (sandy, heavy, clay...).
Il pousse à (localité: XYZ), l'emplacement est (ensoleillé/ombragé), mon sol est (sablonneux, lourd, argileux, etc...).

Der Duft ist XYZ (Text Duftkategorie).
The fragrance is ... (text category of fragrance).
Le parfum est XYZ (texte catégories de parfums).

Meine Rose duftet (Beschreibung mit Deinen Worten).
My rose has a fragrance ... (like, remids me of.. describe your impression).
Mon rosier a un parfum de ... / sent le/la ...(Décris le parfum).

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Einzelnachweis • Footnotes • Notes

Weblinks • External links • Liens externes

Literatur • Literature • Littérature

  • American Rose Annual, 1972, Seite 108: 'Prairie Princess'. Although this is not one of the roses named this year, it is being released with the ones described in this paper. It has been a thoroughly satisfactory rose here, even though there is a tendency to outgrow the space allotted to it. Mrs. Dorothy Stemler and Dr. Waiter Lammerts provide the best description of it: "Walter Lammerts has a rose you sent him as a plant in 1967 that he is very enthusiastic about. I went to his garden yesterday and saw it. I agree with him. It has become a large Shrub, but blooms like a Floribunda. The plant is about 4 1/2 feet in diameter and around 5 feet tall. It blooms in clusters and the buds are well shaped. WaIter has found it very disease resistant at a time other roses in his garden are blackspotting badly. The color is a clear, bright pink. My daughter says the color is about like that of 'Bewitched'." - Mrs. Stemler. "It is now about 6 1/2 feet high and never gets more than about 7 - 8 feet. It's amazing it should grow so tall in a climate with such a short season as Iowa. On relooking I do find a few leaves with blackspot, but very few, and they soon drop off leaving it completely clean: These few are at the base of the plant. It is mildew proof also here." - Dr. Lammerts. It can be kept within bounds by pruning to 18 inches each spring. Such drastic treatment will resuIt in a mounded plant 4 feet high and spreading about 5 feet.