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Historische Rosenkataloge • Historical Rose Catalogues • Anciens Catalogues de rosiers

  • Hier findest Du eine umfangreiche Sammlung historischer bis zeitgenössischer Rosenkataloge. Jeder Katalog erscheint zwei- bis dreimal. Unter 1.1 sind die Kataloge nach Erscheinungsjahren, unter 1.2 nach Ländern und Namen der Rosengärtnereien, bzw. ihren Eigentümern/Managern geordnet, sodass Du sie sicher finden kannst. Alle Kataloge wurden bei Internet Archive, Biodiversity Heritage Library oder Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF Gallica) eingestellt, soweit dort nicht bereits vorhanden und können online gelesen werden oder als PDF, Kindle etc. auf den eigenen PC geladen werden. Damit ist sichergestellt, dass die Links nicht eines Tages ins Leere laufen können.
  • Here you will find a comprehensive collection of historical to contemporary rose catalogs. Each catalog appears two to three times. Under 1.1 the catalogs are sorted by year of appearance, under 1.2 by the name of the nursery and the owner's/manager's name, so that you will find it in any case. All catalogs have been filed to Internet Archive, Biodiversity Heritage Library or Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF Gallica), if not already there, and may be read online or downloaded as PDF, Kindle etc. on your own PC. This ensures that the links will not run out of date.

  • Tu trouveras ici une importante collection de catalogues allant des plus anciens aux plus nouveaux. Chaque catalogue est répertorié deux ou trois fois. Sous la rubrique 1.1, les catalogues sont classés d'après l'année de leur parution, sous 1.2, ils le sont d'après leur pays de parution et le nom des pépinières ou des propriétaires ou gérants de celles-ci de manière à ce que tu n'aies aucune difficulté à les trouver. Tous les catalogues ont été stockés sur Internet Archive, Biodiversity Heritage Library ou Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF Gallica) - au cas où ils ne s'y trouvaient pas déjà - où l'on pourra les consulter en ligne ou les télécharger sur son propre ordinateur. Ceci pour le cas où les liens ne seraient plus valides.

* Zahl der Kataloge • Number of Catalogues • Nombre des Catalogues = 3.218


Downloads nach Ländern u. Titeln • Downloads by by country and title • Téléchargement par pays et par titre

  • Hier findest Du die Rosenkataloge aus verschiedenen Ländern jeweils alphabetisch geordnet.
  • Here you will find all catalogs by country and name of the nursery or its owner/manager.

  • Tu trouveras ici les catalogues de roses de différents pays, classés par ordre alphabétique.

Australien • Australia • Australie

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Belgien • Belgium • Belgique

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  • van Cassel, Gent, Catalogue d'une très-riche collection de rosiers des plus belles et des plus rares espèces et variétés, au jardin de Mr. van Cassel, 1813 Online-lesen und Download-Link




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  • Joseph Parmentier, Bruxelles, Catalogue des Arbres et Plantes, cultivé dans les Jardins de Mr. Joseph Parmentier, 1818, Rosen ab Seite 72 Online-lesen oder Download-Link
  • Louis Parmentier, Enghien, Catalogue de la riche Collection de Rosiers, formée par feu M. Louis Parmentier, 1847 Online-lesen oder Download-Link


  • Max Singer, Kain, Lez-Tournai, Belgique, Grande culture spéciale de rosiers - Catalogue général et prix-courant, 1886 Online-lesen und Download-Link


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Dänemark • Denmark • Danemark

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Deutschland • Germany • Allemagne

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  • J. H. Ohlendorf, Hamburg, Verzeichniss der im Freien ausdauernden Bäume, Gesträuche und Staudengewächse, sowie der Hauspflanzen, welche im Hamburgischen botanischen Garten abgegeben werden können, 1834 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. H. Ohlendorf, Hamburg, Verzeichniss der im Freien ausdauernden Bäume, Gesträuche und Staudengewächse, sowie der Hauspflanzen, welche im Hamburgischen botanischen Garten abgegeben werden können, 1835 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Georg Caspar Wimmer, Schlitz, Rosenkatalog in "Fortsetzung des Allgemeinen teutschen Garten-Magazins : oder gemeinnützige Beiträge für alle Theile des praktischen Gartenwesens", Band 4, 1815, Band 4: I - IV, 1819 u. Band 4 V, 1820, Band 5, 1820 - Darin: Verzeichnis von Treib- und Glashaus-Pflanzen, wie auch Bäumen, Sträuchern und Rosen, ..., bei dem Hofgärtner Georg Caspar Wimmer in Schlitz bei Fulda Seite 265 (LI) - 279 (LXIV) Online-lesen und Download-Link

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Frankreich • France • France

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  • Aglae Adanson, Baleine, près Moulins, département de l'Allier, Catalogue des arbres, arbrisseaux, arbustes et plantes vivaces, cultivés en pleine terre, 1825 Online-lesen und Download-link
  • Andrieux et Vilmorin, Paris, Catalogue des plantes, arbres, arbrisseaux et arbustes dont on trouve des graines, des bulbes et du plant chez les sieurs Andrieux et Vilmorin, 1783 - Rosen ab Seite 142 Online-lesen und Download-link
  • Charles-Thomas Alfroy, Lieursaint, Catalogue des arbres et abrisseaux, arbustes et plantes, élevés par Charles-Thomas Alfroy, Marchand Pépiniériste `Lieursaint, avec leurs noms par ordre alphabétique, Charles-Thomas Alfroy, 1907 Rosen Seite 9 u. 10 - Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pierre (Sieur) Andrieux, Marchand Grainier, Fleuriste et Botanist du Roi, Coq de la Bonne-Foi près de l'Arche-Marion, Catalogue raisonné des plantes, arbres & arbustes dont on trouve des graines, des bulbes & du plant, 1771 Online-lesen und Download-link
  • Frères Audibert, Tonelle, près Tarascon (Bouches-du-Rhône), Catalogue des arbres, arbrisseaux, arbustes, et plantes, cultivés dans les pépinières et serres des Frères Audibert, 1817 Online-lesen und Download-link
  • Frères Audibert, Tonelle, près Tarascon (Bouches-du-Rhône), Catalogue des arbres, arbrisseaux, arbustes, et plantes, cultivés dans les pépinières et serres des Frères Audibert, 1838 Online-lesen und Download-link
  • Avoux et Crozy, Successeurs de Guillot père. Culture générale. Établissement horticole de Avoux et Crozy, Successeurs de Guillot père: Prix courant pour 1847 et 1848 - Rosen ab Seite 73 Download-Link u. Online lesen


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  • E. Forgeot & Cie, 6 & 8, Quai de la Mégisserie, Paris, Prix courant général 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Jardin de Fromont, près Paris, Extrait du catalogue général des plantes cultivées et multipliées dans le Jardin de Fromont. Prix courans pour l'année 1829 à 1830 Online-lesen und Download-Link



  • Joseph Hans, Mulhouse, former chief gardener and continuator of August Napoléon Baumann's establishment at Mulhouse, France, Current price for plants in warm greenhouse, temperate greenhouse and open field, 1848 Online-lesen und Download-Link


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  • Lefevre Père et Fils, Pépinière de Mortefontaine, Mortefontaine, par La Chapelle en Serval (Oise), Catalogue des arbres, arbrisseaux, arbustes et plants, cultivés 1837-1838 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lefevre Père et Fils, Pépinière de Mortefontaine, Mortefontaine, par La Chapelle en Serval (Oise), Catalogue des arbres, arbrisseaux, arbustes et plants, cultivés 1841-1842 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lefevre Père et Fils, Pépinière de Mortefontaine, Mortefontaine, par La Chapelle en Serval (Oise), Catalogue des arbres, arbrisseaux, arbustes et plants, cultivés 1843-1844 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lefevre Père et Fils, Pépinière de Mortefontaine, Mortefontaine, par La Chapelle en Serval (Oise), Catalogue des arbres, arbrisseaux, arbustes et plants, cultivés 1844-1845 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Levavasseur & Fils, Grandes Pépinières à Ussy, Calvados, 1935 - 1936 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lévêque, dit René, Horticulteur Commerçant, Paris, Catalogue des Rosiers 1843 - 1844 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Pierre Tourrès propriétaire, à Machetaux, près Tonneins, département de Lot-et-Garonne, Catalogue des arbres fruitiers, vignes, arbres, arbustes, arbrisseaux, et plantes vivaces cultivés dans les pépinières et serres, 1839 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Transon-Gombault et D. Dauvesse, Établissement Horticole, Orléans, Catalogue et prix courant des Végétaux 1845 Download-Link u. Online lesen

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  • Vilmorin-Andrieux, Paris, France, Rosiers, plantes vivaces, arbres et arbustes Catalogue 1964 Online-lesen und Download-link
  • Jean-Pierre Vibert, Chennevières-sur-Marne, Observations sur la Nomenclature et le Classement des Roses suivies du Cataloque de celles Cultivée par Vibert, 1820 Online-lesen u. Download
  • Jean-Pierre Vibert, Chennevières-sur-Marne, Observations sur la Nomenclature et le Classement des Roses suivies du Cataloque de celles Cultivée par Vibert, 1822 Online-lesen u. Download
  • Jean-Pierre Vibert, Chennevières-sur-Marne, Observations sur la Nomenclature et le Classement des Roses suivies du Catalogue de celles cultivées par Vibert, 1824 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Jean-Pierre Vibert, Chennevières-sur-Marne, Observations sur la Nomenclature et le Classement des Roses suivies du Catalogue de celles cultivées par Vibert, 1826 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Jean-Pierre Vibert, Saint-Denis, Seine, Observations sur la Nomenclature et le Classement des Roses suivies du Cataloque de celles Cultivée par Vibert, 1830 Online-lesen u. Download
  • Jean-Pierre Vibert, Saint-Denis, Seine, Observations sur la Nomenclature et le Classement des Roses suivies du Cataloque de celles Cultivée par Vibert, 1831 Online-lesen u. Download
  • Jean-Pierre Vibert, Route de Paris, Angers, Extrait du Catalogue des Rosiers cultivés chez J.-P. Vibert, 1841 Online-lesen u. Download
  • Jean-Pierre Vibert, Route de Paris, Angers, Extrait du Catalogue des Rosiers et Vignes de Table, 1845 Online-lesen u. Download

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Italien • Italy • L'Italie

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  • Gaetano Bonfiglioli e Figlio, Bologna, Stabilimento d'Oticoltora Gaetano Bonfiglioli e Figlio, Autumn 1909, Spring 1910 Online-lesen u. Download
  • Burnier et David à Turin, Catalogue de l'Etablissement agraire-botanique de Burnier et David, 1838 Online-lesen u. Download



Kanada • Canada • Canada

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  • Gallagher & Gauthier, Catalogue illustré et descriptif des vignes, baies et roses cultivées et en vente aux Vignobles Beaconsfield (près la Pointe-Claire, P. Q.), 1880 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Gray, at the Grange Conservatories, Toronto, Catalogue of green house plants, carnations, picotees, double dahlias, &c. cultivated and for sale, 1846 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • George Leslie, Toronto Nursery, Toronto, Periodical descriptive catalogue of fruit trees, ornamental trees and shrubs, roses, dahlias, grape vines, minor fruits, &c.: cultivated and for sale at King Street East, 1853/1854 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • George Leslie, Toronto Nurseries, Toronto, Descriptive catalogue of fruit trees, ornamental trees and shrubs, roses, dahlias, grape vines, minor fruits, & c.: cultivated and for sale at King Street East, 1865 Online-lesen und Download-Link


  • Gallagher & Gauthier, Catalogue illustré et descriptif des vignes, baies et roses cultivées et en vente aux Vignobles Beaconsfield (près la Pointe-Claire, P. Q.), 1880 Online-lesen und Download-Link

Luxemburg • Luxembourg • Luxembourg

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Niederlande • the Netherlands • Pays-Bas

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  • Willem van Hazen, Catalogue des Arbres et Plantes Etrangères, et aussi des Oignons à fleurs, qui se trouvent chez Willem van Hazen à Leyden, ca. 1755 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. van Hazen, H. Valkenburgh, et Comp., Fleuristes sur le Marendyk à Leyden en Hollande, Catalogue Hollandoise tant des Arbres et Plantes Etrangères, que des Racines et Oignons à Fleurs, Qu'on vend au plus bas prix, 2ème Edition, ca. 1760 Online-lesen und Download-Link


  • Jean Kreps, Fils & Comp, Fleuristes à Harlem, Catalogue Des Plus Belles Plantes D'Oreilles D'Ours Angloise & Liegeoise etc. Comme aussi des Arbes, Arbrisseaux & Plantes à Fleurs. Que l'on trouve à Vendre chez Jean Kreps, Fils & Comp., 1790 Online-lesen und Download-Link





Österreich-Ungarn • Austria-Hungary • Autriche-Hongrie

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Schweiz • Switzerland • Suisse

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Spanien • Spain • Espagne

Tschechoslowakei • Czechoslovakia • Tchécoslovaquie


UK / England • UK • Royaume Uni

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  • John Mackie & Sons, Norwich, A catalogue of forest trees, fruit trees, evergreen and flowering shrubs, Sold, Wholesale and Retail, 1790 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. A. Mackie & J. Mackie, Norwich, A catalogue of Fruit and Forest Trees, Evergreen & Flowering Shrubs, Greenhouse and Herbaceous Plants, Agricultural, Kitchen-Garden and Flower Seeds etc., Sold, Wholesale and Retail, 1812 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • S. Mackie, Norwich, A catalogue of Fruit and Forest Trees, Evergreen & Flowering Shrubs, Greenhouse and Herbaceous Plants, Agricultural, Kitchen-Garden and Flower Seeds etc., Sold, Wholesale and Retail, 1825 Online-lesen und Download-Link




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USA • USA • Etats-Unis

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  • B.L. Adams, Bonham Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruits, ornamental trees, flowering shrubs, vines, roses and small fruits, 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • N.H. Albaugh & Co, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, etc. : cultivated and for sale, 1883 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Albertson & Hobbs, nurserymen, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses etc., 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Alexander Co. Nurseries, McClure, Illinois, catalog, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Allen Nursery Co, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Allen Nursery Co, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Allen Nursery Co., General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Alliance Nurseries, J.P. Barger, Alliance, Nebraska, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Alliance Nurseries, J.P. Barger, Alliance, Nebraska, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Alliance Nurseries, J.P. Barger, Alliance, Nebraska, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Alliance Nurseries, J.P. Barger, Alliance, Nebraska, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • American Forestry Co, Little Tree Farms, Year book. Section II, No. 37, a complete catalog of evergreen shrubs, trees, vines, annuals, perennials, roses, peonies, iris, phlox, gladioli, dahlias & accessories, 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Amber Lake Nurseries, P.C. Christensen, Descriptive catalogue : fruit trees, small fruit plants, roses, ornamental trees, shrubs, bulbs, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H. S. Anderson, Cayuga Lake Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1892 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Armstrong Nurseries (Ontario, Calif.) : a descriptive catalogue of fruit ad ornamental trees, plams, roses, vines plants and shrubs, 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Armstrong Nurseries (Ontario, Calif.) : a descriptive catalogue of fruit ad ornamental trees, plams, roses, vines plants and shrubs, 1905 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Armstrong Nurseries (Ontario, Calif.) : a descriptive catalogue of fruit ad ornamental trees, plams, roses, vines plants and shrubs, 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Armstrong Nurseries (Ontario, Calif.) : a descriptive catalogue of fruit ad ornamental trees, plams, roses, vines plants and shrubs, 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Armstrong Nurseries (Ontario, Calif.) : a descriptive catalogue of fruit ad ornamental trees, plams, roses, vines plants and shrubs, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Asbury Park Home Nurseries, William O'Hagan, Asbury Park, New York, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Ashdouwn Roses, Campobello, SC, USA, The best in antique,climbing and Landscape Roses, Catalogue 2004 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Astoria Greenhouses, Will A. Gain, Astoria, Illinois, Fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, climbing vines and perennials, catalog, 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Atlanta Nurseries, W. D. Beatie, Descriptive and illustrated catalogue of fruit trees, ornamental plants and roses, 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Atlanta Nurseries, W.D. Beatie, Descriptive and illustrated catalogue of fruit trees, ornamental plants and roses, 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Atlanta Nurseries, W.D. Beatie, Descriptive and illustrated catalogue of fruit trees, ornamental plants and roses, 1896 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.W. Atwater & Son, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, hardy roses and hardy perennials, 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C. W. Atwater & Son, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, hardy roses and hardy perennials, 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.W. Atwater & Son, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, hardy roses and hardy perennials, 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.W. Atwater & Son, Catalogue : fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, roses, vines and hardy herbaceous perennials, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C. W. Atwater & Son, Catalogue [of] fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, roses vines, and hardy herbaceous perennials, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.W. Atwater & Son., Catalogue : fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, roses vines, and hardy herbaceous perennials, 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.W. Atwater & Son., Catalogue : fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, roses, vines and hardy herbaceous perennials, 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.W. Atwater & Son, Catalogue of fruit trees, small fruits, ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, and hardy herbaceous perennials, 1929 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Avenue Nurseries, W.B. Cole, Painesville, Ohio, Descriptive catalog : fruit trees, small fruit plants, shade and ornamental trees, roses, bulbs, lilies, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Avenue Nurseries, W.B. Cole, Painesville, Ohio, Descriptive catalog : fruit trees, small fruit plants, shade and ornamental trees, roses, bulbs, lilies, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Avondale Garden & Nurseries, (Cincinnati, Ohio) Anthony Pfeiffer & Blackburn's wholesale catalogue & price list of fruit & ornamental trees, shrubs roses, border plants, and nursery seedling stocks, for autumn of 1861 and spring of 1862 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • H.L. Baake & Son, Sawtelle, CA, Catalog and garden guide for winter and spring : ornamental trees, shrubs and vines, palms, roses, ferns, flowering plants, citrus and deciduous fruit trees, barry plants, 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H.L. Baake & Son, Sawtelle, CA, Catalog and garden guide for winter and spring : ornamental trees, shrubs and vines, palms, roses, ferns, flowering plants, citrus and deciduous fruit trees, barry plants, 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Babcock & Zerfass, Pleasant View Gardens, Gladiolus, roses, iris, dahlias, peonies, cannas, shrubs, vines, perennials, hedge plants, fruit and ornamental trees, bulbs, etc. : catalog, 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Babylon Nursery, P.H. Foster, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, rare evergreens, shrubs, roses and clematus and a general assortment of greenhouse, bedding and garden plants cultivated and for sale at the babylon Nursery, 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H. J. Baker Nurseries, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Baker Nursery & Seed Co., Fond du Lac, Wisc., New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Baker Nursery & Seed Co., Fond du Lac, Wisc., New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Baker Nursery & Seed Co., Fond du Lac, Wisc., New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.P. Barger, Alliance Nurseries, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.P. Barger, Alliance Nurseries, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.P. Barger, Alliance Nurseries, Alliance, Nebraska, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Barnes Bros. Nursery Co, Descriptive and illustrated catalogue : fruit and ornamental trees, grapevines, shrubs, roses, small fruits, evergreens, etc., 1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Barnes Brothers Nursery Co. (the original Barnes Nursery), Yalesville, Conn. : catalog, 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Batavia Nurseries, Nelson Bogue, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Batavia Nurseries, Nelson Bogue, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Batavia Nurseries, Nelson Bogue, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, grape vines, and small fruits, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Batavia Nurseries, Nelson Bogue, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bay City Nurseries, Bay City, Michigan, "Beautiful homes" : hardy Michgan grown plants and trees, catalog, 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bay State Nurseries, Windsor H. Wyman, North Abington, Mass., A general assortment of trees, shrubs, vines, roses and herbaceous perennials, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Benedict Nursery Company, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Benedict Nursery Company, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, &c., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Benedict Nursery Co., General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Benedict Nursery Co., Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, &c., 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Benedict Nursery Co., General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Benedict Nursery Co., General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Benedict Nursery Co., General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. S. Bennett, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. S. Bennett, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bennett & Davidson, Spring catalogue of new plants, pelargoniums, roses, verbenas, fuchsias, dahlias, and other choice plants, adapted for garden decoaration, 1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Martin Benson's guide to fig culture in the open ground at the north, with instructions for open ground culture at the north of Japanese persimmons and pomegranates : and catalogue of rare tropical fruits and plants, bananas, water lilies, etc., and also greenhouse and bedding plants, roses, fruit trees, etc., 1886 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Benton County Nursery Co, Our latest catalog of fruits, berries, roses, shrubs, ornamental trees, evergreens, perennial flowers, 1939Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Benton County Nursery Co, Our latest catalog of fruits, berries, roses, shrubs, ornamental trees, evergreens, perennial flowers, 1940Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • E.P. Bernardin, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, &c., 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Bidwell, Rancho Chico Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit, shade, and ornamental trees, roses, shrubs, plants, etc., 1889 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Bidwell, General descriptive catalogue of the Rancho Chico Nursery : fruit, shade, and ornamental trees, roses, shrubs, greenhouse plants, etc., 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Bidwell, Rancho Chico Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit, shade, and ornamental trees : roses, shrubs, plants, etc., 1893/1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Blair & Kaufman, Kansas City Nurseries, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bloodgood Nurseries, Keene & Foulk, Descriptive catalogue of Bloodgood Nurseries : fruit, shade and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, vines, etc., 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bloodgood Nurseries, Keene & Foulk, Descriptive catalogue of deciduous and evergreen trees, roses, shrubs and vines, perennials, fruit trees and fruit plants, 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bloomingdale Nurseries, James Draper, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, vines, plants, etc., 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bloomingdale Nurseries, James Draper, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, vines, plants, etc., 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bloomington Nursery (Bloomington, Ill.),Phoenix, F. K., General descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbs, greenhouse and garden plants : cultivated and for sale at the Bloomington Nursery, with brief directions for their cultivation, 1859 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bloomington Phoenix Nursery, Phoenix Nursery Company, Spring of 1899 wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses, bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bloomington Nursery, General descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbs, greenhouse and garden plants : cultivated and for sale, with brief directions for their cultivation, 1881 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bloomington Nursery, Bouquets, wreaths and floral decorations to order: plant catalogue including plant novelties, roses, bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc, 1880 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bloomington Phoenix Nursery, Phoenix Nursery Company, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bloomington Phoenix Nursery, Phoenix Nursery Company, Catalogue of roses, greenhouse, bedding and herbaceous plants and spring flowering bulbs, etc., 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bloomington Phoenix Nursery, Phoenix Nursery Company, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc. of the Phoenix Nursery Company, 1896 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bloomington Nursery, Franklin Kelsey Phoenix, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1886 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bloomington Nursery (Bloomington, Ill.), Phoenix Nursery Company, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc. of the Phoenix Nursery Company : fall 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bloomington Phoenix Nursery, Phoenix Nursery Company, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc. of the Phoenix Nursery Company, 1896 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bloomington Phoenix Nursery, Phoenix Nursery Company, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bloomington Phoenix Nursery, Phoenix Nursery Company, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bloomington Phoenix Nursery, Phoenix Nursery Company, Fall of 1899 wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses, bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bloomington nursery, Franklin Kelsey Phoenix, Bloomington, Illinois, Spring of 1900 : wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses, bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bloomington nursery, Franklin Kelsey Phoenix, Bloomington, Illinois, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1885 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • A. G. Blount's Nurseries, Hastings, New York, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • A. Bolen, Page Valley Nurseries, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1926 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • A. Bolen, Page Valley Nurseries, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W.P. Bolton & Sons, Liberty Square Nursery, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bonham Nurseries, B.L. Adams, Descriptive catalogue of fruits, ornamental trees, flowering shrubs, vines, roses and small fruits, 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • L.G. Bragg & Co, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Boonville Nurseries, Peyton & Barnes, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles L. Botto, Memphis Plant Co., Memphis, Tenn., Catalog of dahlias, glads, roses, bedding plants and vegetable plants, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bountiful Ridge Nurseries, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, roses, etc. : fall 1924-spring 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bountiful Ridge Nurseries, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, roses, etc, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bridgeville Nurseries, Myer & Son, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, &c., 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Company, Continental Nurseries, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1892 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Company, Continental Nurseries, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Company, Continental Nurseries, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbs and bulbous plants, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Company, Continental Nurseries, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbs and bulbous plants, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Continental Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Continental Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Continental Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Continental Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Continental Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Continental Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Company, Continental Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Company, Continental Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Company, Continental Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Company, Continental Nurseries, Rochester, N.Y., Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Company, Continental Nurseries, Rochester, N.Y., Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Company, Continental Nurseries, Rochester, N.Y., Descriptive catalog : fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubs, perennials plants, roses, etc., 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Company, Continental Nurseries, Rochester, N.Y., Descriptive catalog : fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubs, perennials plants, roses, etc., 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Continental Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue : dependable fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubs, perennial plants, roses, etc., 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Company, Continental Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue : dependable fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubs, perennial plants, roses, etc., 1926 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Company, Continental Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue : dependable fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubs, perennial plants, roses, etc., 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. Dexter Brownell, Jr., Brightridge Greenhouses, Rhode Island, Catalogue 1939 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. Dexter Brownell, Jr., Brightridge Greenhouses, Rhode Island, Catalogue 1941 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Robert Buist Company, Eighth edition of R. Buist's catalogue of green-house plants, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, herbacious plants, &c, 1844 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Buntings' Nurseries, G.E. Bunting & Sons., Selbyville, Delaware, Buntings' catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc. : strawberry plants, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Buntings' Nurseries, G.E. Bunting & Sons., Selbyville, Delaware, Buntings' catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc. : strawberry plants, Second issue, 1921.1 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Buntings' Nurseries, G.E. Bunting & Sons., Selbyville, Delaware, Buntings' catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc. : strawberry plants, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Buntings' Nurseries, G.E. Bunting & Sons., Selbyville, Delaware, Buntings' catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc. : strawberry plants, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Buntings' Nurseries, G.E. Bunting & Sons., Selbyville, Delaware, Buntings' catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc. : strawberry plants, 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.R. Burr & Co, Burr Nurseries, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.R. Burr & Co., Burr Nurseries, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Burr Nurseries, General catalogue of ornamental trees and fruits, shrubs, vines, roses, plants, spray calendars & formulas, 1926 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Byers Bros., French Nursery, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • California Seed Company, San Francisco, CA, Special catalog of roses, shrubs, trees, berry vines and perennial plants, 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • California Seed Company, San Francisco, CA, Special catalog no. 2 of roses, shrubs, trees, berry vines and perennial plants, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • George W. Campbell, Catalogue of grapes, strawberries, and other small fruits, roses and bulbs, 1869 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Capital City Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, shrubs, roses, plants, etc. : grown and for sale, 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Capital City Nurseries, C. L. Watrous, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, shrubs, roses, plants, etc., 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Capital City Nursery Co, General descriptive catalogue of fruit trees, small fruits, ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, bulbs, etc., 1905 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Capital City Nursery Company, Oregon Nursery Company, General descriptive catalogue of fruit trees, small fruit : ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, bulbs, etc., 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Capital City Nursery Co., General descriptive catalogue of fruit trees, small fruits, ornamental trees, shrubs and vines, roses, bulbs, etc., 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C. W. Carman, Lawrence Nurseries, Lawrence, Kansas, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Carman Nursery Company, Lawrence, Kansas, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Carman Nursery Company, Lawrence Nurseries, Lawrence, Kansas, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Carol Plantation, owners: Jonathan Bourne, Jr., Carol B. Sperr, Theodore, Alabama, Fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs and roses, catalog, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • G. J. Carpenter Co, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees grape vines, small fruits, shrubs and plants, roses, etc. of the Jefferson Country Nursery, 1891 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • A. Scott Carter, Sheridan Nurseries, (Alexander Scott), b. 1881, A garden manual and catalogue of perennials, shrubs, trees, evergreens, climbers, roses : grown by Sheridan Nurseries at their nursery farms near Clarksons, Ont., 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Cascade Nursery Company, E. Y. Teas & Co, catalogue of new and rare plants, roses, greenhouse & bedding plants and fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs : spring of 1874 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Cash Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses, bulbs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Cash Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, &c., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Cash Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, &c, 1926 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Cedar Hill Nursery and Orchard Co., General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Cedar Hill Nursery and Orchard Company, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Central Illinois Nursery, Wm. H. Gibbs, Normal, Illinois, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Central Illinois Nursery, Wm. H. Gibbs, Normal, Illinois, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Central Illinois Nursery, Wm. H. Gibbs, Normal, Illinois, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Central Nurseries, J. Wragg & Son's Company, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Central Nurseries, J. Wragg & Co, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Central Nurseries, J. Wragg & Co, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Central Nurseries, J. Wragg & Co, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Central Nurseries, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Central Nurseries, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Central Nurseries, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Central Nurseries, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Central Nurseries, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chambersberg Nurseries, Wm. B. Reed, Catalogue of new, rare and beautiful roses : hardy shrubs, grape vines and small fruits, 1884 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chanute Nurseries, Chanute, Kansas, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charlton Nursery Company, Rochester, NY, General catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, pæonies, small fruits, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Rochester Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the finest kinds of deciduous and evergreen trees : shrubs, roses, vines, herbaceous plants, fruit trees, etc.
  • Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Rochester Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the finest kinds of deciduous and evergreen trees shrubs, roses, vines, herbaceous plants, fruit trees, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chase Brothers Company, Rochester Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the finest kinds of deciduous and evergreens : trees, shrubs, roses, vines, herbaceous plants, fruit trees, etc, 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Rochester Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the finest kinds of deciduous and evergreen trees : shrubs, roses, vines, herbaceous plants, fruit trees, etc., 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chase Brothers Company, Rochester Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the finest kinds of deciduous and evergreens : trees, shrubs, roses, vines, herbaceous plants, fruit trees, etc., 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Rochester Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the finest kinds of deciduous and evergreen trees, shrubs, roses, vines, herbaceous plants, fruit trees, etc., 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Rochester Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the finest kinds of deciduous and evergreen trees : shrubs, roses, vines, herbaceous plants, fruit trees, etc., 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Rochester Nurseries, Reference catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, grape vines and small fruit, 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chase & Company, Isleworth Nurseries, J. W. Hoard (Gotha, Fla.), Catalog and price list of Isleworth Nurseries : 1908/1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chase Nurseries, Revised general catalogue of fruit & ornamental trees : shrubs, vines and roses, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chase Nurseries, Revised general catalogue of fruit & ornamental trees : shrubs, vines and roses, 1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chase Nurseries, Revised general catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubs, vines and roses, 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chase Nurseries, Revised general catalogue : fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Rochester Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the finest kinds of deciduous and evergreen trees shrubs, roses, vines, herbaceous plants, fruit trees, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chanute Nurseries, James Truitt & Sons, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chanute Nurseries, James Truitt & Sons, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines and roses, shrubs, etc., 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charleston Nursery, M. C. McLain, Annual descriptive catalogue of roses, geraniums, verbenas, dahlias, greenhouse plants, etc. Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Charlton & Sons, University Avenue Nurseries, catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, roses, etc, 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charlton Nursery Company, University Avenue Nurseries, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubs, roses, paeonies, small fruits, etc., 1901 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charlton Nursery Company, University Avenue Nurseries, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubs, roses, paeonies, small fruits, etc., 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Descriptive catalogue, 1892 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), New England Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the finest kinds of deciduous and evergreen trees : shrubs, roses, vines, herbaceous plants, fruit trees, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Cherry Hill Nurseries, Hoopes, Brother & Thomas, (West Chester, PA), Descriptive catalogue of ornamental trees, flowering shrubs, vines, roses, herbaceous plants, hedge plants, &q., 1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chico Nursery Co.', Chico, CA, general catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : grape vines, olives, figs, small fruits, shrubs, roses, etc, 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chico Nursery Company, Chico, CA, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape-vines, small fruits, shrubs, roses, etc., 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chico Nursery Company, Chico, CA, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape-vines, small fruits, shrubs, roses, etc., 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chico Nursery Company, Chico, CA, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape-vines, small fruits, shrubs, roses, etc., 1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chico Nursery Company, Chico, CA, Descriptive catalog : fruit and ornamental trees, roses, vines, shrubs, small fruits, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chico Nursery Company, Chico, CA, Descriptive catalog : fruit and ornamental trees, roses, vines, shrubs, small fruits, 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chico Nursery Company, Chico, CA, Descriptive catalog : fruit and ornamental trees, roses, vines, shrubs, small fruits, 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • P.C. Christensen, Amber Lake Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue : fruit trees, small fruit plants, roses, ornamental trees, shrubs, bulbs, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Clark, Stabler, & Co. Inc., Fairfax Farms Nursery, Fairfax, Virginia, Price list supplementing our descriptive catalog, 1926 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Clingman Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of Southern and acclimated fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, evergreens, shrubs, roses, etc. : cultivated and for sale, 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Clingman Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of Southern and acclimated fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, evergreens, shrubs, roses, etc. : cultivated and for sale, 1898 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Leonard Coates, Napa Valley Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and nut trees, ornamental and shade trees, grape vines, small fruits, roses, palms, etc., 1892 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Leanard Coates, Napa Valley Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and nut trees ornamental and shade trees grape vines small fruits roses, palms, et.c, etc. grown and for sale, 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Leonard Coates Nursery Co, Morganhill, CA, Fruit, nut and ornamental trees, shrubs, plants and roses : catalog 1913/1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Cobb & Bobbitt, J. H. Cobb & Co, Descriptive catalogue of roses, plants, fruit trees, small fruits, shrubs, flower seeds, garden seeds, bulbs, etc., 1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • R.D. Cole & Co, Irving Avenue Nurseries, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees : vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W.B. Cole, Avenue Nurseries, Painesville, Ohio, Descriptive catalog : fruit trees, small fruit plants, shade and ornamental trees, roses, bulbs, lilies, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W.B. Cole, Avenue Nurseries, Painesville, Ohio, Descriptive catalog : fruit trees, small fruit plants, shade and ornamental trees, roses, bulbs, lilies, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Cole Nursery Company, Painesville, Ohio, Deciduous and evergreen shrubs, roses, vines, perennials, evergreens, shade trees, small fruits, bulbs, etc., 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Stanton B. Cole, West Jersey Nursery Company, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubs, roses, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Stanton B. Cole, West Jersey Nursery Company, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : roses, shrubs, plants, small fruits, grape vines, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Stanton B. Cole, West Jersey Nursery Company, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : roses, shrubs, plants, small fruits, grape vines, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Colmant Nurseries, J.J. Colmant, proprietor, Catalogue of fruit trees, shade trees,strawberry plants, evergreen trees, shrubs, roses, etc., 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Columbus Nursery, R.G. Hanford, Spring catalogue of new and beautiful plants, 1875 : dahlias, verbenas, petunias, fuchsias, phloxes, roses, geraniums, chrysanthemums, etc., 1875 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Commercial Nursery Co, Winchester, Tennessee, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses, bulbs, etc., 1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Commercial Nursery Company, Austin & Nicholson Bros, Winchester, Tennessee, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Continental Nurseries, Brown Brothers Company, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1892 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Continental Nurseries, Brown Brothers Company, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Continental Nurseries, Brown Brothers Co., (Rochester, N.Y.), Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Continental Nurseries, Brown Brothers Company, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Continental Nurseries, Brown Brothers Company, Rochester, N.Y., Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Continental Nurseries, Brown Brothers Company, Rochester, N.Y., Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Continental Nurseries, Brown Brothers Company, Rochester, N.Y., Descriptive catalog : fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubs, perennials plants, roses, etc., 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Continental Nurseries, Brown Brothers Company, Rochester, N.Y., Descriptive catalog : fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubs, perennials plants, roses, etc., 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Continental Nurseries, Brown Brothers Company, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbs and bulbous plants, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Continental Nurseries, Brown Brothers Company, (Rochester, N.Y.), Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Continental Nurseries, Brown Brothers Company, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Continental Nurseries, Brown Brothers Company, (Rochester, N.Y.), Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Continental Nurseries, Brown Brothers Company, (Rochester, N.Y.), Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Continental Nurseries, Brown Brothers Company, (Rochester, N.Y.), Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Continental Nurseries, Brown Brothers Company, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Continental Nurseries, Brown Brothers Company, Descriptive catalogue : dependable fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubs, perennial plants, roses, etc., 1926 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Continental Nurseries, Brown Brothers Company, Descriptive catalogue : dependable fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubs, perennial plants, roses, etc., 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • A.T. Cook, Hyde Park, N. Y., Illustrated catalog with honest descriptions of the very best, selected, tested money saving seeds : fruit plants, potatoes, cinnamon vines, roses, Japan tea plants, eggs for hatching, and the marvellous premiums or discounts, and extras given free with every order : selected especially for critical buyers, 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.S. Cook & Son, Walnut Hills Nurserie, Cook's descriptive catalogue of greenhouse, hothouse and hardy plants, roses, dahlias, etc. cultivated and for sale at Madison Road, adjoining City Limits, Cincinnati, O., 1867 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.S. Cook & Son, Walnut Hills Nurseries and Exotic Gardens, Cook's descriptive catalogue of plants, trees, shrubs, vines, climbers, etc., cultivated and for sale at Madison Road, adjoining City Limits, Cincinnati, O., 1868 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.S. Cook & Son, Spring catalogue of new plants, roses, bedding plants, shrubs, fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, climbers, etc., 1869 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • G. A. Costich Co., Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit, ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W.H. Crawford and Company, Catalogue and price list of fruit trees, small fruit plants, ornamental plants, evergreens, hedge plants, climbing vines and roses, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fancher Creek Nursery, Geo. C. Roeding, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and shade trees, vines, ornamental plants and roses for sale at the Fancher Creek Nursery, 1896 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Crest Nursery, Piqua, Ohio, Fruit and shade trees, ornamental plants and shrubs, perennials, roses, vines, etc. : catalog 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.F. Crippen, Moundridge Nursery Co., Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Crouse Brothers, Eagle Nurseries (Montrose, Iowa)' descriptive catalogue : fruits, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc, 1879 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • A. Cruikshanks, East Lawn Nursery, Sacramento, CA, Catalog "D" : general nursery and bedding stock, ornamental trees and shrubbery, vines, roses, hedge plants, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • A. Cruikshanks, East Lawn Nursery, Sacramento, CA, Catalog "E" : general nursery and bedding stock, ornamental trees and shrubbery, vines, roses, hedge plants, etc., 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • A. Cruikshanks, East Lawn Nursery, Dolph Weidenman, supt., Sacramento, CA, ornamental trees, shrubs, hedges, roses, bedding plants, Catalog 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Cumberland Nurseries, Henry S. Rupp & Sons, Descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, flowering shrubs, roses, flowers, bulbs, vines, small fruit plants, etc., 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.S. Curtice & Co, Descriptive catalogue of roses, clematis, ornamentals, fruit trees, etc., 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • L.T. Curtis & Son., Genesee County Nurseries, Flint, Michigan, Shrubs, trees, vines, roses, fruits, hedges, landscape gardening, catalog, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Cutler & Downing Co, Descriptive catalogue of dependable fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubs, perennial plants, roses, etc., 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Dallas Nurseries, J.M. Howell, Catalogue of Texas raised fruit, shade and ornamental trees, grapes, vines, roses, flowering shrubs, etc., 1887/1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Dallas Nurseries, J.M. Howell, Catalogue of Texas raised fruit, shade and ornamental trees, grapes, vines, roses, flowering shrubs, etc., 1888/1889 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Davis County Nurseries, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, roses, shrubs, etc., 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Davis County Nurseries, Harness, Dix & Co, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, roses, shrubs, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Davis County Nurseries, Harness, Dix & Co, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, roses, shrubs, etc., 1910/1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Davis County Nurseries, Harness, Dix & Co, Descriptive catalogue of deciduous fruit trees, grapes, small fruits, shade and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses : together with brief planting, cultural and pruning directions, 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Davis County Nurseries, Harness, Dix & Co, Descriptive catalogue of deciduous fruit trees, grapes, small fruits, shade and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses : together with brief planting, cultural and pruning directions, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Davis County Nurseries, Harness, Dix & Co, Descriptive catalogue of deciduous fruit trees, grapes, small fruits, shade and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses : together with brief planting, cultural and pruning directions, 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Davis County Nurseries, Harness, Dix & Co., Descriptive catalogue of deciduous, fruit trees, grapes, small fruits, shade and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses : together with brief planting, cultural and pruning directions, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Dayton Nursery, W. Grant Schoenly, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Dayton Nurseries, W. Grant Schoenly, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, plants, shrubs, roses, etc., 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Deerfield Nursery Co., New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Deerfield Nursery Co., General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Delkin's Puget Sound Bulbs, Incorporated, Fred L. Delkin, Bellevue, Washington, Gladiolus and other flowers including the rose : season 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Denver Nursery and Orchard Company, Denver, Colorado, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Denver Nursery and Orchard Company, Denver, Colorado, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • P. C. Van Dervoort, New Antioch Nurseries, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Des Moines Nursery Company, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, shrubs and vines, perennial plants, roses, 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Dighton Nursery Co., Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Tom Dodd Nurseries, Tom Dodd Jr., Semmes, Alabama, Roses, evergreens, shrubs, perennials, landscape plantings : catalog, 1929 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Domoto Bros., Descriptive catalogue of Japanese plants and shrubs roses, chrysanthemums, pelargoniums : also palms, ferns, tree peonies, etc., 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Domoto Bros., Descriptive catalogue of Japanese plants and shrubs : roses, chrysanthemums, pelargoniums, also palms, ferns, tree peonies, etc., 1896 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • James Draper, Bloomingdale Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, vines, plants, etc., 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • James Draper, Bloomingdale Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, vines, plants, etc., 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Henry A. Dreer's general plant catalogue of select green and hot-house plants, dahlias, roses, and other plants suitable for bedding out, fruit trees, ornamental plants and trees, 185? Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H. A. Dreer's general plant catalogue for 1860, containing select lists of roses, fuchsias, verbenas, dahlias, lantanas, geraniums, petunias, and other bedding plants, 1860 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Henry A. Dreer, Dreer's descriptive catalogue of bulbs and other flower roots : with directions for their culture and management also, a list of the most desirable winter-blooming plants, roses, &c, 1865 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Henry A. Dreer, Dreer's descriptive catalogue of bulbs and other flower roots with directions for their culture and management : also, a list of the most desirable winter-blooming plants, roses, &c, 1866 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Henry A. Dreer, Dreer's descriptive catalogue of bulbs and other flower roots, with directions for their culture and management : also, a list of the most desirable winter-blooming plants, roses, &c, 1867/1868 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Henry A. Dreer, Dreer's descriptive catalogue of bulbs and other flower roots, with directions for their culture and management : also, a list of the most desirable winter-blooming plants, roses, &c, 1869/1870 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Henry A. Dreer, Dreer's descriptive catalogue of bulbs and other flower roots, with directions for their culture and management, winter-blooming plants, roses, &c., 1870/1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Henry A. Dreer, Dreer's autumn catalogue 1930 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Henry A. Dreer, Dreer's garden book 1931 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Henry A. Dreer, Dreer's 1948 wholesale catalog for florists truck growers market gardeners landscape architects : Dreer quality seeds - bulbs - roses tools - supplies, 1948 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • E.F. Dwyer & Sons, Dahlia catalogue 1912 : shrubs, roses and hardy plants, dahlias, gladioli and tuberoses, fruit and ornamental trees, cut flowers in season, vines and climbers, 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • T.J. Dwyer & Company, Orange County Nurseries, Cornwall, New York, General catalogue of the Orange County Nurseries : hardy fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines and roses, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • T.J. Dwyer & Company, Orange County Nurseries, Cornwall, New York, General catalogue of the Orange County Nurseries : hardy fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines and roses, 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • T.J. Dwyer & Company, Orange County Nurseries, Cornwall, New York, General catalogue : hardy fruit & ornamental trees, shrubs, vines & roses, 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.E. Dysinger Nursery, Tippecanoe City, Ohio, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Eagle Nurseries Crouse Brothers, (Montrose, Iowa), descriptive catalogue : fruits, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc, 1879 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • East Lawn Nursery, A. Cruikshanks, Sacramento, CA, Catalog "D" : general nursery and bedding stock, ornamental trees and shrubbery, vines, roses, hedge plants, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • East Lawn Nursery, A. Cruikshanks, Sacramento, CA, Catalog "E" : general nursery and bedding stock, ornamental trees and shrubbery, vines, roses, hedge plants, etc., 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • East Lawn Nursery, Dolph Weidenman, supt., A. Cruikshanks, Sacramento, CA, ornamental trees, shrubs, hedges, roses, bedding plants, Catalog 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • East Lawn Nursery, Sacramento, CA, Catalog Number fifteen : ornamental trees, shrubs, hedges, roses, bedding plants, 1929 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Elliott & Co, Lake Erie Nurseries, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, O., Periodical catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees and plants, cultivated 1846/1847 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Elliott & Co, Lake Erie Nurseries, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, O., Periodical catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees and plants, cultivated 1848 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Elliott & Co, Lake Erie Nursery, Catalogue sale of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, vines, &c. &c. being the entire stock, 1850 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lewis Ellsworth's catalogue of roses, dahlias, geraniums, verbenas, greenhouse and bedding plants, &c, Lewis Ellsworth & Co. (Naperville, Ill.), 1874 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John C. Embry, Garnett Nurseries, Garnett, Kansas, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Louis M. Empie, Highland Nurseries (Johnstown, N.Y.), Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Emporia Nurseries, Chas. S. Lindley, Descriptive catalogue of Southern and acclimated fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, evergreens, shrubs, roses, etc., 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Enterprise Nurseries, Tipton & Stanton, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees evergreens, grape vines, shrubs, roses, etc., 1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Eschrich's Nursery, Noth Milwaukee, Wis,. Flowers and foliage : a selected list of the best flowering shrubs, perennials, hardy roses, rock plants, bulbs, evergreens, 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Evergreen Nursery, Seattle, Wash., Condensed catalog and price list of choice rose bushes, hardy shrubs, Holland bulbs, 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Excelsior Nurseries, G. H. Miller & Son, Rome, Georgia, illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses, etc. 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Excelsior Nurseries, G. H. Miller & Son, Rome, Georgia, illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Excelsior Nurseries, G. H. Miller & Son, Rome, Georgia, illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Fancher Creek Nurseries, Fresno, CA, Catalogue of fruit and shade trees, vines, ornamental plants and roses, 1887 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fancher Creek Nursery, George C. Roeding, Fresno, CA, Descriptive catalogue of small fruits, fruit trees, grape vines : ornamental trees, shrubs, and roses, 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fancher Creek Nurseries, George Christian Roeding, 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Descriptive catalogue of deciduous fruit trees, citrus trees, olive trees, and grape vines : ornamental trees, shrubs and roses, 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fancher Creek Nurseries, Roeding, George C. Roeding 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, A descriptive catalogue of fruit and forest trees, vines and shrubs, choice palms and roses, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fancher Creek Nurseries, George Christian Roeding, 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Descriptive catalogue : fruit and forest trees, vines and shrubs, palms and choice roses, 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fancher Creek Nurseries, George Christian Roeding, 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Price catalogue season 1909-1910 : fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, palms, roses, 1909/1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fancher Creek Nurseries, George Christian Roeding, 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, palms, roses : illustrated price catalogue season 1910/1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fancher Creek Nurseries, George Christian Roeding, 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, palms, roses : illustrated price catalogue season 1912/1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fancher Creek Nurseries, George Christian Roeding, 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, palms, roses : illustrated price catalogue season 1913/1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fancher Creek Nurseries, George Christian Roeding, 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, palms, roses : illustrated price catalogue season 1914/1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fancher Creek Nurseries, George Christian Roeding, 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, palms, roses : illustrated price catalogue season 1915/1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fancher Creek Nurseries, George Christian Roeding, 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, How to grow roses, Catalogue 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fancher Creek Nurseries, George Christian Roeding 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Descriptive illustrated catalog of dependable fruit and ornamental trees : roses and palms, vines and shrubs adapted to prevailing conditions of soil and climate on the West Coast together with planting and cultural notes, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link]
  • Fancher Creek Nurseries, George Christian Roeding 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Fruit tree price catalogue : ornamental trees, shrubs, roses season 1926 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fancher Creek Nurseries, George Christian Roeding 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Fruit tree price catalogue : ornamental trees, shrubs, roses season 1927/1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Farina Nurseries, L. Graves & Son, Farina, Illinois, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Farmer Seed and Nursery Co, Spring 1902 annual catalogue improved northern grown farm and garden seeds, hardy shrubs, roses, and small fruit plants / Farmer Seed Co., 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • R. & J. Farquhar Company, Boston, Catalogue 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fayetteville Nurseries, Parker Bros. Nursery Co., Catalogue of "Arkansas grown" fruit trees : shade trees, shrubs, roses, plants, vines, etc., 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.S. Figueiredo, Mattapoisett Flower Fields, Descriptive catalogue of choice gladioli, dahlias, phlox, roses and other plants, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • First National Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubs, roses, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • First National Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chas. R. Fish & Co, West Side Nurseries, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses and herbaceous plants cultivated and for sale, 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fishkill Landing nursery, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses and green-house plants, 1862/1863 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fonthill Nurseries, General catalogue with prices : of ornamental and shade trees, flowering shrubs, vines, roses, bulbs, and perennial plants, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Forest Oak Nurseries (Quincy, Ill.), L.H. Frese & Sons, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Forest Oak Nurseries, Louis H. Frese, (Quincy, Ill.), New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Forked Deer Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue and price list of fruit trees and plants, evergreen trees, roses, etc., 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • A. Foster, Pioneer Nursery, Catalogue and price list of deciduous, citrus, tropical and semi-tropical fruit trees, evergreen and deciduous ornamental trees and shrubs, evergreen and deciduous vines, bulbs, palms and roses, 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • A. Foster, Pioneer Nursery, Catalogue and price list of deciduous, citrus, tropical and semi-tropical fruit trees, evergreen and deciduous ornamental trees and shrubs, evergreens and deciduous vines, bulbs, palms and roses, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • P.H. Foster, Babylon Nursery, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, rare evergreens, shrubs, roses and clematus and a general assortment of greenhouse, bedding and garden plants cultivated and for sale at the babylon Nursery, 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fountain City Nurseries, Fond du Lac, Wisc., New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fremont Nursery, John Day, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubs, vines, roses and plants, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fremont Nursery, H. S. Day, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubs, vines, roses and plants, 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fremont Nurseries, B.E. Fields & Son, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fremont Nurseries, B.E. Fields & Son, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fremont Nurseries, Fremont, Ohio, Fruits and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses and vine, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • French Nursery, A.B. French, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • French Nursery, Byers Bros., General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fresno Nurseries, F. H. Wilson, Fresno, CA, A descriptive catalogue of deciduous and citrus fruit trees, grape vines and small fruits, ornamental trees and vines, fine palms and roses : 1903-1904 [ Online-lesen und Download-Link]
  • Fresno Nursery Company, Descriptive catalogue of deciduous and citrus fruit trees grape vines, small fruits ornamental trees shrubs, roses and palms, 1905 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fresno Nursery Company, Fresno, CA, Annual descriptive catalogue of deciduous and citrus fruit trees raisin, table and wine grapes, small fruits, ornamental trees, roses, palms, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fresno Nursery Company, Fresno, CA : deciduous and citrus fruit trees roses, plams, ornamentals, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Frost & Co, Genesee Valley Nurseries, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, flowering plants, bulbs, etc., cultivated and for sale 1875 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fruitland Nursery, Augusta, GA, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, evergreens, green house and exotic plants, hedge plants, &c., &c., cultivated and for sale 1857/1858 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fruitland Nursery, Augusta, Georgia, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, evergreens, hedge plants, &c. cultivated and for sale 1858 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fruitland Nurseries, Augusta, Georgia, Supplemental catalogue of fruit trees, grape vines, strawberries, roses, shrubs, &c., cultivated 1859/1860 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fruitland Nurseries, Augusta, Ga., Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, evergreens, bulbous roots, hedge plants, etc., etc. cultivated and for sale 1868/1869 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fruitland Nurseries, Augusta, Ga., Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, evergreens, bulbous roots, green house and hedge plants, &c. cultivated and for sale at the Fruitland Nurseries, Augusta, GA. by P. J. Berckmans, 1861 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fruitland Nurseries, Augusta, Ga., Descriptive catalogue of fruit & ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, evergreens, flowering plants, etc. cultivated and for sale at the Fruitland Nurseries, Augusta, GA. by P. J. Berckmans, proprietor, 1871/1872 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fruitland Nurseries, Augusta, Ga., Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, evergreens, flowering plants, etc. cultivated and for sale 1873/1874 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fruitland Nurseries, Augusta, Ga., Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, evergreens, flowering plants, etc. cultivated and for sale 1875/1876 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fruitland Nurseries, Augusta, Ga., Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, evergreens, flowering plants, etc. cultivated and for sale 1878 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fruitland Nurseries, Augusta, Ga., Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, evergreens, flowering plants, etc. cultivated and for sale 1880/1881 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fruitland Nurseries, Augusta, Ga., Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, evergreens, flowering plants, etc. cultivated and for sale 1881/1882 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fruitland Nurseries, P. J. Berckmans, Augusta, Ga., Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, evergreens, hardy flowering plants, etc. cultivated and for sale 1883/1884 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fruitland Nurseries, Augusta, Ga., Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, evergreens, hardy flowering plants, etc. cultivated and for sale 1885 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fruitland Nurseries (Augusta, Ga.), P. J. Berckmans, Catalogue of roses, fruit trees, evergreens, etc. for Florida and coast belt of Southern States, 1890/1891 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fruitland Nurseries (Augusta, Ga.), Catalogue of fruit trees, evergreens, roses, etc, 1892 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Will A. Gain, Astoria Greenhouses, Astoria, Illinois, Fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, climbing vines and perennials, catalog, 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Gainesville Nurseries, H.S. Graves, Gainesville, Florida, Pecan culture for the Gulf Coast region : catalogue of standard varieties with cultural directions and price list, 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Gainesville Nurseries, H.S. Graves, Gainesville, Florida, catalog and price list : 1910/1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Gainesville Nurseries, H.S. Graves, Gainesville, Florida, catalog and price list : 1911/1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Boone Gardiner, Kentucky Nursery Co, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Andrew T. Garey, Garey's Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of ornamental trees and shrubs : fruit trees, flowering plants, roses &c., 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Garnett Nurseries, John C. Embry, Garnett, Kansas, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Gateway Nursery Company, Ie Mars, Iowa, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Gateway Nursery Company, Ie Mars, Iowa, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Gateway Nursery Company, Ie Mars, Iowa, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Genesee County Nurseries, L.T. Curtis & Son., Flint, Michigan, Shrubs, trees, vines, roses, fruits, hedges, landscape gardening, catalog, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Genesee Valley Nurseries, Frost & Co, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, flowering plants, bulbs, etc. / cultivated and for sale 1875 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Geneva Nursery, W. & T. Smith Company Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines and small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1886 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Geneva Nursery, W. & T. Smith Co, General catalogue : fruit & ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Geneva Nurseries, Youngers & Co., Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees grape vines small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc. cultivated and for sale by Geneva Nurseries, 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Geneva Nursery, W. & T. Smith Company, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines and small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wm. H. Gibbs, Central Illinois Nursery, Normal, Illinois, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wm. H. Gibbs, Central Illinois Nursery, Normal, Illinois, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wm. H. Gibbs, Central Illinois Nursery, Normal, Illinois, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Henry G. Gilbert Nursery, S.B. Parsons & Sons, Descriptive catalogue of ornamental trees, flowering shrubs, fruit trees, plants and evergreens cultivated and for sale at the commercial garden and nursery of 1873 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Gill Bros. Seed Company, Portland, Oregon, Oregon grown seeds : dahlias, roses, perennials, catalog 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Gill Bros. Seed Company, Portland, Oregon, Catalog of vegetable seeds, flower seeds, nursery stock, perennials, fertilizers, dahlias, roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Glen View Nurseries, Swain Nelson & Sons Company, Wholesale catalogue and price list of hardy trees, shrubs, roses : evergreens, vines, fruits and herbaceous perennials, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Glen View Nurseries, Swain Nelson & Sons Company, Wholesale catalogue and price list : hardy trees, shrubs, roses, evergreens, vines, fruits and herbaceous perennials, 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Gold Nursery Co, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Gold Nursery Co, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses / the Gold Nursery Companyplants, 1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Gold Nursery Company, Mason City, West Va., New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Gold Nursery Company, Mason City, West Va., New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Gold Nursery Company, Mason City, West Va., New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Gold Nursery Company, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1929 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • L.W. Goodell, Dwight, Mass., new and choice seeds, bulbs, roses, rare water lilies chrysanthemums, and other plants : illustrated catalog, 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • L.W. Goodell, Dwight, Mass., : illustrated catalogue : new and choice seeds, bulbs, roses, chrysanthemums, rare water lilies and other plants, 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • L.W. Goodell, Dwight, Mass., : illustrated catalogue : new and choice seeds, bulbs, roses, chrysanthemums, rare water lilies and other plants, 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Gould Brothers, Monroe County Nurseries, wholesale catalogue or trade list of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbous roots, border plants, etc., for spring of 1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Gould Brothers, Monroe County Nurseries wholesale catalogue or trade list of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbous roots, border plants, etc., for spring of 1874 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Graham Nursery Co, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Grand Central Nurseries, J. I. Newson, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : all of the best old and new sorts, evergreens, shrubs, vines, roses, plants, etc., 1887 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • L. Graves & Son, Farina Nurseries, Farina, Illinois, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Griffing Brothers Co, Pomona Wholesale Nurseries (Macclenny, Fla.), Supplement to what to plant and how to plant it : or catalogue of Pomona Nurseries, 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Griffing Bros. Co, Pomona Nursery (Macclenny, Fla.), The Pomona Nursery price catalogue, fall 1900/spring 1901 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Oscar Grunert, Washington Greenhouses, Walla Walla, Wonshington, Catalogue of roses, house and bedding plants and bulbs, 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • F.A. Guernsey & Co, Schoharie Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., etc. / the Schoharie Nurseries ; F.A. Guernsey & Co., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Gull Prairie Road Nursery, Jas. Jeffrey & Son., Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, &c., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Haas' Home Nursery, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, ornamental hedges and herbaceous and perennial plants. Spring 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Will S. Hall, Sunny Slope Nursery, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hammond Nurseries, Geneva, N.Y., Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, wines, roses, etc., cultivated 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Thomas Hancock's abridged catalogue of hot and green house plants, fruit, forest and ornamental trees and shrubs, cultivated and for sale at his well known and established nurseries, at Ashton, near Burlington, New Jersey, USA, 1849 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Thomas Hancock's abridged catalogue of hot and green house plants, fruit, forest and ornamental trees and shrubs, cultivated and for sale at his well known and established nurseries, at Ashton, near Burlington, New Jersey, USA, 1850 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pan Handle Nurseries, J.K. Henby & Son, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, etc. 1989 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • R.G. Hanford, Columbus Nursery, Spring catalogue of new and beautiful plants, 1875 : dahlias, verbenas, petunias, fuchsias, phloxes, roses, geraniums, chrysanthemums, etc., 1875 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Harness, Dix & Co., Davis County Nurseries, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, roses, shrubs, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Harness, Dix & Co., Davis County Nurseries, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, roses, shrubs, etc., 1910/1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Harness, Dix & Co., Davis County Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of deciduous fruit trees, grapes, small fruits, shade and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses : together with brief planting, cultural and pruning directions, 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Harness, Dix & Co, Davis County Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of deciduous fruit trees, grapes, small fruits, shade and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses : together with brief planting, cultural and pruning directions, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Harness, Dix & Co., Davis County Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of deciduous fruit trees, grapes, small fruits, shade and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses : together with brief planting, cultural and pruning directions, 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Harness, Dix & Co., Davis County Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of deciduous, fruit trees, grapes, small fruits, shade and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses : together with brief planting, cultural and pruning directions, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wm. Warner Harper, Andorra Nurseries, Catalogue of Andorra Nurseries : choice hardy trees, shrubs, plants, roses, and fruit, 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wm. Warner Harper, Andorra Nurseries, Catalogue of Andorra Nurseries : choice hardy trees, shrubs, plants, roses, and fruit, 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wm. Warner Harper, Andorra Nurseries,, Catalogue of Andorra Nurseries : choice hardy trees, shrubs, plants, roses, and fruit, 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wm. Warner Harper, Andorra Nurseries, Catalogue of Andorra Nurseries : choice hardy trees, shrubs, plants, roses, and fruit, 1896 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wm. Warner Harper, Andorra Nurseries, Catalogue of Andorra Nurseries : choice hardy trees, shrubs, plants, roses, and fruit, 1879 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Harris Seed Company, San Diego Seed Store, San Diego, CA, Annual descriptive catalog of garden, field and flower seeds, plants and trees : ornamental shrubs, roses and vines, palms and decorative plants, 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • S.G. Harris, Summer supplement to general catalogue of choice plants, shrubs, roses and trees : and special list of spring-blooming bulbs, 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Harrison Nursery Co, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Harrison Nursery Co, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Harrison Nursery Co, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hart Pioneer Nurseries, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H.G. Hastings Co, Summer and fall price list and catalogue : garden seeds, bulbs and roses for 1901 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H.G. Hastings Co, Hastings' garden seeds, bulbs and roses for 1902 specially selected and grown for the southern states : summer and fall catalogue, 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • A. L. Hatch, Catalogue of semi-tropical fruit trees : palms, roses, evergreens and flowering plants, 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hawks Nursery Co, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses, bulbs etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Geo. Hemm, Sidney Nurseries, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Peter Henderson & Co, Henderson's plant catalogue : new and standard roses bedding and perennial plants shrubs, vines, fruits, etc, 1935 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Peter Henderson & Co, Henderson's plant catalogue : new and standard roses bedding and perennial plants shrubs, vines, fruits, etc, 1936 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hereford Nursery Company, L.P. Landrum, Hereford, Texas, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hereford Nursery Company, L.P. Landrum, Hereford, Texas, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hereford Nursery Company, L.P. Landrum, Hereford, Texas, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • David S. Herr, Lancaster County Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses, bulbs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Herrick Seed Company, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubs, roses, bulbs and bulbous plants, 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Herrick Seed Company, Inc., Descriptive catalogue : fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubs, perennial plants, roses, etc., 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Highland Nurseries (Johnstown, N.Y.), Louis M. Empie, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hill Home Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, etc. cultivated and for sale 1880/1881 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. C. Hill, Hillsville Nursery, Descriptive catalogue and price list of ornamental trees, roses, evergreens, shrubs, bulbs, vines, green house and bedding plants : also a general variety of fruit trees, 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hill Floral Products Co., Richmond, Indiana, distributors for the E.G. Hill Co., Jos. H. Hill Co., Fred H. Lemon Co. : catalog, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hill Floral Products Co., Richmond, Indiana, distributors for the E.G. Hill Co., Jos. H. Hill Co., Fred H. Lemon Co. : catalog, 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hill Floral Products Co., Richmond, Indiana, distributors for the E.G. Hill Co., Jos. H. Hill Co., Fred H. Lemon Co. : catalog, 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hill Floral Products Co., Richmond, Indiana, distributors for the E.G. Hill Co., Jos. H. Hill Co., Fred H. Lemon Co., Gold medal roses for 1929 Download-Link u. Online lesen
  • Hill Floral Products Co., Hill's garden roses, 1929 Download-Link u. Online lesen
  • J. W. Hoard, Chase & Company, Isleworth Nurseries (Gotha, Fla.), Catalog and price list of Isleworth Nurseries : 1908/1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Thomas Hogg, nurseryman, and florist, at the New-York Botanic Garden in Broadway, near the House of Refuge, Catalogue of ornamental trees and shrubs, herbaceous and greenhouse plants, cultivated and for sale, 1834 Download-Link u. Online lesen
  • Holland Nursery, George H. Souter, Illustrated descriptive catalogue : fruits and ornamental trees grape vines and small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, &c, 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Home Nursery Co., the Nurseries of the Ozarks, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H. E. Hooker Company, Hooker Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees grapes, roses, shrubs, etc., 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hooker Nurseries, H. E. Hooker Company, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : grapes, roses, shrubs, etc., 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hopewell Nurseries, Catalogue of fruit & ornamental trees, evergreens, flowering shrubs and plants, roses, &c., &c. : cultivated and for sale at the Hopewell Nurseries, near Fredericksburg, Virginia, 1859/1860 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hovey & Co.'s descriptive catalogue of roses, cultivated, and for sale at the Cambridge nursuries, Cambridge, near Boston, Mass. : for the autumn of 1843 and spring of 1844 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hovey & Co.'s descriptive catalogue of roses, cultivated, and for sale at the Cambridge nursuries, Cambridge, near Boston, Mass. : for the autumn of 1844 and spring of 1845 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hovey & Co, Descriptive catalogue of roses : for the spring of 1854 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Stephen Hoyt's Sons, New Canaan Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, roses, etc., 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Stephen Hoyt's Sons, New Canaan Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, roses, etc., 1898 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hurlbut-Cross Nurseries, Nursery catalogue (descriptive) : fruit trees, plants, vines, etc., roses, shrubs and ornamentals, 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • N. P. Husted & Co, Lowell Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • James Hutchison, Oakland, CA, Descriptive catalogue of new and rare plants, evergreen trees, ornamental shrubs, roses and flowering plants, bulbs, flower and tree seeds, vegetable seeds, fruit trees, small fruits, etc., 1881 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • James Hutchinson, Oakland, CA, Descriptive catalogue new and rare plants, evergreen trees, ornamental shrubs, roses and flowering plants: bulbs, flower and tree seeds, vegetable seeds, grass and clover seed, fruit trees, small fruits, etc., 1884 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • James Hutchison, Oakland, CA, Descriptive catalogue of new and rare plants, evergreen trees, ornamental shrubs, roses and flowering plants, bulbs, flower and tree seeds, vegetable seeds, glass and clover seed, fruit trees, small fruits, etc., 1886 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hutchinson & Sanborn, Oakland, CA, Descriptive catalogue of new and rare plants : evergreen trees, ornamental shrubs, roses and flowering plants, bulbs, flower and tree seeds, vegetable seeds, grass and clover seed, fruit trees, small fruits, garden hardware, etc., 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Charles A. Ilgenfritz, Mutual Nurseries Company, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Ince Nursery Company, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : vines, shrubbery, roses, bulbs, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Innisfallen Greenhouses, C.A. Reeser Company, Springfield, Ohio, Catalog, 1887 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Innisfallen Greenhouses, C.A. Reeser Company, Springfield, Ohio, wholesale price list : for summer of 1889 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Innisfallen Greenhouses, C.A. Reeser Company, Springfield, Ohio, Bulbs, roses and plants : spring 1892 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Innisfallen Greenhouses, C.A. Reeser Company, Springfield, Ohio, Bulbs, roses and plants : autumn 1892 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Innisfallen Greenhouses, C.A. Reeser Company, Springfield, Ohio, Bulbs, roses and plants : autumn 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Innisfallen Greenhouses, C.A. Reeser Company, Springfield, Ohio, Catalog 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Innisfallen Greenhouses, C.A. Reeser Company, Urbana, Ohio, Catalog 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Innisfallen Greenhouses, Charles A. Reeser Co, Urbana, Ohio, The C.A. Reeser Co.'s illustrated catalogue of winter blooming bulbs, roses, plants, seeds that grow, 1896 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • The Innisfallen Greenhouses, Charles A. Reeser Co, Urbana, Ohio, illustrated catalogue of winter-flowering bulbs that bloom, roses, plants, seeds, 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Innisfallen Greenhouses, Charles A. Reeser Co, Urbana, Ohio, 1898 illustrated autumn catalogue, beautiful flowering bulbs, the choicest roses and plants and "seeds that grow", 1898 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Innisfallen Greenhouses, Charles A. Reeser Co, Urbana, Ohio, Illustrated autumn 1900 catalogue of beautiful flowering bulbs, the choicest roses and "seeds and plants that grow", 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Innisfallen Greenhouses, Charles A. Reeser Co, Urbana, Ohio, Illustrated autumn catalogue of beautiful flowering bulbs, the choicest roses and "seeds and plants, 1901 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Innisfallen Greenhouses, C.A. Reeser Company, Urbana, Ohio, Illustrated catalogue : beautiful flowers for every home, seeds that grow and fine roses, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Innisfallen Greenhouses, C.A. Reeser Company, Urbana, Ohio, Illustrated catalogue : beautiful flowers for every home, seeds that grow and fine roses, 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Innisfallen Greenhouses, C.A. Reeser Company, Urbana, Ohio, Illustrated catalogue : beautiful flowers for every home, seeds that grow and fine roses, 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Intermountain Nursery Co., New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits, ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.L. Van Inwagen, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Irving Avenue Nurseries, R.D. Cole & Co, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees : vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Isleworth Nurseries, J. W. Hoard, Chase & Company (Gotha, Fla.), Catalog and price list of Isleworth Nurseries : 1908/1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • J.E. Jackson, Piedmont Greenhouses, Gainesville, Ga., Catalogue 1926 : useful green house and bedding plants, spring and 1926 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.E. Jackson, Piedmont Greenhouses, Gainesville, Ga., Catalogue 1927 : useful green house and bedding plants, spring and summer 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.E. Jackson, Piedmont Greenhouses, Gainesville, Ga., Catalogue 1928 : useful green house and bedding plants, spring and summer 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.E. Jackson, Piedmont Greenhouses, Gainesville, Ga., Catalogue 1929 : useful green house and bedding plants, spring and summer 1929 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Jefferson Country Nursery, G. J. Carpenter Co, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees grape vines, small fruits, shrubs and plants, roses, etc. 1891 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Jas. Jeffrey & Son., Gull Prairie Road Nursery, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, &c., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Jerseyville Nursery, (Inc.), L.E. Wilkinson, Jerseyville, Illinois, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Jerseyville Nursery, (Inc.), L.E. Wilkinson, Jerseyville, Illinois, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Jerseyville Nursery, (Inc.), L.E. Wilkinson, Jerseyville, Illinois, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Herman F. Johnson & Son., Normal, Illinois, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • P.T. Johnston & Co., (successors to Mitchell & Johnston), nuserymen, seedsmen and florists, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, hardy herbaceous plants, blubs, roses, etc.: for sale 1879/1880 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • R.A. Jones, Riverside Nurseries, (Hillyard, Wash.), Catalog and price list of fruit & ornamental trees, roses, shrubs, etc. : Catalog A, 1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • R.A. Jones, Riverside Nurseries, (Hillyard, Wash.), Catalog and price list of fruit & ornamental trees, roses, shrubs, etc. : Catalog B, 1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • R.A. Jones, Riverside Nurseries, (Hillyard, Wash.), Catalog and price list of fruit & ornamental trees, roses, shrubs, etc. : Catalog B, 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • R.A. Jones, Riverside Nurseries, (Hillyard, Wash.), Catalog and price list of fruit & ornamental trees, roses, shrubs, etc. : Catalog C, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • E.W. Jones Nursery Co, Woodlawn Nurseries (Woodlawn, Va.), Descriptive catalogue of southern and acclimated fruit and ornamental trees : grape vines, evergreens, roses &c., 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C. H. Joosten, Wholesale catalogue of dutch bulbs : roman hyacinths, lilies, azaleas, camellias, hardy roses, rhododendrons, clematis, etc., etc., 1889 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Kanadesga Nurseries, E. B. Richardson & Co, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, shrubs, roses, etc., 1891 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kansas City Nurseries, Blair & Kaufman, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kansas City Nurseries, Geo. H. Johnston, Catalog of fruit and ornamental trees : grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Keene & Foulk, Bloodgood Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of Bloodgood Nurseries : fruit, shade and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, vines, etc., 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Keene & Foulk, Bloodgood Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of deciduous and evergreen trees, roses, shrubs and vines, perennials, fruit trees and fruit plants, 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kellogg's Nursery, M.S. Kellogg (Janesville, Wis.), New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kellogg's Nursery, M.S. Kellogg (Janesville, Wis.), New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kellogg's Nursery, M.S. Kellogg (Janesville, Wis.), 1926 annual catalog : fruit trees, small fruits, grapes, evergreens, roses, climbing vines, ornamental shrubs, etc., 1926 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kelly Plant Gardens, Spokane, Washington, 1926 catalog : vegetable and flowering plants, strawberry and small fruit plants, roses, house plants and shrubs for spring planting, 1926 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kelly Plant Gardens, Spokane, Washington, Spring 1927 catalog : vegetable and flowering plants, strawberry and small fruit plants, roses, house plants and shrubs for spring planting, Spring 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kelly Plant Gardens, Spokane, Washington, Fall 1928 catalog : plants, bulbs, shrubs, trees for spring planting : vegetable and flowering plants, strawberry and small fruit plants, roses, house plants and shrubs for your home and garden, Fall 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kelly Plant Gardens, Spokane, Washington, Spring 1928 catalog : plants, bulbs, shrubs, trees for spring planting : vegetable and flowering plants, strawberry and small fruit plants, roses, house plants and shrubs for your home and garden, Spring 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kelly Plant Gardens, Spokane, Washington, Spring 1929 catalog : plants, bulbs, shrubs, trees for spring planting : vegetable and flowering plants, strawberry and small fruit plants, roses, house plants and shrubs for your home and garden, Fall 1929 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kelsey & Co, Vineland Nurseries, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : grape vines, small fruits shrubs, plants, roses, &c., 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Frederick W. Kelsey, General catalogue of choice trees, evergreens, shrubs : roses, and hardy plants, 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Frederick W. Kelsey Nursery Company, Descriptive catalogue of select deciduous and evergreen trees, shrubs, vines, roses and hardy plants, 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Frederick W. Kelsey, Desecriptive catalogue of choice trees, hardy shrubs, roses, vines, and hardy plants, 1898 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Frederick W. Kelsey, Desecriptive catalogue of choice hardy trees, evergreens, shrubs, roses, vines, hardy plants, and best fruits, 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Frederick W. Kelsey, Descriptive catalogue of selected hardy trees, shrubs, vines, roses, hardy plants and choice fruits, 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Frederick W. Kelsey, General catalogue, 1904 : choice hardy trees, shrubs, evergreens, roses, herbaceous plants, fruits, etc., 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Frederick W. Kelsey, General catalogue, 1905 : choice hardy trees, shrubs, evergreens, roses, herbaceous plants, fruits, etc., 1905 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Frederick W. Kelsey, No. 56 descriptive catalogue 1907 : choice trees, evergreens, shrubs, vines, roses, hardy perennials, fine fruits, etc., 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kentucky Nursery Co, Boone Gardiner, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H. Kempf, Pacific Nursery, Catalogue and price list of fall 1910 and spring 1911 : trees, shrubs, roses, camellias, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W.R. Kimball, Pine Tree State Seed Company, Bath, Main, 1904 bargain catalogue reliable flower and vegetable seeds : bulbs, hardy shrubs, roses and bedding plants, 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W.R. Kimball, Pine Tree State Seed Company, Bath, Main, reliable flower and vegetable seeds, bulbs, hardy shrubs, roses and bedding plants : Bargain catalog for 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W.R. Kimball, Pine Tree State Seed Company, Bath, Main, catalog trustworthy garden, field and flower seeds : hardy shrubs, bulbs, roses and bedding plants, grass, clover and lawn seeds. 1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kimberly Nurseries, Carl E. Wright, Kimberly, Idaho, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • William King & Son, Prospect Hill NurseryDescriptive catalogue of green-house & hot-house plants... : cultivated and for sale 1872 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kissena Nurseries, Parsons & Co. (Flushing, New York, N.Y.), Descriptive catalogue of hardy ornamental trees, flowering shrubs and vines : including rhododendrons, roses, magnolias, Chinese and Ghent azaleas, camellias, Japanese maples and other rare and choice plants, 1887 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kissena Nurseries, Parsons & Sons Co, Descriptive catalogue of hardy ornamental trees, flowering shrubs and vines : including rhododendrons, roses, magnolias, Chinese and Ghent azaleas, camellias, Japanese maples and other rare and choice plants, 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kissena Nurseries, Parsons & Sons Co, Descriptive catalogue of hardy ornamental trees, flowering shrubs and vines : including rhododendrons, roses, magnolias, Chinese and Ghent azaleas, camellias, Japanese maples and other rare and choice plants, 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kissena Nurseries, Parsons & Sons Co, Descriptive catalogue of hardy ornamental trees, flowering shrubs and vines : including rhododendrons, roses, magnolias, Chinese and Ghent azaleas, camellias, Japanese maples and other rare and choice plants, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kissena Nurseries, Parsons & Sons Co, Catalogue of deciduous trees and shrubs, rare evergreens, Japanese maples, rhododendrons, roses and fruits : 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kissena Nurseries, Parsons & Sons Co, Catalogue of deciduous trees and shrubs, rare evergreens, Japanese maples, rhododendrons, roses and fruits, 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Knox Nurseries, H.M. Simpson Co, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses &c., 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Henry Kohankie & Son, Ornamental Nurseries : catalogue of shade and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, perennial plants, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kokosing Nursery, Chas. McDonald, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Krause Nursery, H.E. Krause, Spokane, Washington, Plant a rose garden : Krause's Nursery rose catalog and price list, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Krider Nurseries (Incorporated), Middlebury, Indiana, Fruit and ornamental trees, small fruit plants, shrubs, vines and roses : new illustrated and descriptive catalog, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • LaFayette Nurseries (LaFayette, Ind.), General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • LaFayette Nursery, J. A. Caldwell, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, small fruits, roses, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lafayette Nursery Co., Descriptive catalogue [of] fruits, roses, ornamental, shade trees, etc., 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lake Shore Nurseries on Lake Erie, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Laketon Nurseries, G. N. Moyer, Laketon, Indiana, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lakewood Nurseries (Atlanta, Ga.), Roses, flowering shrubs, evergreens, ornamental and shade trees, perennials, rock and bedding plants, landscape service, catalog, 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lancaster County Nurseries, David S. Herr, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses, bulbs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wm. J. Landers, California Nursery Co, Catalogue and price-list. fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, palms, roses, etc., 1904-1905 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • D. Landreth & Fulton's catalogue of camellias, roses, fruit trees, &c. : cultivated and sold at the old established nurseries, late of D. and C. Landreth, Federal Street, 1844 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • L.P. Landrum, Hereford Nursery Company, Hereford, Texas, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • L.P. Landrum, Hereford Nursery Company, Hereford, Texas, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • L.P. Landrum, Hereford Nursery Company, Hereford, Texas, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Langlois Floral Garden, E.C. Langlois, Vancouver, Wash., Gladiolus, dahlias, roses, perennials, ornamentals : catalog, 1926 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Langlois Floral Garden, E.C. Langlois, Vancouver, Wash., Gladiolus, dahlias, roses, perennials, ornamentals : catalog, 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.F. Lansing, Illustrative and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants,shrubs, roses, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.F. Lansing, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.F. Lansing, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lassiter Nursery Co., General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lawrence Nurseries, C. W. Carman, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lawrence Nurseries, Carman Nursery Company, Lawrence, Kansas, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H.V. Lawrence (Falmouth, Mass.), 1916 catalogue of seeds, fertilizers, tools and garden requisites, plants, hardy ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Thomas Learmont, florist, Descriptive catalogue for 1860 and 1861 of ornamental evergreen trees, shrubs, roses, green-house plants, geraniums, verbenas, dahlias, chrysanthemums and bulbous roots cultivated and for sale 1860/1861 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lee's Summit Nurseries, Blair Bros, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees grape vines, berries shrubs, plants, roses, bulbs, &c. : also osage head plants, apple and pear seedlings and root grafts, 1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • A. LeFevre, Pleasant Hill Nursery, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Liberty Square Nursery, W.P. Bolton & Sons, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chas. S. Lindley, Emporia Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of Southern and acclimated fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, evergreens, shrubs, roses, etc., 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. Van Lindley Nursery Co. (Pomona, N.C.), Descriptive catalogue of southern and acclimated fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, evergreens, shrubs, roses, &c., 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. Van Lindley Nursery Co., Pomona Hill Nurseries (Pomona, N.C.), 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. Van Lindley Nursery Co. (Pomona, N.C.), Descriptive catalogue of southern and acclimated fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, evergreens, shrubs, roses, etc., 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. Van Lindley Nursery Co. (Pomona, N.C.), Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, evergreens, shrubs, roses, etc, 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. Van Lindley Nursery Co. (Pomona, N.C.), Catalogue of fruit trees, vines ornamentals, etc., 1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. Van Lindley Nursery Co. (Pomona, N.C.), Catalogue of fruit trees, vines ornamentals, etc., 1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lindo Nursery, F.G. Petersen & Son, Chico, CA, Catalog and price list of ornamental trees and shrubs, fruit trees, roses, etc., 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • A. Lingham, Puyallup Nursery, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Little Tree Farms, American Forestry Co, Year book. Section II, No. 37, a complete catalog of evergreen shrubs, trees, vines, annuals, perennials, roses, peonies, iris, phlox, gladioli, dahlias & accessories, 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W.B. Longstreth, Gratiot, Ohio, 1902 seed annual and bargain catalog : garden and flower seeds, roses, chrysanthemums, carnations, &c., 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W.B. Longstreth, Gratiot, Ohio, 1908 seed annual and bargain catalog : garden and flower seeds, roses, chrysanthemums, carnations, &c., 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.T. Lovett Company, Little Silver, N. J., Lovett's special catalogue of roses geraniums cannas palms carnations, chrysanthemums gladiolus, lilies, hardy herbaceous plants, and other summer flowering plants and bulbs, 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.T. Lovett Company, Little Silver, N. J., Lovett's special catalogue of roses geraniums cannas palms carnations, chrysanthemums gladiolus, lilies, hardy herbaceous plants, and other summer flowering plants and bulbs, 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.T. Lovett Company, Little Silver, N. J., Catalog of hardy perennials shrubs, vines, roses, hedge plants evergreen trees small fruits and garden roots with illustrations and comments : no. 1, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.T. Lovett Company, Little Silver, N. J., Catalog of hardy perennials shrubs, vines, roses, hedge plants evergreen trees small fruits and garden roots with illustrations and comments : no. 1, 1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.T. Lovett Company, Little Silver, N. J., Catalog of small fruits hardy perennials, roses shrubs, vines, dahlias, hedge plants, evergreen trees, garden roots, etc. with illustrations and comments : no. 1, 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.T. Lovett Company, Monmouth Nursery, Little Silver, N. J., Catalog of perennials, shrubs, vines, roses, evergreen trees, garden roots, berry plants and grape vines 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.T. Lovett Company, Monmouth Nursery, Little Silver, N. J., Catalog of berry plants and grape vines peonies, phlox and other hardy perennials plants, evergreen trees, shrubs, vines, hedge plants, roses and garden roots, autumn 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.T. Lovett Company, Monmouth Nursery, Little Silver, N. J., Catalog of berry plants and grape vines peonies, phlox and other hardy perennials plants, evergreen trees, shrubs, vines, hedge plants, roses and garden roots 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.T. Lovett Company, Monmouth Nursery, Little Silver, N. J., Catalog of berry plants and grape vines peonies, phlox and other hardy perennials plants, evergreen trees, shrubs, vines, hedge plants, roses and garden roots 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.T. Lovett Company, Monmouth Nursery, Little Silver, N. J., Catalog of berry plants and grape vines peonies, phlox and other hardy perennials plants, evergreen trees, shrubs, vines, hedge plants, roses and garden roots, Autumn 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.T. Lovett Company, Monmouth Nursery, Little Silver, N. J., Catalog Spring 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.T. Lovett Company, Little Silver, N. J., "Gain-a-season" fall catalog 1931 : roses evergreens perennials hardy shrubs hedge plants, 1931 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lowell Nurseries, N. P. Husted & Co, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • F. Ludemann, Pacific Nursery, Descriptive catalogue of roses, camellias, azalias, ornamental evergreens and flowering plants, 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Luke Brothers Company, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbs and bulbous plants, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Fla. Macclenny, Pomona Nurseries, Descriptive illustrated catalogue and amateurs' fruit guide for the extreme Southern States, 1892 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Manchester Nurseries, C.E. Wilson & Co., Manchester, Conn., New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wm. Mandel, Bloomington, Ill., New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mangelsdorf Brothers Company, Illustrated catalogue of roses and plants, 1898 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Maple Grove Nurseries, E. C. Pierson & Co, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc. : grown and for sale at Maple Grove Nurseries, 1889 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Marble City Nursery Co., Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Marshalls Nurseries, Marshall Bros, Descriptive catalogue of fruit trees, vines, small fruits, ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1905 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Marshalls Nurseries, Marshall Bros, Arlington, Nebr., Descriptive catalogue of fruit trees, vines, small fruits, ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Marshalls Nurseries, Marshall Bros, Arlington, Nebr., Descriptive catalogue of fruit trees, vines, small fruits, ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Marshalls Nurseries, Marshall Bros, Arlington, Nebr., Descriptive catalogue of fruit trees, vines, small fruits, ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • S.W. Marshall & Son, Marshall Nurseries (Fresno, Calif.), Descriptive catalogue : fruit, forest and ornamental trees, raisin, wine and table grapes, roses, palms, vines and shrubs, eucalyptus for timber culture, 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W.E. Marshall & Co, Descriptive catalogue : shrubs, trees, roses, fruits and herbaceous plants, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W.E. Marshall & Co, Descriptive catalogue : herbaceous plants, shrubs, trees, roses, fruits, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Masonic Home Nurseries, Smiths Nursery Company, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, peonies, bardy border plants, etc., 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mattapoisett Flower Fields, J.S. Figueiredo, Descriptive catalogue of choice gladioli, dahlias, phlox, roses and other plants, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • N. F. McCarthy and Co, 1921 Spring catalogue of hardy roses, rhododendrons, specimen evergreens, flowering shrubs, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • N. F. McCarthy and Co, 1922 Spring catalogue of hardy roses, rhododendrons, specimen evergreens, flowering shrubs to be sold at our salesroom each day at private sale from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. : after April 4, auctions will be held on Tuesdays and Fridays, auction of bedding plants, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.M. McCullough's Sons Co., Cincinnato, Ohio, catalog of bulbs, seeds, plants, roses, shrubbery, trees, etc. for fall planting, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.M. McCullough's Sons Co., R.S. McCullough, president, Chas. R. Moore, vice-pres't : catalog of bulbs, seeds, plants, roses, shrubs, fruit trees, shade and ornamental trees, etc., with complet cultural directions for bulbs, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chas. McDonald, Kokosing Nursery, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W.E. McElderry, Princeton Nursery, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W.E. McElderry, Princeton Nurseries (Princeton, Ind.), Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • McIntosh & Co.'s periodical catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, flowering shrubs and roses, herbaceous & green house plants, cultivated & for sale at their nursery and green house, 1848 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. L. McKay & Co, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, evergreens, etc. : together with vauable hints on planting, 1887 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • M. C. McLain, Charleston Nursery, Annual descriptive catalogue of roses, geraniums, verbenas, dahlias, greenhouse plants, etc. Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • McLean County Nurseries, W. A. Watson & Co, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, &c., 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • McNary & Gaines, Xenia Star Nurseries, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Meador Bros. Nursery Co, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, grape vines, etc., 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • The Geo H. Mellen Co. illustrated catalogue of bulbs, roses and plants for winter and spring blooming, and fruits for fall planting : autumn 1898 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Geo. H. Mellen Co, Innisfallen Greenhouses, Illustrated catalogue of bulbs, roses and plants : for winter and spring blooming, and fruits for fall planting, 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Geo. H. Mellen Co, Innisfallen Greenhouses, Illustrated catalogue bulbs, roses, plants : for winter and spring blooming, 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Geo. H. Mellen Co, Illustrated catalogue of bulbs, roses and plants : for winter and spring blooming and fruits for fall planting, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Geo. H. Mellen Co, Illustrated catalogue of bulbs, roses and plants : for winter and spring blooming and fruits for fall planting : Autumn 1905 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Geo. H. Mellen Co, Spring 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Geo. H. Mellen Co, Illustrated catalogue of bulbs, roses and plants : for winter and spring blooming and fruits for fall planting : Autumn 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • The Geo H. Mellen Co., illustrated catalogue of bulbs, roses and plants for winter and spring blooming, fruits and shrubs for fall planting : autumn 1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.L. Merrick & Co, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Merrimac Valley Nurseries, Frank W. Spinney, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, plants, spray calendars and formulas, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Merriman Nurseries, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc, 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Metropolitan Nurseries, John H. Sievers, Descriptive catalogue of new and choice roses, chrysanthemums, pelargoniums, carnations, 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Michael's Seed Store nursery catalogue : fruit trees, small fruits, ornamental trees, evergreens, seedling trees, shade trees, shrubs, roses, vines, bulbs, house plants, etc., 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Michael's Seed Store, Sioux City, Iowa, Michael's nursery catalog : fruit trees, small fruits, ornamental trees, evergreens, seedling trees, shade trees, shrubs, roses, vines, bulbs, house plants, etc., Spring 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Michel Bros. & Kern, Descriptive catalogue of flower seeds, greenhouse and herbaceous plants, roses, ornamental shrubbery, bulbs and decorative floricultural articles, 1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Milford Nurseries, A. Pullen, Illustrated catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, etc., 1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • G. H. Miller & Son, Excelsior Nurseries, Rome, Georgia, illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • G. H. Miller & Son, Excelsior Nurseries, Rome, Georgia, illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • G. H. Miller & Son, Excelsior Nurseries illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses, etc. / 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Missing Link Apple Co., General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mitchell & Johnston, Catalogue of field, garden and flower seeds, fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, &c. for sale by H. Mitchell: senior partner of the late firm of grower, importer and dealer in seeds, plants, bulbs, fertilizers and garden requisites: nursery grounds, Menzies Street, James' Bay, seed store, Government Street, near theatre, 1878 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • M.J. Moniz, berry specialist, grower and nurseryman, Descriptive catalogue of berry and small fruit plants, deciduous and citrus fruit trees, roses and grapevines, 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • M.J. Moniz, berry specialist, grower and nurseryman, Descriptive catalogue of berry and small fruit plants, deciduous and citrus fruit trees, roses and grapevines, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Monmouth Nursery, J.T. Lovett Company, Little Silver, N. J., Catalog of perennials, shrubs, vines, roses, evergreen trees, garden roots, berry plants and grape vines 1913 und Download-Link
  • Monmouth Nursery, J.T. Lovett Company, Little Silver, N. J., Catalog of berry plants and grape vines peonies, phlox and other hardy perennials plants, evergreen trees, shrubs, vines, hedge plants, roses and garden roots 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Monmouth Nursery, J.T. Lovett Company, Little Silver, N. J., Catalog of berry plants and grape vines peonies, phlox and other hardy perennials plants, evergreen trees, shrubs, vines, hedge plants, roses and garden roots 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Monmouth Nursery, J.T. Lovett Company, Little Silver, N. J., Catalog of berry plants and grape vines peonies, phlox and other hardy perennials plants, evergreen trees, shrubs, vines, hedge plants, roses and garden roots, Autumn 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Monmouth Nursery, J.T. Lovett Company, Little Silver, N. J., Catalog Spring 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Monroe County Nurseries, Gould Brothers' wholesale catalogue or trade list of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbous roots, border plants, etc., for spring of 1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Monroe County Nurseries, Gould Brothers' wholesale catalogue or trade list of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbous roots, border plants, etc., for spring of 1874 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Tyra Montgomery, Mattoon Nursery, Retail catalogue or price list of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, grape vines, shrubs, roses, evergreens, green house plants, &c. cultivated and for sale 1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Tyra Montgomery, Mattoon Nursery, Catalogue or price list of fruit & ornamental trees, small fruits, grape vines, shrubs, roses, evergreens etc., cultivated and for sale 1871/1872 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.B. Morey Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue : fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, grape vines, small fruits, etc, 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Morris & Stokes, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, flowering shrubs and plants, roses, etc., etc., cultivated and for sale at their garden and nursery, 1849 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Morris Nursery Co, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses, &c. cultivated and for sale at the Morris Nurseries, 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Morris Nurseries, West Chester, Pa., Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubbery, vines, roses, etc., cultivated and for sale 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Morris Nursery Co, West Chester, Pa., General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubbery, vines, roses, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Morris Nursery Co, New York, N.Y., Descriptive catalogue of choice hardy trees, vines, shrubs, evergreens, roses, perennials, fruits, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Morris Nursery Co, New York, N.Y., Descriptive catalogue of choice hardy trees, vines, shrubs, evergreens, roses, perennials, fruits, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Morris Nursery Co, New York, N.Y., Descriptive catalogue of choice hardy trees, vines, shrubs, evergreens, roses, perennials, fruits, etc., 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Morris Nursery Co, New York, N.Y., Descriptive catalogue of choice hardy trees, vines, shrubs, evergreens, roses, perennials, fruits, etc., 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Morris Nursery Co, New York, N.Y., Descriptive catalogue of choice hardy trees, vines, shrubs, evergreens, roses, perennials, fruits, etc., 1919.1 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Morris Nursery Co, New York, N.Y., Descriptive catalogue of choice hardy trees, vines, shrubs, evergreens, roses, perennials, fruits, etc., 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Morris Nurseries, West Chester, Pa., Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubbery, vines, roses, etc., cultivated and for sale 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Morris Nursery Co, New York, N.Y., Hardy deciduous and evergreen trees, vines, shrubs, roses, perennials, fruits, etc., 1926 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mound Nursery Co., West Allis, Wisc., New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Moundridge Nursery Co., J.F. Crippen, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mountain Grove Nurseries, Tippin & Moore, New western catalogue : fruit, shade and ornamental trees, and evergreens, small fruits, grape vines, shrubs, lants, roses, etc., 1901 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mountain View Nursery Co. Inc., Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, plants, shrubs, roses, etc., 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mount Hope Nurseries, Ellwanger & Barry, Rochester, N.Y., Annual catalogue, of hot-house and green-house plants, roses, cammellias, fuchsias, geraniums, lilies, verbenas, phloes, &c., roses, lilies, camellias, verbenas, fuchsias, phloxes, geranium &c. &c. : cultivated and sold 1861 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mount Hope Nurseries, Ellwanger & Barry's descriptive catalogue of hardy ornamental trees and shrubs, roses, etc., 1867/1868 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mount Hope Nurseries, Ellwanger & Barry Descriptive catalogue of ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, flowering plants, &c, 1875 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mount Hope Nurseries, Ellwanger & Barry, Rochester, N.Y., A descriptive catalogue of select roses offered for sale 1881 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mount Hope Nurseries, Ellwanger & Barry, Abridged catalogue of select fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, roses etc., 1882 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mount Hope Nurseries, Ellwanger & Barry, A catalogue of new and rare roses for 1883 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mount Hope Nurseries, Ellwanger & Barry Rochester, N.Y., A descriptive catalogue of select roses for 1884 : offered for sale 1884 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mount Hope Nurseries, Ellwanger & Barry, Catalogue of holland bulbs roses and specialties for fall planting, 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • G. N. Moyer, Laketon Nurseries, Laketon, Indiana, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mutual Nurseries Company, Charles A. Ilgenfritz, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Myer & Son, Bridgeville Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, &c., 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Napa Valley Nurseries, Leonard Coates, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and nut trees, ornamental and shade trees, grape vines, small fruits, roses, palms, etc., 1892 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Napa Valley Nurseries, Leanard Coates, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and nut trees ornamental and shade trees grape vines small fruits roses, palms, et.c, etc. grown and for sale 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • National Nursery Company, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • National Nurseries (Lawrence, Kan.), General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • National Nurseries (Lawrence, Kan.), New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • New Brunswick Nurseries, Fred. D. Osman, New Brunswick, N. J., Roses catalog : we bring roses, beautiful fresh roses, dewy as the morning and coloured as the dawn, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • New Brunswick Nurseries, Fred. D. Osman, New Brunswick, N. J., Roses catalog, 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • New Brunswick Nurseries, Fred. D. Osman, New Brunswick, N. J., Garden roses : how to make them grow and bloom, guide and catalog, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • New Brunswick Nurseries, Fred. D. Osman, New Brunswick, N. J., Buyer's guide of dependable stock : for florists and nuserymen who want better results, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • New Brunswick Nurseries, Fred. D. Osman, New Brunswick, N. J., "Miles of roses" will greet the visitors today at N.B. Nurseries : catalog, chiefly of roses, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • New Canaan Nurseries, Stephen Hoyt's Sons, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, roses, etc., 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • New Canaan Nurseries, Stephen Hoyt's Sons, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, roses, etc., 1898 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • New England Nurseries (Bedford, Mass.), General catalogue : hardy fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines and roses, 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • New England Nurseries (Bedford, Mass.), Supplement to general catalog : new and rare things worth while planting, 1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • New England Nurseries (Bedford, Mass.), catalog of bulbs, evergreen and deciduous trees, shrubs, herbaceous perennials, hardy vines and roses for autumn planting, Autumn, 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • New England Nurseries, Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the finest kinds of deciduous and evergreen trees : shrubs, roses, vines, herbaceous plants, fruit trees, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • New England Nurseries (Bedford, Mass.), Catalogue of trees, shrubs, evergreens, roses, vines and herbaceous perennials, 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • New England Nurseries (Bedford, Mass.), Catalog of bulbs, evergreens, deciduous trees, hardy vines, shrubs, herbaceous perennials, roses for autumn planting and evergreens for forestry purposes, autumn 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • New England Nurseries, (Bedford, Mass.), escriptive catalog of hardy Bedford grown evergreens for all purposes : also list of the best roses for the garden, 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • New England Nurseries (Bedford, Mass.), 1928 descriptive catalogue of hardy Bedford grown evergreens for all purposes : also list of the best everblooming roses, 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. I. Newson, Grand Central Nurseries, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : all of the best old and new sorts, evergreens, shrubs, vines, roses, plants, etc., 1887 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Bend Nurseries, J.W. Stevenson, North Bend, Nebraska, Catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Bend Nurseries, J.W. Stevenson, North Bend, Nebraska, Catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Bend Nurseries, J.W. Stevenson, North Bend, Nebraska, Catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Bend Nurseries, J.W. Stevenson, North Bend, Nebraska, Catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Bend Nurseries, J.W. Stevenson, North Bend, Nebraska, Spring and Fall-1907 catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Bend Nurseries, J.W. Stevenson, North Bend, Nebraska, 1909-Spring and Fall-1909 catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Bend Nurseries, J.W. Stevenson, North Bend, Nebraska, 1913-spring and fall-1913 : catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Bend Nurseries, J.W. Stevenson, North Bend, Nebraska, 1914-spring and fall-1914 : catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Bend Nurseries, J.W. Stevenson, North Bend, Nebraska, 1915-spring and fall-1915 : catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Bend Nurseries, J.W. Stevenson, North Bend, Nebraska, Catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1916 spring and fall 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Bend Nurseries, J.W. Stevenson, North Bend, Nebraska, Catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1917 spring and fall 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Bend Nurseries, J.W. Stevenson, North Bend, Nebraska, Catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1918 spring and fall 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Northern Nursery Co. (Denver, Colo.), General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Northern Nursery Co. (Denver, Colo.), General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Northern Nursery Co., M. S. Richmond, Traer, Iowa, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Jersey Nurseries, General catalogue : fruit and ornamental trees, grape-vines, small fruits, shrubs, roses and perennials, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Jersey Nurseries, General catalogue : fruit and ornamental trees, grape-vines, small fruits, shrubs, roses and perennials, 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Jersey Nurseries, Millburn, New Jersey, Fruit trees, shade trees, vines and roses, herbaceous plants and perennials, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North-Western Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of the : fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc. of the best quality, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Star Nursery Co., Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Oakley Nurseries, Ashville, N.C., Evergreens, trees, deciduous, shrubs, roses, vines, and herbaceous perennials : catalog, 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Oakley Nurseries, Ashville, N.C., Evergreens, trees, deciduous, shrubs, roses, vines, and herbaceous perennials : catalog, 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Old Dominion Nurseries, W.T. Hood & Co, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses etc., 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Orange County Nurseries, T.J. Dwyer & Company, Cornwall, New York, General catalogue of the Orange County Nurseries : hardy fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines and roses, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Orange County Nurseries, T.J. Dwyer & Company, Cornwall, New York, General catalogue of the Orange County Nurseries : hardy fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines and roses, 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Orange County Nurseries, T.J. Dwyer & Company, Cornwall, New York, General catalogue : hardy fruit & ornamental trees, shrubs, vines & roses, 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Orange County Nursery and Land Company, Orange County Ornamental Nursery, Fullerton, CA, growers of new and standard fruits, shade and street trees, shrubs, eucalyptus, palms, roses, ornamentals, vines, catalog 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Oregon Nursery Co, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Oregon Nursery Co, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubs, roses, vines, small fruits, etc., 1905 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Oregon Nursery Company, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubs, roses, vines, small fruits, etc., 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Oregon Nursery Co, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubs, roses, vines, small fruits, etc., 1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Oregon Nursery Company, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, vines, small fruits, etc., 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Oregon Nursery Company, Descriptive catalogue of fruit, nut and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, roses, vines : wholesale and retail, 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Oregon Nursery Company, Capital City Nursery Company, General descriptive catalogue of fruit trees, small fruit : ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, bulbs, etc., 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Ornamental Nurseries, Henry Kohankie & Son : catalogue of shade and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, perennial plants, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fred. D. Osman, New Brunswick Nurseries, New Brunswick, N. J., Roses catalog : we bring roses, beautiful fresh roses, dewy as the morning and coloured as the dawn, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fred. D. Osman, New Brunswick Nurseries, New Brunswick, N. J., Roses catalog, 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fred. D. Osman, New Brunswick Nurseries, New Brunswick, N. J., Garden roses : how to make them grow and bloom, guide and catalog, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fred. D. Osman, New Brunswick Nurseries, New Brunswick, N. J., Buyer's guide of dependable stock : for florists and nuserymen who want better results, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fred. D. Osman, New Brunswick Nurseries, New Brunswick, N. J., "Miles of roses" will greet the visitors today at N.B. Nurseries : catalog, chiefly of roses, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Overman's Nursery, Spokane, Washington, Ornamental and fruit trees, flowering shrubs and vines, roses and evergreens : spring and fall 1922 catalog Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Pacific Nursery, F. Ludemann, Descriptive catalogue of roses, camellias, azalias, ornamental evergreens and flowering plants, 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pacific Nursery, H. Kempf, Catalogue and price list of fall 1910 and spring 1911 : trees, shrubs, roses, camellias, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Padre's Botanical Gardens, Rev. Geo. M. A. Schoener, Santa Barbara, CA, General catalog and price list of roses, dahlias, gladioli and other useful flowers, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Padre's Botanical Gardens, Rev. Geo. M. A. Schoener, Santa Barbara, CA, General catalog and price list of roses, dahlias, gladioli and other productions, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Padre's Botanical Gardens, Rev. Geo. M. A. Schoener, Santa Barbara, CA, General catalog and price list of roses, dahlias, gladioli and other useful flowers, 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Page Valley Nurseries, A. Bolen, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1926 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Page Valley Nurseries, A. Bolen, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Page Valley Nurseries, Illustrated catalogue of ornamental trees, fruits, shrubs and plants : together with valuable hints on the selection, propagation and care of stock : spray calendar and formulas, 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Painesville Nurseries, Storrs & Harrison Co, Catalogue : fruit, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Painesville Nurseries, Storrs & Harrison Co, 50th Anniversary catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, perennial plants, etc., 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Painesville Nurseries, Storrs & Harrison Co, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Painesville Nurseries, Storrs & Harrison Co, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Painesville Nurseries, Storrs & Harrison Co, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Paris Nurseries, W. W. Stell, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : grapes, shrubs, evergreens, roses, etc., 1885/1886 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Paris Nurseries, H.L. Clark, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, evergreens, roses, etc., 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Parker Bros. Nursery Co., Fayetteville Nurseries, Catalogue of "Arkansas grown" fruit trees : shade trees, shrubs, roses, plants, vines, etc., 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • S.B. Parsons & Sons, Henry G. Gilbert Nursery, Descriptive catalogue of ornamental trees, flowering shrubs, fruit trees, plants and evergreens cultivated and for sale, 1873 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Parsons & Co., Kissena Nurseries (Flushing, New York, N.Y.), Descriptive catalogue of hardy ornamental trees, flowering shrubs and vines : including rhododendrons, roses, magnolias, Chinese and Ghent azaleas, camellias, Japanese maples and other rare and choice plants, 1887 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Parsons & Sons Co, Kissena Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of hardy ornamental trees, flowering shrubs and vines : including rhododendrons, roses, magnolias, Chinese and Ghent azaleas, camellias, Japanese maples and other rare and choice plants, 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Parsons & Sons Co, Kissena Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of hardy ornamental trees, flowering shrubs and vines : including rhododendrons, roses, magnolias, Chinese and Ghent azaleas, camellias, Japanese maples and other rare and choice plants, 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Parsons & Sons Co, Kissena Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of hardy ornamental trees, flowering shrubs and vines : including rhododendrons, roses, magnolias, Chinese and Ghent azaleas, camellias, Japanese maples and other rare and choice plants, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Parsons & Sons Co, Kissena Nurseries, Catalogue of deciduous trees and shrubs, rare evergreens, Japanese maples, rhododendrons, roses and fruits : 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Parsons & Sons Co, Kissena Nurseries, Catalogue of deciduous trees and shrubs, rare evergreens, Japanese maples, rhododendrons, roses and fruits, 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pawnee Rock Nursery, W. M. Zieber, Pawnee Rock, Kansas, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pawnee Rock Nursery, W. M. Zieber, Pawnee Rock, Kansas, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pawnee Rock Nursery, W. M. Zieber, Pawnee Rock, Kansas, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, vines and roses, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Theodore Payne 1872-1963, Descriptive catalogue of roses, carnations, chrysanthemums, dahlias, bulbs, and climbing plants, citrus and deciduous fruit trees, grape vines, small fruits, 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Theodore Payne 1872-1963, Paynes garden guide : seeds, plants and trees : 1929 : an informative catalog of flower, vegetable, tree and shrub seeds, roses and flowering plants, vines, ornamental and fruiting shrubs and trees, including an extensive listing of California native trees, shrubs and wild flowers. 1929 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Peach Belt Nurseries, Nursery catalogue (descriptive) : fruit trees, plants, vines, etc., roses, shrubs and ornamentals, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Penrose Nurseries, Robert Scott & Son (Philadelphia, Pa.), Catalogue of Scott's roses and other beautiful flowers, 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Perry Nursery Co, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : roses grape vines shrubs small fruits plants, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Perry Nursery Co, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : roses grape vines shrubs small fruits plants, 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Perry Nursery Co, Revised, illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees shrubs, roses, bulbs and bulbous plants, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Perry Nursery Co, Revised, illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees shrubs, roses, bulbs and bulbous plants, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Perry Nursery Co, Revised, illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees shrubs, roses, bulbs and bulbous plants, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Perry Nursery Co, Revised, illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees shrubs, roses, bulbs and bulbous plants, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Perry Nursery Co, Revised, illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees shrubs, roses, bulbs and bulbous plants, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • F.G. Petersen & Son, Lindo Nursery, Chico, CA, Catalog and price list of ornamental trees and shrubs, fruit trees, roses, etc., 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Peyton & Barnes, Boonville Nurseries, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pfeiffer & Blackburn, Anthony Pfeiffer, Avondale Garden & Nurseries (Cincinnati, Ohio), Wholesale catalogue & price list of fruit & ornamental trees, shrubs roses, border plants, and nursery seedling stocks, for autumn of 1861 and spring of 1862, Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pino's Seed Store, Willis S. Pino, Catalogue of flower, vegetable and field seeds, bulbs, fertilizers, garden implements, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pioneer Nursery of Monrovia, Monrovia, CA, Catalog and prices of deciduous, citrus and tropical fruit trees, berries, nuts, ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, flowering plants together with instructions for planting and care ... 1876-1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pioneer Nursery of Monrovia, Monrovia, CA, Catalog and prices of deciduous, citrus and tropical fruit trees, berries, nuts, ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, flowering plants together with instructions for planting and care ... 1876-1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Philadelphia, C. J. Wolbert, auction mart: Catalogue of English and French fruit trees, shrubbery, evergreens, grape vines, grafted rose trees, rose bushes, ornamental trees, shrubbery and eidible rhubarb, received by the latest arrivals from England and France, 1840 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Joseph T. Phillips, Sunnyside spring catalogue of roses, greenhouse and bedding plants, seeds, etc. for 1882 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Joseph T. Phillips, Sunnyside spring catalogue of roses, greenhouse and bedding plants, seeds, etc. for 1885 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Franklin Kelsey Phoenix, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., of the Bloomington nursery, Bloomington, Illinois, 1885 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Franklin Kelsey Phoenix, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc. of the Bloomington Nursery, 1886 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Bloomington Nursery, (Bloomington, Ill.), Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc. of the Phoenix Nursery Company : fall 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Bloomington Phoenix Nursery, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Bloomington Phoenix Nursery, Catalogue of roses, greenhouse, bedding and herbaceous plants and spring flowering bulbs, etc., 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Bloomington Phoenix Nursery, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc. of the Phoenix Nursery Company, 1896 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Bloomington Phoenix Nursery, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc. of the Phoenix Nursery Company, 1896 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Bloomington Phoenix Nursery, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Bloomington Phoenix Nursery, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Bloomington Phoenix Nursery, Spring of 1899 wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses, bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Bloomington Phoenix Nursery, Fall of 1899 wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses, bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Bloomington Phoenix Nursery, Spring of 1900 : wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses, bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Spring of 1901 wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses, bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc. of the Phoenix Nursery Company, 1901 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses, bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Compan, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses, bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses, bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses, bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Spring of 1905 : wholesale catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, small fruits, hedge plants, roses, bulbs, herbaceous plants, etc., 1905 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Fall of 1905 : wholesale catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, small fruits, hedge plants, roses, bulbs, herbaceous plants, etc., 1905 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Wholesale catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, small fruits, hedge plants, roses, bulbs, herbaceous plants, etc., 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Wholesale catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, small fruits, hedge plants, roses, bulbs, herbaceous plants, etc., 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Wholesale catalogue spring 1907 : fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, small fruits, hedge plants, roses, bulbs, herbaceous plants, etc. etc., 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Wholesale catalogue fall 1907 : fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, small fruits, hedge plants, roses, bulbs, herbaceous plants, etc., 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, &c., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • E. C. Pierson & Co, Maple Grove Nurseries, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc. : grown and for sale at Maple Grove Nurseries, 1889 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • A.N. Pierson, Inc, Annual catalogue [of] roses, chrysanthemums, bedding plants, palms, ferns and orchids, 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pine Tree State Seed Company, W.R. Kimball, Bath, Main, 1904 bargain catalogue reliable flower and vegetable seeds : bulbs, hardy shrubs, roses and bedding plants, 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pine Tree State Seed Company, W.R. Kimball, Bath, Main, reliable flower and vegetable seeds, bulbs, hardy shrubs, roses and bedding plants : Bargain catalog for 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pine Tree State Seed Company, W.R. Kimball, Bath, Main, catalog trustworthy garden, field and flower seeds : hardy shrubs, bulbs, roses and bedding plants, grass, clover and lawn seeds. 1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pioneer Nursery, A. Foster, Catalogue and price list of deciduous, citrus, tropical and semi-tropical fruit trees, evergreen and deciduous ornamental trees and shrubs, evergreen and deciduous vines, bulbs, palms and roses, 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pioneer Nursery, A. Foster, Catalogue and price list of deciduous, citrus, tropical and semi-tropical fruit trees, evergreen and deciduous ornamental trees and shrubs, evergreens and deciduous vines, bulbs, palms and roses, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pleasant Hill Nursery, A. LeFevre, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pleasant View Gardens, Babcock & Zerfass, Gladiolus, roses, iris, dahlias, peonies, cannas, shrubs, vines, perennials, hedge plants, fruit and ornamental trees, bulbs, etc. : catalog, 1926 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pleasant View Gardens, Babcock & Zerfass, Gladiolus, roses, iris, dahlias, peonies, cannas, shrubs, vines, perennials, hedge plants, fruit and ornamental trees, bulbs, etc. : catalog, 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pomaria Nurseries, William Summer1861 descriptive catalogue of Southern and acclimated fruit trees, evergreens, roses, grape vines, rare trees, shrubs, &c., cultivated and for sale at Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Prince's Manual of Roses, comprising the most complete History of the Rose & Catalog 1846 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Prince's descriptive catalogue of roses comprising the most extensive collection in America, cultivated for sale at the great original establishment, prince's linnaean garden & nurseries, Flushing, near New-York, Wm. R. Prince & Co, 1846/1847 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Prince's descriptive catalogue of roses comprising the most extensive collection in America, cultivated for sale at the great original establishment, prince's linnaean botanic garden & nurseries, Flushing, near New-York, Wm. R. Prince & Co, 1848 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Supplementary catalogue of new and splendid roses, for sale by Wm. R. Prince & Co, 1849 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wm. R. Prince & Co, Prince's select catalogue : roses, herbaceous flowering plants, &c, ca. 1850 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wm. R. Prince & Co, Supplementary catalogue of select and splendid roses, 1851/1852 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wm. R. Prince & Co, Prince's select catalogue of roses, bulbous flowers, dahlias, herbaceous flowering plants, etc, 1854 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wm. R. Prince & Co, Prince's select catalogue of the unrivaled collection of roses, carnations, chrysanthemums, phlox, iris, double sweet williams, hollyhocks : and other herbaceous flowering plants, Linn©an Botanic Gardens and Nurseries, Flushing, Long Island, N.Y., 1857/1858 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Princeton Nurseries (Princeton, Ind.), W.E. McElderry, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Princeton Nursery, W.E. McElderry, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Prospect Hill Nursery, William King & Son, Descriptive catalogue of green-house & hot-house plants... : cultivated and for sale 1872 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Prospect Hill Nurseries, Inc., Illustrative and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, &c., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Prospect Hill Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit & ornamental trees : small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, &c., 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Puget Sound Nursery and Seed Co, C.N. Sandahl, Descriptive catalogue 1904 : seeds and plants, cut flowers, fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, roses, vines, bulbs, etc., 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Puget Sound Nursery and Seed Co, C.N. Sandahl, Descriptive catalogue 1905 : seeds and plants, cut flowers, fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, roses, vines, bulbs, etc., 1905 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Puget Sound Nursery and Seed Co, C.N. Sandahl, Descriptive catalogue 1908 : seeds and plants, cut flowers, fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, roses, vines, bulbs, etc., 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • A. Pullen, Milford Nurseries, Illustrated catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, etc., 1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • S. H. Purple's descriptive catalogue of roses, bedding and greenhouse plants, shrubs, trees, &c., for spring of 1872 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles F. Putnam, A descriptive catalogue of selected roses and poeonies, cultivated by the proprietor on part of the nursery grounds of half a mile from the Essex Rail Road Depot, and for sale by Francis Putnam, at his book and seed store, No. 186 1-2 Essex St., Salem, Mass., 1850 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Puyallup Nursery, A. Lingham, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Quaker Hill Nursery Co., Newark, New York, growers of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, roses, shrubs, and hedging, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Quaker Hill Nursery Co., Newark, New York, growers of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, roses, shrubs, and hedging, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Rancho Chico Nurseries, John Bidwell, Descriptive catalogue of fruit, shade and ornamental trees, roses, shrubs, plants &c., 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rancho Chico Nurseries, John Bidwell, Descriptive catalogue of fruit, shade, and ornamental trees, roses, shrubs, plants, etc., 1889 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rancho Chico Nurseries, John Bidwell, Descriptive catalogue of fruit, shade, and ornamental trees : roses, shrubs, plants, etc., 1893/1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rancho Chico Nursery, John Bidwell, General descriptive catalogue : fruit, shade, and ornamental trees, roses, shrubs, greenhouse plants, etc., 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Red Wing Nursery Co., Lake City, Minn., New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wm. B. Reed, Chambersberg Nurseries, Catalogue of new, rare and beautiful roses : hardy shrubs, grape vines and small fruits, 1884 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Vincennes Nurseries, W. C. Reed, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1893 Online-lesen und +5Download-Link
  • W.C. Reed, Vincennes Nurseries, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W.C. Reed, Vincennes Nurseries, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies [sic], hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W.C. Reed, Vincennes Nurseries, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles A. Reeser Co., Innisfallen Greenhouses, Springfield, Ohio, Catalog, 1887 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles A. Reeser Co., Innisfallen Greenhouses, Springfield, Ohio, wholesale price list : for summer of 1889 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles A. Reeser Co., Innisfallen Greenhouses, Springfield, Ohio, Bulbs, roses and plants : autumn 1892 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles A. Reeser Co., Innisfallen Greenhouses, Springfield, Ohio, Bulbs, roses and plants : autumn 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles A. Reeser Co., Innisfallen Greenhouses, Springfield, Ohio, Catalog 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles A. Reeser Co., Innisfallen Greenhouses, Urbana, Ohio, Catalog 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles A. Reeser Co, Innisfallen Greenhouses, Urbana, Ohio, The C.A. Reeser Co.'s illustrated catalogue of winter blooming bulbs, roses, plants, seeds that grow, 1896 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • The Charles A. Reeser Co., Innisfallen Greenhouses, Urbana, Ohio, illustrated catalogue of winter-flowering bulbs that bloom, roses, plants, seeds, 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles A. Reeser Co, Innisfallen Greenhouses, Urbana, Ohio, illustrated autumn catalogue, beautiful flowering bulbs, the choicest roses and plants and "seeds that grow", 1898 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles A. Reeser Co, Innisfallen Greenhouses, Urbana, Ohio, Illustrated autumn 1900 catalogue of beautiful flowering bulbs, the choicest roses and "seeds and plants that grow", 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles A. Reeser Co, Innisfallen Greenhouses, Urbana, Ohio, Illustrated autumn catalogue of beautiful flowering bulbs, the choicest roses and "seeds and plants, 1901 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.A. Reeser Company, Innisfallen Greenhouses, Urbana, Ohio, Illustrated catalogue : beautiful flowers for every home, seeds that grow and fine roses, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.A. Reeser Company, Innisfallen Greenhouses, Urbana, Ohio, Illustrated catalogue : beautiful flowers for every home, seeds that grow and fine roses, 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.A. Reeser Company, Innisfallen Greenhouses, Urbana, Ohio, Illustrated catalogue : beautiful flowers for every home, seeds that grow and fine roses, 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rice Brothers Co, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses and herbaceous plants grown at Geneva, N. Y., 1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rice Brothers Co, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses and herbaceous plants, 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H.W. Rice & Co, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • T. W. Rice, grower, and importer, General catalogue of ornamental trees & fruits, shrubs, vines, roses, plants, spray calendars and formulas, 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rich Land Nurseries, Reilly Brothers Nurseries, Catalogue of Rich Land Nurseries : reliable fruit and ornamental trees, roses, shrubs, etc., 1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • E. B. Richardson & Co, Kanadesga Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, shrubs, roses, etc., 1891 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • M. S. Richmond, Northern Nursery Co., Traer, Iowa, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Riverside Nurseries, R.A. Jones, (Hillyard, Wash.), Catalog and price list of fruit & ornamental trees, roses, shrubs, etc. : Catalog A, 1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Riverside Nurseries, R.A. Jones, (Hillyard, Wash.), Catalog and price list of fruit & ornamental trees, roses, shrubs, etc. : Catalog B, 1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Riverside Nurseries, R.A. Jones, (Hillyard, Wash.), Catalog and price list of fruit & ornamental trees, roses, shrubs, etc. : Catalog B, 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Riverside Nurseries, R.A. Jones, (Hillyard, Wash.), Catalog and price list of fruit & ornamental trees, roses, shrubs, etc. : Catalog B, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Riverside Nurseries, R.A. Jones, (Hillyard, Wash.), Catalog and price list of fruit & ornamental trees, roses, shrubs, etc. : Catalog C, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Riverside Nurseries, J.K. Wheat, Phoenix, Arizona, Descriptive price catalog : citrus and deciduous fruit trees, grape vines, berries, ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, potted plants, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Riverside Nurseries, J.K. Wheat, Phoenix, Arizona, Descriptive price catalog : citrus and deciduous fruit trees, grape vines, berries, ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, potted plants, 1926 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rochester Nurseries, Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the finest kinds of deciduous and evergreen trees : shrubs, roses, vines, herbaceous plants, fruit trees, etc. 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rochester Nurseries, Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the finest kinds of deciduous and evergreen trees shrubs, roses, vines, herbaceous plants, fruit trees, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rochester Nurseries, Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the finest kinds of deciduous and evergreens : trees, shrubs, roses, vines, herbaceous plants, fruit trees, etc, 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rochester Nurseries, Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the finest kinds of deciduous and evergreen trees : shrubs, roses, vines, herbaceous plants, fruit trees, etc., 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rochester Nurseries, Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the finest kinds of deciduous and evergreens : trees, shrubs, roses, vines, herbaceous plants, fruit trees, etc., 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rochester Nurseries, Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the finest kinds of deciduous and evergreen trees, shrubs, roses, vines, herbaceous plants, fruit trees, etc., 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rochester Nurseries, Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the finest kinds of deciduous and evergreen trees : shrubs, roses, vines, herbaceous plants, fruit trees, etc., 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rochester Nurseries, Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Reference catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, grape vines and small fruit, 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rockfall Nursery Co., Rockfall, Connecticut, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Roeder Nurseries, W. H. Roeder, Osceola, Missouri : fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, climbing vines and perennials, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Roeder Nurseries, W. H. Roeder, Osceola, Missouri : fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, climbing vines and perennials, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Roeder Nurseries, W. H. Roeder, Osceola, Missouri : fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, climbing vines and perennials /Surplus bargains, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • George Christian Roeding, Fancher Creek Nurseries, Fresno, CA, Descriptive catalogue of small fruits, fruit trees, grape vines : ornamental trees, shrubs, and roses, Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • George Christian Roeding, Fancher Creek Nurseries, 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Descriptive catalogue of deciduous fruit trees, citrus trees, olive trees, and grape vines : ornamental trees, shrubs and roses, 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • George Christian Roeding, Fancher Creek Nurseries 1868-1928,Fresno, CA, A descriptive catalogue of fruit and forest trees, vines and shrubs, choice palms and roses, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • George Christian Roeding, Fancher Creek Nurseries, 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Descriptive catalogue : fruit and forest trees, vines and shrubs, palms and choice roses, 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • George Christian Roeding, Fancher Creek Nurseries, 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Price catalogue season 1909-1910 : fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, palms, roses, 1909/1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • George Christian Roeding, Fancher Creek Nurseries, 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, palms, roses : illustrated price catalogue season 1910/1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • George Christian Roeding, Fancher Creek Nurseries, 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, palms, roses : illustrated price catalogue season 1912/1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • George Christian Roeding, Fancher Creek Nurseries, 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, palms, roses : illustrated price catalogue season 1913/1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • George Christian Roeding, Fancher Creek Nurseries, 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, palms, roses : illustrated price catalogue season 1914/1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • George Christian Roeding, Fancher Creek Nurseries 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Descriptive illustrated catalog of dependable fruit and ornamental trees : roses and palms, vines and shrubs adapted to prevailing conditions of soil and climate on the West Coast together with planting and cultural notes, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link]
  • George Christian Roeding, Fancher Creek Nurseries 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Fruit tree price catalogue : ornamental trees, shrubs, roses season 1927/1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • M.E. Roesch, West Hill Nurseries, president, Catalogue of grape vines, fruit trees, ornamental shrubs, vines, plants, perennials and roses, 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. P. Rupert & Sons, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, evergreens, etc. : together with valuable hints on planting, 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Henry S. Rupp & Sons, Cumberland Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, flowering shrubs, roses, flowers, bulbs, vines, small fruit plants, etc., 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • D. Rusconi, Cincinatti, Ohio, bulb and seed merchantIllustrated catalog of bulbs, seeds, plants, roses, etc., florists' supplies, poultry supplies, also famous Rusconi lawn grass seed for lawns, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Edward H. Rust, South Pasadena, CA, nurseryman, Roses catalog : spring and summer, nineteen twenty four, 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Edward H. Rust, South Pasadena, CA, nurseryman, Roses catalog : spring and summer, nineteen twenty four, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Edward H. Rust, South Pasadena, CA, nurseryman, Catalog and planting guide : ornamental trees, shrubs and vines, palms, roses, ferns, grasses, flowering plants 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Saco Nurseries, S. L. Goodale, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, vines, &c. cultivated and for sale 1853 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Saddler Bros. Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, etc., 1910 [ Online-lesen und Download-Link]
  • Saddler Bros. Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, etc., 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Salem Nursery Company, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, small fruits, vines, roses, etc., 1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • San Diego Seed Store, Harris Seed Company, San Diego, CA, Annual descriptive catalog of garden, field and flower seeds, plants and trees : ornamental shrubs, roses and vines, palms and decorative plants, 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • San Fernando Nursery Co. Incorpor, Concise catalogue of fruit and shade trees, nut trees and grape vines, forest trees, palms and roses, vines and shrubs : especially adapted to the soil and climate of California and the adjoining states, 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.N. Sandahl, Puget Sound Nursery and Seed Co, Descriptive catalogue 1904 : seeds and plants, cut flowers, fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, roses, vines, bulbs, etc., 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.N. Sandahl, Puget Sound Nursery and Seed Co, Descriptive catalogue 1905 : seeds and plants, cut flowers, fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, roses, vines, bulbs, etc., 1905 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.N. Sandahl, Puget Sound Nursery and Seed Co, Descriptive catalogue 1908 : seeds and plants, cut flowers, fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, roses, vines, bulbs, etc., 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H. M. Sandborn, Descriptive catalogue of new and rare plants evergreen trees, ornamental shrubs roses and flowering plants, bulbs flower and tree seeds, vegetable seeds, grass and clover seed, fruit trees, small fruits, garden hardware, etc., 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Sarcoxie Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, plants, roses, shrubs, etc., 1892 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Sarcoxie Nurseries, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, grape vines, shrubs, roses, peonies, etc., 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Sarcoxie Nurseries, Wild Brothers Nursery Co., Sarcoxie, Missourie, Evergreens, shrubs, trees, roses, vines, fruits and flowers : bulletin and catalog, 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Saul, nurseryman, seedsman & florist, Washington, D. C., A descriptive catalogue of a selection of roses cultivated for sale 1872 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Saul, Washington, D.C., Wholesale catalogue of fruit, evergreen & ornamental trees, shrubs, stocks, roses, greenhouse plants, etc. for the autumn of 1872 and spring of 1873, offered for sale 1872/1873 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Saul, Washington, D.C., Wholesale catalogue of fruit, evergreen and ornamental trees shrubs, roses, greenhouse plants, etc. for the autumn of 1880 and spring 1881 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Saul, nurseryman, seedsman and florist, Washington, D. C., Descriptive catalogue of a selection of roses for 1881: cultivated for sale 1881 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Saul, nurseryman, seedsman and florist, Washington, D. C., Descriptive catalogue of a selection of roses for 1883 : cultivated for sale 1883 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Saul, Wholesale catalogue of fruit, evergreen and ornamental trees, shrubs, greenhouse plants, roses, etc. for the autumn of 1883 and spring of 1884 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Saul, Wholesale catalogue : fruit evergreen and ornamental trees, shrubs, greenhouse plants, roses, etc. for the autumn of 1884 and spring of 1885 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Saul, nurseryman, seedsman and florist, Washington, D. C., Descriptive catalogue of a selection of roses for 1885 : cultivated for sale 1885 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Saul, nurseryman, seedsman and florist, Washington, D. C., Descriptive catalogue of a selection of roses for 1888 : cultivated for sale 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Saul (Washington, D.C.), Wholesale catalogue of fruit, evergreen and ornamental trees shrubs, roses, greenhouse plants for the autumn of 1892 and spring 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Saul (Washington, D.C.), Wholesale catalogue of fruit, evergreen and ornamental trees shrubs, roses, and greenhouse plants for the autumn of 1894 and spring of 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Savage & Fletcher, Salem, Oregon, catalog of seeds : plants and roses, poultry and bee supplies, sprays, spray pumps, fertilizers, tools, etc., 1905 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Savage & Fletcher, Salem, Oregon, catalog of seeds : plants and roses, poultry and bee supplies, sprays, spray pumps, fertilizers, tools, etc., 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. N. Scarff, Descriptive catalogue of the leading new fruits : a complete assortment of general nursery stock, fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, small fruits, etc., 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rev. Geo. M. A. Schoener, Padre's Botanical Gardens, Santa Barbara, CA, General catalog and price list of roses, dahlias, gladioli and other useful flowers, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rev. Geo. M. A. Schoener, Padre's Botanical Gardens, Santa Barbara, CA, General catalog and price list of roses, dahlias, gladioli and other productions, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rev. Geo. M. A. Schoener from the Padre's Botanical Gardens, Santa Barbara, CA, General catalog and price list of roses, dahlias, gladioli and other useful flowers, 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. Grant Schoenly, Dayton Nursery, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Schoharie Nurseries, F.A. Guernsey & Co, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., etc. / the Schoharie Nurseries ; F.A. Guernsey & Co., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H. Schroeder, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc, 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Scioto Valley Nurseries, Porthmouth, Ohio, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, evergreens, roses, green-house & hot-house plants, 1863 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Robert Scott & Son, Penrose Nurseries (Philadelphia, Pa.), Catalogue of Scott's roses and other beautiful flowers, 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Robert Scott & Son, Penrose Nurseries (Philadelphia, Pa.), Catalogue of Scott's roses and other beautiful flowers, 1889 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Robert Scott & Son, Penrose Nurseries (Philadelphia, Pa.), Catalogue of Scott's roses and other beautiful flowers, 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Robert Scott & Son, Penrose Nurseries (Philadelphia, Pa.), Wholesale price list : spring of 1892 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Robert Scott & Son, Penrose Nurseries (Philadelphia, Pa.), Catalogue of Scott's roses and other beautiful flowers, 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Robert Scott & Son, Penrose Nurseries (Philadelphia, Pa.), Catalogue of Scott's roses and other beautiful flowers, 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Robert Scott & Son, Penrose Nurseries (Philadelphia, Pa.), Catalogue of Scott's roses and other beautiful flowers, 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Sedgwick Nursery (Sedgwick, Kan.), C. A. Seaman, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Sedgwick Nursery (Sedgwick, Kan.), General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, pæonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. H. Settlemier & Son, Woodburn Nurseries (Woodburn, Or.), Descriptive catalogue of fruit & ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Shady Hill Nursery Company, Catalogue of Holland bulbs, trees, shrubs, hardy herbaceous plants, roses, etc. : suggestions for autumn planting, 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mrs. Theodosia B. Shepherd's descriptive catalogue of California flowers : ornamental trees, and shrubs, roses, plants and seeds, lillies, ferns, orchids and cacti, 1892 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Shawnee Nurseries, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees : vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Sherbrooke Gardens, W.E. Sherbrooke, Kirkland, Washington, grower of the world's finest roses, irises, gladioli, peonies, catalog, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Sheridan Nurseries, A. Scott Carter, (Alexander Scott), b. 1881, A garden manual and catalogue of perennials, shrubs, trees, evergreens, climbers, roses : grown by Sheridan Nurseries at their nursery farms near Clarksons, Ont., 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Sidney Nurseries, Geo. Hemm, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John H. Sievers, Metropolitan Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of new and choice roses, chrysanthemums, pelargoniums, carnations, 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John H. Sievers, 1895 catalogue of new roses, carnations, chrysanthemums, pelargoniums, 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John H. Sievers, Our new seedling carnations, tuberous begonias and pelargoniums : also descriptive list of new and standard varieties of roses, carnations, pelargoniums, 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • I. Simonson, Spring catalogue of new & select bedding plants, roses, fuschias, dahlias, carnations, verbenas, geraniums, grape, raspberry, & blackberry vines, hot-bed & cold frame plants, 1868 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Simpson Seed & Floral Co., Denver, Colorado, catalog of garden and flower seeds, poultry supplies, shrubs, vines, roses, etc., 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H.M. Simpson Co, Knox Nurseries, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses &c., 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Simpson Seed and Floral Co., Denver, Colorado, Simpson's catalog [of] garden and flower seeds, poultry supplies, shrubs, vines, roses, etc., 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Simpson Seed and Floral Co., Denver, Colorado, Simpson's catalog [of] garden and flower seeds, poultry supplies, shrubs, vines, roses, etc., 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Sioux City Seed and Nursery Co, Spring 1906 nursery catalogue : fruit trees, small fruits, ornamental shade and seedling trees, evergreens, shrubs, roses, vines, bulbs, perennials, etc., 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Smiths Nursery Company, Masonic Home Nurseries, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, peonies, bardy border plants, etc., 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. & T. Smith Company, Geneva Nursery, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines and small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1886 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. & T. Smith Company, Geneva Nursery, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines and small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. & T. Smith Company, General catalogue of hardy fruits and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines and roses : the product of sixty years' experience, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. & T. Smith Company, General catalogue : hardy fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines and roses, 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. & T. Smith Company, General catalogue [of] hardy fruits and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines and roses : the product of sixty years' experience, 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • George H. Souter, Holland Nursery, Illustrated descriptive catalogue : fruits and ornamental trees grape vines and small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, &c, 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Spaulding Nursery and Orchard Company, Spaulding's descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, plants and vines, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc, 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Spaulding Nursery and Orchard Co, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Frank W. Spinney, Merrimac Valley Nurseries, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, plants, spray calendars and formulas, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Spokane Seed Company, Spokane, WA : "diamond quality" bulbs, roses, plants, fruit, shade and ornamental trees, Autumn catalog 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Spokane Seed Company, Spokane, WA : Nursery catalog of fruit, shade and ornamental trees and shrubs, berry plants and bush fruits, Dutch bulbs, roses and flowering shrubs. Fall 1918-Spring 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Spokane Seed Company, Spokane, WA : Autumn catalog of Fruit, shade and ornamental trees and shrubs, bulbs, roses and flowering plants. Fall 1919-Spring 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Spokane Seed Company, Spokane, WA : Autumn catalog of Bulbs, roses, plants, fruit, shade and ornamental trees. Autumn 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Spokane Seed Company, Spokane, WA : Autumn catalog of Bulbs, roses, plants, fruit, shade and ornamental trees. Autumn 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Springfield Nurseries, Tippin Bros, New western catalogue of fruits, shade and ornamental trees, and evergreens : small fruits, grape vines, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1901 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Standard Nursery Co, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. W. Stell, Paris Nurseries, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : grapes, shrubs, evergreens, roses, etc., 1885/1886 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.W. Stevenson, North Bend Nurseries, Catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.W. Stevenson, North Bend Nurseries, Catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.W. Stevenson, North Bend Nurseries, Catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.W. Stevenson, North Bend Nurseries, 1909-Spring and Fall-1909 catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.W. Stevenson, North Bend Nurseries, 1913-spring and fall-1913 : catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.W. Stevenson, North Bend Nurseries, 1914-spring and fall-1914 : catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.W. Stevenson, North Bend Nurseries, 1915-spring and fall-1915 : catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.W. Stevenson, North Bend Nurseries, Catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1916 spring and fall 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.W. Stevenson, North Bend Nurseries, North Bend, Nebraska, Catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1917 spring and fall 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.H. Stocking, Rose Grower, San Jose, California, Roses, Season 1931-1932 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.H. Stocking, Rose Grower, San Jose, California, Roses, Season 1932-1933 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Geo. A. Stone, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc, 1880 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • G. C. Stone, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit trees, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, vines and plants, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. E. Stoner, Westminster Nursery (Westminster, Md.), Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. E. Stoner, Westminster Nursery (Westminster, Md.), Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, etc., 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. E. Stoner, Westminster Nursery (Westminster, Md.), Illustrated descriptive catalogue : fine fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses and bulbs, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. E. Stoner, Westminster Nursery (Westminster, Md.), Illustrated descriptive catalogue : fine fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses and bulbs, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. E. Stoner, Westminster Nursery (Westminster, Md.), Illustrated descriptive catalogue : fine fruits, ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses, bulbs, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. E. Stoner, Westminster Nursery, Illustrated descriptive catalogue : fine fruits, ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses, bulbs, 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. E. Stoner, Westminster Nursery, Illustrated descriptive catalogue : fine fruits, ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses, bulbs, 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. E. Stoner, Westminster Nursery, Illustrated descriptive catalogue : fine fruits, ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses, bulbs, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. E. Stoner, Westminster Nursery, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Storrs, Harrison & Co's catalogue of bulbs, winter booming plants, &c. : for fall and winter of 1880, with directions for the culture and management of bulbs and roses, 1880 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Storrs & Harrison Co, Painesville Nurseries, semi-annual price list of fruit and ornamental trees, smalll fruits, vines, evergreens, shrubs, roses, etc., Spring 1881 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Storrs & Harrison Co, Painesville Nurseries, semi-annual price list of fruit and ornamental trees, smalll fruits, vines, evergreens, shrubs, roses, etc., Fall 1881 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Storrs & Harrison Co, Painesville Nurseries, Catalogue fruit, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Storrs & Harrison Co, Painesville Nurseries, Catalogue : fruit, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Storrs & Harrison Co, Painesville Nurseries, 50th Anniversary catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, perennial plants, etc., 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Storrs & Harrison Co, Painesville Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Storrs & Harrison Co, Painesville Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Storrs & Harrison Co, Painesville Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Storrs & Harrison Co., Catalogue of Holland bulbs, palms, decorative plants, roses, and specialities for fall planting 1901 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Strand's Nursery, Geo. W. Strand, Taylors Falls, Minn., New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Sunny Slope Nursery, Will S. Hall, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Sunnyside,Joseph T. Phillips, spring catalogue of roses, greenhouse and bedding plants, seeds, etc. for 1882 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Sunnyside, Joseph T. Phillips spring catalogue of roses, greenhouse and bedding plants, seeds, etc. for 1885 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Sunnyside Nursery Company (Sunnyside, Wash.), Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Sunset Nursery Co., In., Oakland, CA, Catalog of roses, ornamental trees and shrubs, fruit trees, berry vines, bedding plants, 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Sunset Seed and Plant Co.'s 1898 catalogue and price list of trees, plants, palms, roses, carnations, pelargoniums, 1898 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Swain Nelson & Sons Company, Glen View Nurseries, Wholesale catalogue and price list of hardy trees, shrubs, roses : evergreens, vines, fruits and herbaceous perennials, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Swain Nelson & Sons Company, Glen View Nurseries, Wholesale catalogue and price list : hardy trees, shrubs, roses, evergreens, vines, fruits and herbaceous perennials, 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Swain Nelson & Sons Company, Glen View Nurseries, Wholesale catalogue and price list : hardy trees, shrubs, roses, evergreens, vines, fruits and herbaceous perennials, 1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Swedberg Nursery, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, grape vines, small fruit, perennial plants, bulbs, etc, etc., 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Swedberg Nursery, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue : fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, grape vines, small fruit, perennial plants, bulbs, etc, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • George A. Sweet, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : grapes, roses, shrubs, etc., 1891 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Syracuse Nurseries, Smith, Powell & Lamb, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses, etc. : cultivated and for sale at the Syracuse Nurseries, 1887 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Syracuse Nurseries, Thorp, Smith, Hancett & Co., Descriptive catalogue of fruit & ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, and green house plants, cultivated and for sale, 1852/1853 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Syracuse Nurseries, Smith, Clark & Powell, Descriptive catalogue of ornamental trees, shrubs vines, roses etc., greenhouse and hot house plants, cultivated and for sale 1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • E. Y. Teas' descriptive catalogue of new, rare and beautiful plants, roses, dahlias, verbenas, fuchsias, geraniums, and other greenhouse and bedding plants : also flower and vegetable seeds, 1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • E. Y. Teas' descriptive catalogue of new, rare and beautiful plants, roses, dahlias, geraniums, greenhouse and bedding plants, flower and vegetable seeds : also fruit and ornamental trees, and shrubs, 1872 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • E. Y. Teas & Co, Cascade Nursery Company's catalogue of new and rare plants, roses, greenhouse & bedding plants and fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs : spring of 1874 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Tennessee Wholesale Nurseries, Inc, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Texas Seed and Floral Company, Complete catalogue of seeds, plants, bulbs, roses, poultry supplies, bee supplies, insecticides, garden tools, etc., 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Thompson, Myers & Co, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruit, roses, shrubs, green-house plants, and hardy herbaceous flowering plants, 1869 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • James Truitt & Sons, Chanute Nurseries, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • James Truitt & Sons, Chanute Nurseries, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines and roses, shrubs, etc., 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Trumbull & Beebe's descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, evergreens, shrubs, roses, etc., 1891/1892 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Trumbull & Beebe's illustrated catalogue and price list of vegetable, flower, tree, and farm seeds, 1894 : fruit and ornamental trees, currants, gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, evergreens, shrubs, roses, etc, 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Trumbull and Beebe's illustrated catalogue and price list of vegetable, tree, flower and farm seeds : fruit and ornamental trees, currants, gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, evergreens, shrubs, roses, palms, etc., 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Trumbull & Beebe's illustrated catalogue and price-list of vegetable, tree, flower and farm seeds : fruit and ornamental trees, currants, gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, evergreens, shrubs, roses, palms, etc., 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Trumbull & Beebe's illustrated catalogue and price list of fruit trees, roses, palms, currants, gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, etc, 1898 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Trumbull & Beebe's illustrated catalogue and price list of fruit trees, roses, palms, currants, gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, etc., 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Trumbull and Beebe's seed catalogue for 1905 : fruit trees, small fruits, roses, etc., 1905 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Walter W. Vail Nurseries, Catalogue for the home builder : fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, climbing vines and perennials nach 1934 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Valdesian Nurseries, Bostic, North Carolina, Catalog of evergreens, shrubs, vines, roses, perennials and bulbs, fruit, trees and plants, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Valdesian Nurseries, Bostic, North Carolina, Catalog of evergreens, shrubs, vines, roses, perennials and bulbs, fruit trees and plants : landscaping the home grounds, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Valdesian Nurseries, Bostic, North Carolina, Catalog of evergreens, shrubs, vines, roses, perennials and bulbs, fruit trees and plants : landscaping the home grounds, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Valdesian Nurseries, Bostic, North Carolina, Catalog of evergreens, shrubs, vines, roses, perennials and bulbs, fruit trees and plants : landscaping the home grounds, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Villa Nurseries, Portland, Oregon, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Villa Nurseries, Portland, Oregon, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Vincennes Nurseries, W. C. Reed, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Vincennes Nurseries, W.C. Reed, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Vincennes Nurseries, W.C. Reed, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies [sic], hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Vincennes Nurseries, W.C. Reed, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Vineland Nurseries, Kelsey & Co, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : grape vines, small fruits shrubs, plants, roses, &c., 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Vredenburg & Co, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Samuel Walker, A descriptive catalogue of roses for sale at the Massachusetts Horticultural Seed and Fruit Store, School Street, Boston, 1845 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Walnut Hills Nursery (Cincinnati, Ohio), Charles W. Elliott, Catalogue of fruit trees, ornamental trees and shrubs, roses, green-house plants, &c., 18?? Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Walnut Hills Nurserie, J.S. Cook & Son, Cook's descriptive catalogue of greenhouse, hothouse and hardy plants, roses, dahlias, etc. cultivated and for sale at the Walnut Hills Nurserie's, Madison Road, adjoining City Limits, Cincinnati, O, 1867 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Walnut Hills Nurseries, J.S. Cook & Son, Cook's descriptive catalogue of plants, trees, shrubs, vines, climbers, etc., cultivated and for sale at the Walnut Hills Nurseries, and Exotic Gardens, Madison Road, adjoining City Limits, Cincinnati, O, 1868 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • CM.H. Walsh, Catalogue of hardy roses, hollyhocks, peonies, phlox and pansies, 1901 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • M.H. Walsh, Wood's Hole, Mass., Catalogue of hardy roses, hollyhocks, paeonies and phlox, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • M.H. Walsh, Wood's Hole, Mass., Catalogue of hardy roses, hollyhocks, paeonies and phlox, 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Warren's Descriptive Catalogue Of Trees, Plants, Roses And Dahlias, Boston, Mass., 1844 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Washington Greenhouses, Oscar Grunert, Wala Wala, Washington, Catalogue of roses, house and bedding plants and bulbs, 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Washington Nursery Co, Complete descriptive catalogue of fruit, shade and ornamental trees : grapes, small fruits, roses, shrubs, climbing vines, etc., 1901 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Washington Nursery Co, Complete descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits and shrubs, climbing vines, roses, etc., 1905 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Washington Nursery Co, Complete descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, roses, shrubs and climbing vines, etc., 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Washington Nursery Co, Toppenish, Washington, Condensed catalog and price list. No. 22 : fruit trees, shade trees, shrubbery, vines, roses, berries, etc., 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C. L. Watrous, Capital City Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, shrubs, roses, plants, etc., 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. A. Watson & Co, McLean County Nurseries, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, &c., 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Weatherby Nursery, A. L. Zimmerman, Descriptive catalogue, hardy fruit, shade and ornamental trees, small fruit, shrubs, roses and herbaceous plants, 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Weatherby Nursery, A. L. Zimmerman, Descriptive catalogue : hardy fruit, shade and ornamental trees, small fruit, shrubs, roses and herbaceous plants, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.B. Weaver & Sons, Union Nurseries (Union, Or.), General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.B. Weaver & Sons, Union Nurseries (Union, Or.), General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Weaver Gardens Co., Catalogue no. 4 : season of 1924 price list of hardy-field grown roses, perennials, bulbs ..., 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H.J. Weber & Sons Nursery Company, Nursery, Missoury, Forty-third general descriptive catalog and price list of fruit and ornamental trees, plants, ornamental shrubs, evergreens, vines, hardy perennials, roses, bulbs, greenhouse plants, etc. 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H.J. Weber & Sons Nursery Company, Nursery, Missoury, General descriptive catalog and price list of fruit, ornamental and shade trees, plants, evergreens, ornamental shrubs, roses, hardy perennial plants, bulbs, climbing vines, greenhouse plants, etc. 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H.J. Weber & Sons Nursery Company, Nursery, Missoury, General descriptive catalog and price list of fruit, ornamental and shade trees, plants, evergreens, ornamental shrubs, roses, hardy perennial plants, bulbs, climbing vines, greenhouse plants, etc. 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H.J. Weber & Sons Nursery Company, Nursery, Missoury, General descriptive catalog and price list of fruit, ornamental and shade trees, plants, evergreens, ornamental shrubs, roses, hardy perennial plants, bulbs, climbing vines, greenhouse plants, etc. 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • G. L. Welch & Co, Kelsey Nurseries, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees : vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Weller Nurseries Company, Holland, Michigan, Tradelist for the season 1927-1928, herbaceous perennials, peonies, roses, forcing stock, gladioli and dahlias, 1927/1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Leo Weltz's Sons, Wilmington Nurseries, Fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Western New York Nursery Co, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines, hardy plants, roses, etc., 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Western New York Nursery Company, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, evergreens, vines, hardy plants, bulbs, roses, etc., 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Western Rose Company, Pasadena, California: Field grown roses, own roots, 1918 - 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • West Hill Nurseries, M.E. Roesch, president, Catalogue of grape vines, fruit trees, ornamental shrubs, vines, plants, perennials and roses, 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • West Jersey Nursery Company, Stanton B. Cole, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubs, roses, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • West Jersey Nursery Company, Stanton B. Cole, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : roses, shrubs, plants, small fruits, grape vines, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • West Jersey Nursery Company, Stanton B. Cole, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : roses, shrubs, plants, small fruits, grape vines, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Westminster Nursery (Westminster, Md.), J. E. Stoner, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Westminster Nursery (Westminster, Md.), J. E. Stoner, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, etc., 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Westminster Nursery (Westminster, Md.), J. E. Stoner, Illustrated descriptive catalogue : fine fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses and bulbs, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Westminster Nursery (Westminster, Md.), J. E. Stoner, Fetter TextIllustrated descriptive catalogue : fine fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses and bulbs, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Westminster Nursery (Westminster, Md.), J. E. Stoner, Illustrated descriptive catalogue : fine fruits, ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses, bulbs, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Westminster Nursery, J.E. Stoner, Illustrated descriptive catalogue : fine fruits, ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses, bulbs, 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Westminster Nursery, J.E. Stoner, Illustrated descriptive catalogue : fine fruits, ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses, bulbs, 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Westminster Nursery, J.E. Stoner, Illustrated descriptive catalogue : fine fruits, ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses, bulbs, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Westminster Nursery, J.E. Stoner, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • West Side Nurseries, Chas. R. Fish & Co, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses and herbaceous plants cultivated and for sale, 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.K. Wheat, Riverside Nurseries, Phoenix, Arizona, Descriptive price catalog : citrus and deciduous fruit trees, grape vines, berries, ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, potted plants, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.K. Wheat, Riverside Nurseries, Phoenix, Arizona, Descriptive price catalog : citrus and deciduous fruit trees, grape vines, berries, ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, potted plants, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wichita Nurseries & Seed House, Wichita, Kansas, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wichita Nurseries & Seed House, Wichita, Kansas, Illustrated descriptive catalogue [of] fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • L.E. Wilkinson, Jerseyville Nursery, (Inc.), Jerseyville, Illinois, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wild Brothers Nursery Co., Sarcoxie Nurseries, Sarcoxie, Missourie, Evergreens, shrubs, trees, roses, vines, fruits and flowers : bulletin and catalog, 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Willis Nurseries, A. Willis & Co., Ottawa, Kansas, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Willis Nurseries, A. Willis & Co., Ottawa, Kansas, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Willis Nurseries, A. Willis & Co., Ottawa, Kansas, Illustrated and descriptive catalog of ornamental and fruit trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines, evergreens, perennials, roses, bulbs and roots, etc., 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Willis Nurseries, Ottawa, Kansas, Hardy trees, plants, shrubs and roses, catalog, 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • 'F. H. Wilson's, Fresno Nurseries, A descriptive catalogue of deciduous and citrus fruit trees, grape vines and small fruits, ornamental trees and vines, fine palms and roses : 1903-1904 [ Online-lesen und Download-Link]
  • Wilson & Co., Manchester Nurseries, C.E., Manchester, Conn., New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W.C. Wilson's annual catalogue of new and selected bedding plants, roses, dahlies, fuschias, chrysanthemums, summer climbers, fruit trees, grape vines, small fruits, evergreens, shrubs, &c., 1848 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W.C. Wilson's annual descriptive catalogue of new and selected bedding plants, for the spring of 1871, embracing roses, dahlias, fuschias, chrysanthemums, summer climbers, fruit trees, grape vines, small fruits, evergreens, shrubs, &c. Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Woodburn Nurseries (Woodburn, Or.), J. H. Settlemier & Son, Descriptive catalogue of fruit & ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Woodlawn Nurseries (Woodlawn, Va.), E.W. Jones Nursery Co, Descriptive catalogue of southern and acclimated fruit and ornamental trees : grape vines, evergreens, roses &c., 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Worcester Nursery, Samuel H. ColtonAnnual catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, flowering shrubs and plants, hard roses, &c., cultivated and for sale 1846 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. Wragg & Son's Company, Central Nurseries, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. Wragg & Co, Central Nurseries, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. Wragg & Co, Central Nurseries, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. Wragg & Co, Central Nurseries, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Windsor H. Wyman, Bay State Nurseries, North Abington, Mass., A general assortment of trees, shrubs, vines, roses and herbaceous perennials, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Xenia Star Nurseries, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Yakima Valley Nursery Co, Complete descriptive catalogue : fruit, nut, shade and ornamental trees, small fruits, roses, ornamental shrubs, climbing vines, etc., 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Yakima Valley Nursery Company, Complete descriptive catalogue [of] fruit, nut, shade and ornamental trees, small fruits, roses, ornamental shrubs, climbing vines, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link

Inhaltsverzeichnis A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ↑ Nach oben • Top • Vers le haut ↑


  • W. M. Zieber, Pawnee Rock Nursery, Pawnee Rock, Kansas, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. M. Zieber, Pawnee Rock Nursery, Pawnee Rock, Kansas, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. M. Zieber, Pawnee Rock Nursery, Pawnee Rock, Kansas, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, vines and roses, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • A. L. Zimmerman, Weatherby Nursery, Descriptive catalogue, hardy fruit, shade and ornamental trees, small fruit, shrubs, roses and herbaceous plants, 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • A. L. Zimmerman, Weatherby Nursery, Descriptive catalogue : hardy fruit, shade and ornamental trees, small fruit, shrubs, roses and herbaceous plants, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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Downloads nach Jahren • Downloads by years • Téléchargements par années

  • Um Rosenkataloge zeitnah zum Jahr der Züchtung studieren zu können, sind die Quellen nach Jahren geordnet.
  • To find catalogs close to the year the rose was bred, they are sorted here by year of appearance.

  • Afin de pouvoir étudier les catalogues de roses à une date proche de l'année de leur obtention, les sources sont classées par année.


ca. 1755

  • Willem van Hazen, Catalogue des Arbres et Plantes Etrangères, et aussi des Oignons à fleurs, qui se trouvent chez Willem van Hazen à Leyden, ca. 1755 Online-lesen und Download-Link


  • Jean Descemet, Catalogue des Plantes du Jardin de les Apoticaires de Paris, suivant leurs genres et les caractères des fleurs, conformément à la méthode de Monsieur Tournefort dans ses Instituts, 1759 Online-lesen und Download-link

ca. 1760

  • W. van Hazen, H. Valkenburgh, et Comp., Fleuristes sur le Marendyk à Leyden en Hollande, Catalogue Hollandoise tant des Arbres et Plantes Etrangères, que des Racines et Oignons à Fleurs, Qu'on vend au plus bas prix, 2ème Edition, ca. 1760 Online-lesen und Download-Link


  • Pierre (Sieur) Andrieux, Marchand Grainier, Fleuriste et Botanist du Roi, Coq de la Bonne-Foi près de l'Arche-Marion, Catalogue raisonné des plantes, arbres & arbustes dont on trouve des graines, des bulbes & du plant, 1771 Online-lesen und Download-link



  • Descemet, pepinières, Paris, Catalogue des arbres, arbrisseaux, arbustes, plantes, oignons de fleurs, graines de fleurs, et potagères, qui se trouvent dans les jardins & du sieur Descemet, 1782 Online-lesen und Download-Link


  • Sieurs Andrieux et Vilmorin, Paris, Catalogue des plantes, arbres, arbrisseaux et arbustes dont on trouve des graines, des bulbes et du plant, 1783 - Rosen ab Seite 142 Online-lesen und Download-link
  • Conrad Loddiges & Sons, Hackney near London: Catalogue of plants, 1783 Online-lesen und Download-Link


  • Gottlob Boerner, Dresden, Alphabetisches Verzeichniss grösstentheils Nordamerikanischer und anderer ausländischer, theils einheimischer Bäume, Sträucher und Pflanzen, 1786 Online-lesen oder Download-Link


  • Jean Kreps, Fils & Comp, Fleuristes à Harlem, Catalogue Des Plus Belles Plantes D'Oreilles D'Ours Angloise & Liegeoise etc. Comme aussi des Arbes, Arbrisseaux & Plantes à Fleurs. Que l'on trouve à Vendre chez Jean Kreps, Fils & Comp., 1790 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Mackie & Sons, Norwich, A catalogue of forest trees, fruit trees, evergreen and flowering shrubs, Sold, Wholesale and Retail, 1790 Online-lesen und Download-Link


  • Veuve de H. Valkenburg et fils, Fleuristes, sur le Marendyk, Leyden, Holland, Catalogue universel des arbres, arbrisseaux, plantes et oignons étrangers, qu'on vend au plus bas prix, 1792 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Voorhelm and Schneevoogt, Harlem, A Catalogue of Dutch Flower-Roots and Plants, 1792 Online-lesen und Download-Link



  • Walnut Hills Nursery (Cincinnati, Ohio), Charles W. Elliott, Catalogue of fruit trees, ornamental trees and shrubs, roses, green-house plants, &c., 18?? Online-lesen und Download-Link



  • August Schelhase, Verzeichniß von Glas- und Treibhaus-Pflanzen, perennirende Stauden-Gewächse und Blumen-Zwiebeln, wie auch ausländische Bäume, Sträucher und Rosen, nebst vorzüglichen Gattungen Obstbäume, Stachelbeeren, und Sämereyen, welche ... zu haben sind, 1808 - Rosen ab Seite 53 Online-lesen oder Download-Link


  • Sedy, pépiniériste, Grand-Terre, prés les portes de Trion, à St-Just, à Lyon, département du Rhône, Catalogue alphabétique des plantes, arbres et arbustes, etc: cultivés dans les jardines et pépinières de Sedy, 1810 Download-Link u. Online lesen



  • Augustin & Auguste-Napoléon Baumann, Bollwiller & Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin, France, Catalogue automne 1812 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. A. Mackie & J. Mackie, Norwich, A catalogue of Fruit and Forest Trees, Evergreen & Flowering Shrubs, Greenhouse and Herbaceous Plants, Agricultural, Kitchen-Garden and Flower Seeds etc., Sold, Wholesale and Retail, 1812 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • S. Mackie, Norwich, A catalogue of Fruit and Forest Trees, Evergreen & Flowering Shrubs, Greenhouse and Herbaceous Plants, Agricultural, Kitchen-Garden and Flower Seeds etc., Sold, Wholesale and Retail, 1825 Online-lesen und Download-Link


  • van Cassel, Gent, Catalogue d'une très-riche collection de rosiers des plus belles et des plus rares espèces et variétés, au jardin de Mr. van Cassel, 1813 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • André Du Pont, rue de la Fontaine-au-Roi, Faubourg du Temple, Paris. Gymnasium Rosarum, Catalogo 1813 - Seite 13 - 19 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Josse Verleeuwen, Gent, Catalogue d'une belle et riche collection de Rosiers à fleurs doubles, 1813 Online-lesen und Download-Link


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1815 - 1820

  • Georg Caspar Wimmer, Rosenkatalog in "Fortsetzung des Allgemeinen teutschen Garten-Magazins : oder gemeinnützige Beiträge für alle Theile des praktischen Gartenwesens", Band 4, 1815, Band 4: I - IV, 1819 u. Band 4 V, 1820, Band 5, 1820 - Darin: Verzeichnis von Treib- und Glashaus-Pflanzen, wie auch Bäumen, Sträuchern und Rosen, ..., bei dem Hofgärtner Georg Caspar Wimmer in Schlitz bei Fulda Seite 265 (LI) - 279 (LXIV) Online-lesen und Download-Link


  • Thomas and James Backhouse, Tanner-Row, York, A Catalogue of Fruit and Forest-trees, Evergreen and Diciduous Shrubs, Annual, Biennial, and Perennial Plants, Catalogue 1816 Online-lesen und Download-Link


  • Frères Audibert, Tonelle, près Tarascon (Bouches-du-Rhône), Catalogue des arbres, arbrisseaux, arbustes, et plantes, cultivés dans les pépinières et serres des Frères Audibert, 1817 Online-lesen und Download-link
  • François Cels, Paris, Catalogue des Arbres, Arbustes, et autres Plantes, cultivés dans l'Ètablissement de F. Cels, 1817 - Rosen ab Seite 45 (51) Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C. Lanckman, Gent, Catalogue d'une belle et riche collection de Rosiers à fleurs doubles, 1817 Online-lesen und Download-Link



  • Conrad Loddiges & Sons, Hackney near London: Catalogue of plants, 1820 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Jean-Pierre Vibert, Chennevières-sur-Marne, Observations sur la Nomenclature et le Classement des Roses suivies du Cataloque de celles Cultivée par Vibert, 1820 Online-lesen u. Download


  • Jean-Pierre Vibert, Chennevières-sur-Marne, Observations sur la Nomenclature et le Classement des Roses suivies du Cataloque de celles Cultivée par Vibert, 1822 Online-lesen u. Download




  • Aglae Adanson, Baleine, près Moulins, département de l'Allier, Catalogue des arbres, arbrisseaux, arbustes et plantes vivaces, cultivés en pleine terre, 1825 Online-lesen und Download-link
  • S. Mackie, Norwich, A catalogue of Fruit and Forest Trees, Evergreen & Flowering Shrubs, Greenhouse and Herbaceous Plants, Agricultural, Kitchen-Garden and Flower Seeds etc., Sold, Wholesale and Retail, 1825 Online-lesen und Download-Link




1828 - 1833

  • Wilhelm Keller in Duisburg, Verzeichnis und kurze Beschreibung der grossen Rosen-Sammlung des Kaufmanns Wilhelm Keller, 1828, 1829, 1833 Online-lesen und Download-Link


  • Jardin de Fromont, près Paris, Extrait du catalogue général des plantes cultivées et multipliées dans le Jardin de Fromont. Prix courans pour l'année 1829 à 1830 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Prévost, Catalogue descriptif, méthodique et raisonné...du Genre Rosier, cultivées chez PREVOST Fils 1829 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • François Cels, Paris, Catalogue des Arbres, Arbustes, et autres Plantes, cultivés dans l'Ètablissement de F. Cels, 1830 - Rosen ab Seite 12 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Prévost fils., Pépinériste à Rouen, Supplément au Catalogue des Roses cultivées chez Prévost, 1830 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Jean-Pierre Vibert, Saint-Denis, Seine, Observations sur la Nomenclature et le Classement des Roses suivies du Cataloque de celles Cultivée par Vibert, 1830 Online-lesen u. Download


  • Jean-Pierre Vibert, Saint-Denis, Seine, Observations sur la Nomenclature et le Classement des Roses suivies du Cataloque de celles Cultivée par Vibert, 1831 Online-lesen u. Download



  • Antoine Jacques, Neuilly, Catalogue glossologique des arbres, arbustes, plantes vivaces et annuelles cultivées ou croissant naturellement aux domaines privés du Roi, 1833 Online-lesen und Download-Link




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  • Cels frères, Horticulteurs Pépiniéristes, Catalogue des Cultures de 1840 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chambellant-Frapilion, pépiniériste, Faubourg d'Ouche, n. 6, à Dijon, Etablissement horticole. Catalogue et prix courant des végétaux disponibles pour l'automne 1840 et le printemps 1841 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Jacquin Frères, Paris: Végétaux herbacés 1840 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Oudin ainé, Pépiniéariste à Lisieux, Catalogue des rosiers etc. 1840 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C. J. Wolbert, Philadelphia auction mart: Catalogue of English and French fruit trees, shrubbery, evergreens, grape vines, grafted rose trees, rose bushes, ornamental trees, shrubbery and eidible rhubarb, received by the latest arrivals from England and France, 1840 Online-lesen und Download-Link


  • Augustin & Auguste-Napoléon Baumann, Bollwiller & Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin, France, Catalogue automne 1841 - printemps 1842 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lefevre Père et Fils, Pépinière de Mortefontaine, Mortefontaine, par La Chapelle en Serval (Oise), Catalogue des arbres, arbrisseaux, arbustes et plants, cultivés 1841-1842 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Jean-Pierre Vibert, Route de Paris, Angers, Extrait du Catalogue des Rosiers cultivés chez J.-P. Vibert, 1841 Online-lesen u. Download



  • Cels frères, Paris, Camellia et Rosiers cultivés dans l'Établissement Horticultural des Frères Cels, 1843/1844 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Louis van Houtte, Cultures de, Horticulteur, Fournisseur du Roi, à Gand, Graines, Dahlias et Supplément au Prix-Courant des Rosier, Printemps 1843 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hovey & Co.'s descriptive catalogue of roses, cultivated, and for sale at the Cambridge nurseries, Cambridge, near Boston, Mass. : for the autumn of 1843 and spring of 1844 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lefevre Père et Fils, Pépinière de Mortefontaine, Mortefontaine, par La Chapelle en Serval (Oise), Catalogue des arbres, arbrisseaux, arbustes et plants, cultivés 1843-1844 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lévêque, dit René, Horticulteur Commerçant, Paris, Catalogue des Rosiers 1843 - 1844 Online-lesen und Download-Link


  • Robert Buist Company, Philadelphia, Eighth edition of R. Buist's catalogue of green-house plants, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, herbacious plants, &c, 1844 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hovey & Co.'s descriptive catalogue of roses, cultivated, and for sale at the Cambridge nursuries, Cambridge, near Boston, Mass. : for the autumn of 1844 and spring of 1845 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • D. Landreth & Fulton's, Philadelphia, catalogue of camellias, roses, fruit trees, &c. : cultivated and sold at the old established nurseries, late of D. and C. Landreth, Federal Street, 1844 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lefevre Père et Fils, Pépinière de Mortefontaine, Mortefontaine, par La Chapelle en Serval (Oise), Catalogue des arbres, arbrisseaux, arbustes et plants, cultivés 1844-1845 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Warren's Descriptive Catalogue Of Trees, Plants, Roses And Dahlias, Boston, Mass., 1844 Online-lesen und Download-Link


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  • Augustin & Auguste-Napoléon Baumann, Bollwiller & Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin, France, Catalogue automne 1846 - printemps 1847 Online-lesen und Download-Link



  • Elliott & Co, Lake Erie Nurseries, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, O., Periodical catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees and plants, cultivated 1848 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Joseph Hans, Mulhouse, former chief gardener and continuator of August Napoléon Baumann's establishment at Mulhouse, France, Current price for plants in warm greenhouse, temperate greenhouse and open field, 1848 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Louis van Houtte, Horticulteur à Gand, Fournisseur du Roi des Belges, .., Plantes de Serres et de Pleine Terre, 1847 - 1848 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • McIntosh & Co.'s, Cleveland, Ohio, periodical catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, flowering shrubs and roses, herbaceous & green house plants, cultivated & for sale at their nursery and green house, 1848 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wm. R. Prince & Co, Flushing, near New-York, Prince's descriptive catalogue of roses comprising the most extensive collection in America, cultivated for sale at the great original establishment, prince's linnaean botanic garden & nurseries, 1848 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W.C. Wilson, Astoria, Long Island, N. Y., annual catalogue of new and selected bedding plants, roses, dahlies, fuschias, chrysanthemums, summer climbers, fruit trees, grape vines, small fruits, evergreens, shrubs, &c., 1848 Online-lesen und Download-Link


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ca. 1850

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  • Henry A. Dreer's general plant catalogue of select green and hot-house plants, dahlias, roses, and other plants suitable for bedding out, fruit trees, ornamental plants and trees, 185? Online-lesen und Download-Link


  • Augustin & Auguste-Napoléon Baumann, Bollwiller & Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin, France, Catalogue automne 1850 - printemps 1851 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • D. Dauvesse, Orléans, Successeur de M. Transon-Gombault, Etablissement d'Horticulture, Catalogue Général, automne 1850 - printemps 1851 Online-lesen und Download-link
  • Thomas Hancock's abridged catalogue of hot and green house plants, fruit, forest and ornamental trees and shrubs, cultivated and for sale at his well known and established nurseries, at Ashton, near Burlington, New Jersey, USA, 1850 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lake Erie Nursery, Elliott & Co, Catalogue sale of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, vines, &c. &c. being the entire stock of 1850 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles F. Putnam, half a mile from the Essex Rail Road Depot, A descriptive catalogue of selected roses and poeonies, cultivated by the proprietor on part of the nursery grounds and for sale by Francis Putnam, at his book and seed store, No. 186 1-2 Essex St., Salem, Mass., 1850 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • S. & J. Rinz, Frankfurt, Preisverzeichnis 1850 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Simon-Louis Frères, Metz, Rosiers, Prix-courant, 1850 Download-Link u. Online lesen



  • Heinrich Lorberg, Berlin: Rosensammlung 1852 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wilhelm Pfitzer, Kunst- und Handelsgärtner, Stuttgart, Militärstr. 74, Preis-Verzeichnis des reichen Sortiments neuer, immerblühender Rosen, sowie Gemüsesamen etc, etc., Topf- und Freiland-Pflanzen, 1852 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • S. & J. Rinz, Frankfurt, Preisverzeichnis 1852 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Thorp, Smith, Hancett & Co., the Syracuse Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit & ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, and green house plants, cultivated and for sale, 1852/1853 Online-lesen und Download-Link


  • Toronto Nursery George Leslie, King Street East, Periodical descriptive catalogue of fruit trees, ornamental trees and shrubs, roses, dahlias, grape vines, minor fruits, &c.: cultivated and for sale 1853/1854 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • S. L. Goodale, Saco Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, vines, &c. cultivated and for sale 1853 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Louis van Houtte, Horticulteur à Gand, Fournisseur du Roi des Belges, .., Plantes de Serres et de Pleine Terre, 1853 - 1854 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wilhelm Pfitzer, Kunst- und Handelsgärtner, Stuttgart, Militärstr. 74, Preis-Verzeichnis des reichen Sortiments neuer, immerblühender Rosen, sowie Gemüsesamen etc, etc., Topf- und Freiland-Pflanzen, 1853 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • S. & J. Rinz, Frankfurt, Preisverzeichnis 1853 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Thomas Rivers, Sawbridgeworth, Herts., Descriptive Catalogue of selected Roses, Autumn 1853, Spring 1854 Online-lesen und Download-Link


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  • Fruitland Nursery, Augusta, GA, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, evergreens, green house and exotic plants, hedge plants, &c., &c., cultivated and for sale 1857/1858 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wilhelm Pfitzer, Kunst- und Handelsgärtner, Stuttgart, Militärstr. 74, Preis-Verzeichnis des reichen Sortiments neuer, immerblühender Rosen, sowie Gemüsesamen etc, etc., Topf- und Freiland-Pflanzen, 1857 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wm. R. Prince & Co, Prince's select catalogue of the unrivaled collection of roses, carnations, chrysanthemums, phlox, iris, double sweet williams, hollyhocks : and other herbaceous flowering plants, Linn©an Botanic Gardens and Nurseries, Flushing, Long Island, N.Y., 1857/1858 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • S. & J. Rinz, Frankfurt, Preisverzeichnis 1857 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Thomas Rivers, Sawbridgeworth, Herts., Descriptive Catalogue of selected Roses, Autumn 1857, Spring 1858 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.C. Schmidt, Erfurt, Sämereien u. Rosen, 1857 Online-lesen oder Download-Link
  • Vilmorin-Andrieux, Paris, Supplément aux Catalogues 1857 Online-lesen und Download-link



  • Bloomington Nursery (Bloomington, Ill.),Phoenix, F. K., General descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbs, greenhouse and garden plants : cultivated and for sale at the Bloomington Nursery, with brief directions for their cultivation, 1859 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fruitland Nurseries, Augusta, Georgia, Supplemental catalogue of fruit trees, grape vines, strawberries, roses, shrubs, &c., cultivated 1859/1860 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hopewell Nurseries, near Fredericksburg, Virginia, Catalogue of fruit & ornamental trees, evergreens, flowering shrubs and plants, roses, &c., &c. : cultivated and for sale 1859/1860 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • André-Philippe Pelé, 20 route de Châtillon, Paris-Montrouge, Extrait du catalogue Printemps 1859 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • H. A. Dreer's (Mantuaville, Philadelphia) general plant catalogue for 1860, containing select lists of roses, fuchsias, verbenas, dahlias, lantanas, geraniums, petunias, and other bedding plants, 1860 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Thomas Learmont, Columbia, S. C., florist, Descriptive catalogue for 1860 and 1861 of ornamental evergreen trees, shrubs, roses, green-house plants, geraniums, verbenas, dahlias, chrysanthemums and bulbous roots cultivated and for sale 1860/1861 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Ottolander & Hooftman, Boskop bei Gouda, Holland: Verzeichniss über Obstbäume, Zier-Sträucher, u.s.w., 1860 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Thomas Rivers, Sawbridgeworth, Herts., Descriptive Catalogue of selected Roses, Autumn 1860, Spring 1861 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Vilmorin-Andrieux, Paris, Supplément aux Catalogues 1860 Online-lesen und Download-link


  • Wilhelm Bahlsen, Erfurt, Das Garten-Etablissement, 1861 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Alexander Campbell and sons, Churchill Nurseries, Glasnevin near Dublin, Descriptive catalogue of roses, hollyhocks, pansies ... and fruit trees, Autumn 1861, Spring 1862 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Ellwanger & Barry, Mount Hope Nurseries, Rochester, N.Y., Annual catalogue, of hot-house and green-house plants, roses, cammellias, fuchsias, geraniums, lilies, verbenas, phloes, &c., roses, lilies, camellias, verbenas, fuchsias, phloxes, geranium &c. &c. : cultivated and sold 1861 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fruitland Nurseries, P. J. Berckmans, Augusta, GA., Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, evergreens, bulbous roots, green house and hedge plants, &c. cultivated and for sale 1861 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H. Laurentius, Pflanzen-Catalog der Laurentius'schen Gärtnerei zu Leipzig, 1861 Rosen Seite 59 - 64 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wilhelm Pfitzer, Kunst- und Handelsgärtner, Stuttgart, Militärstr. 74, Preis-Verzeichnis des reichen Sortiments neuer, immerblühender Rosen, sowie Gemüsesamen etc, etc., Topf- und Freiland-Pflanzen, 1861 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pomaria Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of Southern and acclimated fruit trees, evergreens, roses, grape vines, rare trees, shrubs, &c., cultivated and for sale at William Summer, 1861 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pfeiffer & Blackburn's, Anthony Pfeiffer, Avondale Garden & Nurseries (Cincinnati, Ohio) wholesale catalogue & price list of fruit & ornamental trees, shrubs roses, border plants, and nursery seedling stocks, for autumn of 1861 and spring of 1862 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • S. & J. Rinz, Frankfurt, Preisverzeichnis 1861 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rovelli fratelli, Pallanza, Catalogo generale 1861 Online-lesen u. Download
  • Vilmorin-Andrieux, Paris, Supplément aux Catalogues 1861 Online-lesen und Download-link



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  • J.S. Cook & Son, Cook's descriptive catalogue of greenhouse, hothouse and hardy plants, roses, dahlias, etc. cultivated and for sale at the Walnut Hills Nurseries, Madison Road, adjoining City Limits, Cincinnati, O, 1867 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Henry A. Dreer, Dreer's descriptive catalogue of bulbs and other flower roots, with directions for their culture and management : also, a list of the most desirable winter-blooming plants, roses, &c, 1867/1868 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Ellwanger & Barry's descriptive catalogue of hardy ornamental trees and shrubs, roses, etc., Mount Hope Nurseries, 1867/1868 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Louis van Houtte, Gent, Arbres et Arbrisseaux de plein air, Rosier, Prix-Courant 1867 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Louis van Houtte, Gent, Arbres et Arbrisseaux de plein air, Rosier, Prix-Courant 1867 - 1868 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wilhelm Pfitzer, Kunst- und Handelsgärtner, Stuttgart, Militärstr. 74, Samen und Pflanzen 1867 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • L. Späth, Berlin, Obstbäume ..., Rosen, Katalog 1867 Online-lesen oder Download-Link


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  • J.S. Cook & Son, Spring catalogue of new plants, roses, bedding plants, shrubs, fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, climbers, etc., 1869 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Henry A. Dreer, Dreer's descriptive catalogue of bulbs and other flower roots, with directions for their culture and management : also, a list of the most desirable winter-blooming plants, roses, &c, 1869/1870 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Thompson, Myers & Co, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruit, roses, shrubs, green-house plants, and hardy herbaceous flowering plants, 1869 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Henry A. Dreer, Dreer's descriptive catalogue of bulbs and other flower roots, with directions for their culture and management, winter-blooming plants, roses, &c., 1870/1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Louis van Houtte, Gent, Arbres et Arbrisseaux de plein air, Rosier, Prix-Courant 1870 Online-lesen und Download-Link


  • Hoopes, Brother & Thomas, Cherry Hill Nurseries (West Chester, Pa.), Descriptive catalogue of ornamental trees, flowering shrubs, vines, roses, herbaceous plants, hedge plants, &q., 1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Denmark Nursery, G. B. Brackett's trade catalogue for autumn of 1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.B. Denson, Catalogue of Dutch bulbs and other flower roots, ornamental trees, flowering shrubs, evergreens, seeds, roses, green-house and hot-house plants, etc., 1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Durand à Bourg-La-Reine - Prix courants des arbres fruitiers arbres d'ornement, arbustes et rosiers, cultivés chez Durand à Bourg-La-Reine, automne 1871, printemps 1872 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Edward J. Evans & Co, Abridged catalogue of fruit & ornamental trees, vines, roses, &c., 1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Enterprise Nurseries, Tipton & Stanton, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees evergreens, grape vines, shrubs, roses, etc., 1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fruitland Nurseries, Augusta, GA., P. J. Berckmans, proprietor, Descriptive catalogue of fruit & ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, evergreens, flowering plants, etc. cultivated and for sale 1871/1872 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H. Laurentius, Pflanzen-Catalog der Laurentius'schen Gärtnerei zu Leipzig, 1871 Rosen Seite 84 - 85 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lee's Summit Nurseries, Blair Bros, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees grape vines, berries shrubs, plants, roses, bulbs, &c. : also osage head plants, apple and pear seedlings and root grafts, 1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • T.C. Maxwell & Brothers' descriptive catalogue of ornamental trees & shrubs, roses, hardy plants, bulbs, &c., 1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Michel Bros. & Kern, Descriptive catalogue of flower seeds, greenhouse and herbaceous plants, roses, ornamental shrubbery, bulbs and decorative floricultural articles, 1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Monroe County Nurseries, Gould Brothers' wholesale catalogue or trade list of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbous roots, border plants, etc., for spring of 1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Tyra Montgomery, Retail catalogue or price list of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, grape vines, shrubs, roses, evergreens, green house plants, &c. cultivated and for sale at the Mattoon Nursery, 1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Tyra Montgomery, Catalogue or price list of fruit & ornamental trees, small fruits, grape vines, shrubs, roses, evergreens etc., cultivated and for sale at the Mattoon Nursery, 1871/1872 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Philippe Nabonnand, Établissement d'Horticulture du Golfe Juan, Végétaux Disponibles dans les Pépinières et Serres de Nabonnand, 1871/1872 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • E. Y. Teas' descriptive catalogue of new, rare and beautiful plants, roses, dahlias, verbenas, fuchsias, geraniums, and other greenhouse and bedding plants : also flower and vegetable seeds, 1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Syracuse Nurseries, Smith, Clark & Powell, Descriptive catalogue of ornamental trees, shrubs vines, roses etc., greenhouse and hot house plants, cultivated and for sale 1871 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W.C. Wilson's annual descriptive catalogue of new and selected bedding plants, for the spring of 1871, embracing roses, dahlias, fuschias, chrysanthemums, summer climbers, fruit trees, grape vines, small fruits, evergreens, shrubs, &c. Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • M. C. McLain, Charleston Nursery, Annual descriptive catalogue of roses, geraniums, verbenas, dahlias, greenhouse plants, etc. Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Denmark Nursery, G. B. Brackett's trade catalogue for spring of 1872 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fruitland Nurseries, Augusta, GA., P. J. Berckmans, proprietor, Descriptive catalogue of fruit & ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, evergreens, flowering plants, etc. cultivated and for sale 1872/1873 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Nicola Gribaldo, Padua, Vegetali e Sementi, Catalogo 1872/1873 Online-lesen u. Download
  • Peter Henderson's spring catalogue of new, rare, and beautiful plants for 1872 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Louis van Houtte, Gent, Arbres et Arbrisseaux de plein air, Rosier, Prix-Courant 1872 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • S. H. Purple's descriptive catalogue of roses, bedding and greenhouse plants, shrubs, trees, &c., for spring of 1872 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • A.C. Rosenthal, Wien: Haupt-Verzeichniss 1872 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Saul, nurseryman, seedsman & florist, Washington, D. C., A descriptive catalogue of a selection of roses cultivated for sale by 1872 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Saul, Washington, D.C., Wholesale catalogue of fruit, evergreen & ornamental trees, shrubs, stocks, roses, greenhouse plants, etc. for the autumn of 1872 and spring of 1873, offered for sale by 1872/1873 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • E. Y. Teas' descriptive catalogue of new, rare and beautiful plants, roses, dahlias, geraniums, greenhouse and bedding plants, flower and vegetable seeds : also fruit and ornamental trees, and shrubs, 1872 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • William King & Son, Descriptive catalogue of green-house & hot-house plants... : cultivated and for sale at the Prospect Hill Nursery, 1872 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • L. Späth, Berlin, Baumschulen, Katalog 1872 Online-lesen oder Download-Link



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  • Böhmische Gartenbau-Gesellschaft, Prag, Rosen, Dahlien, Samen, 1875 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • R.G. Hanford, Columbus Nursery, Spring catalogue of new and beautiful plants : dahlias, verbenas, petunias, fuchsias, phloxes, roses, geraniums, chrysanthemums, etc. / grown and for sale by 1875 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Dingee and Conard Co West-Grove, Chester Co. Penna : Rose growers, roses by mail, a specialty, Descriptive catalogue of new and beautiful roses 1875 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Ellwanger & Barry, Mount Hope Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, flowering plants, &c, 1875 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fruitland Nurseries, Augusta, GA., Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, evergreens, flowering plants, etc. cultivated and for sale 1875/1876 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Genesee Valley Nurseries, Frost & Co, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, flowering plants, bulbs, etc. / cultivated and for sale 1875 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Peter Henderson's spring catalogue of new, rare, and beautiful plants for 1875, Jersey City, N.J. Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Louis van Houtte, Horticulteur à Gand, Fournisseur du Roi des Belges, .., Plantes de Serres et de Pleine Terre, 1875 - 1876 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Louis van Houtte, Gent, Arbres et Arbrisseaux de plein air, Rosier, Prix-Courant 1875 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wilhelm Pfitzer, Kunst- und Handelsgärtner, Stuttgart, Militärstr. 74, Pflanzen-Verzeichniss 1875 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. Sieckmann, Köstritz, Preis-Verzeichnis Georginen u. Rosen, 1875 Online-lesen oder Download-Link




  • H. Mitchell: senior partner of the late firm of Mitchell & Johnston, grower, importer and dealer in seeds, plants, bulbs, fertilizers and garden requisites: nursery grounds, Menzies Street, James' Bay, seed store, Government Street, near theatre, Catalogue of field, garden and flower seeds, fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, &c. for sale 1878 Online-lesen und Download-Link


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  • Bloomington Nursery, General descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbs, greenhouse and garden plants : cultivated and for sale, with brief directions for their cultivation, 1881 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Dingee and Conard Co West-Grove, Chester Co. Penna, The new guide to rose culture : 1881 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Ellwanger & Barry, Mount Hope Nurseries, Rochester, N.Y., A descriptive catalogue of select roses offered for sale 1881 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fruitland Nurseries, Augusta, GA., Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, evergreens, flowering plants, etc. cultivated and for sale 1881/1882 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hoopes, Bro. & Thomas, West Chester, PA, Handbook of beautiful flowers, Catalog 1881 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Louis van Houtte: Plantes vivaces, 1881 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • James Hutchison, Oakland, CA, Descriptive catalogue of new and rare plants, evergreen trees, ornamental shrubs, roses and flowering plants, bulbs, flower and tree seeds, vegetable seeds, fruit trees, small fruits, etc., 1881 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Saul, nurseryman, seedsman and florist, Washington, D. C., Descriptive catalogue of a selection of roses, cultivated for sale 1881 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Gebrüder Schultheis, Steinfurth-Bad Nauheim, Catalog der neuesten Rosen 1881 Online-lesen oder Download-Link
  • Storrs & Harrison Co, Painesville Nurseries, semi-annual price list of fruit and ornamental trees, smalll fruits, vines, evergreens, shrubs, roses, etc., Spring 1881 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Storrs & Harrison Co, Painesville Nurseries, semi-annual price list of fruit and ornamental trees, smalll fruits, vines, evergreens, shrubs, roses, etc., Fall 1881 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Vereeniging Boom en Plantenbeurs te Boskoop, Rozennaamlijst, 1881 - 1931, Online-lesen und Download-Link


  • Ellwanger & Barry, Descriptive catalogue of ornamental trees, shrubs, hardy perennial plants, etc.: twenty-fifth edition, 1882 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Martin Benson's guide to fig culture in the open ground at the north, with instructions for open ground culture at the north of Japanese persimmons and pomegranates : and catalogue of rare tropical fruits and plants, bananas, water lilies, etc., and also greenhouse and bedding plants, roses, fruit trees, etc., 1886 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Dingee and Conard Co West-Grove, Chester Co. Penna, The new guide to rose culture : 1886 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Franklin Kelsey Phoenix, Bloomington Nursery, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1886 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • James Hutchison, Oakland, CA, Descriptive catalogue of new and rare plants, evergreen trees, ornamental shrubs, roses and flowering plants, bulbs, flower and tree seeds, vegetable seeds, glass and clover seed, fruit trees, small fruits, etc., 1886 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. & T. Smith Company, Geneva Nursery, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines and small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1886 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa Nurseries, Catalogue of fruit and shade trees, ornamental plants and roses, 1886 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Traugott Jakob Seidel, Dresden-Striesen, Kunst- und Handelsgärtnerei, Katalog 1886 Online-lesen oder Download-Link
  • J. Sieckmann, Köstritz, Preis-Verzeichnis Georginen u. Rosen, 1886 Online-lesen oder Download-Link
  • Max Singer, Grande culture spéciale de rosiers, Kain, Lez-Tournai, Belgique - Catalogue général et prix-courant, 1886 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Fancher Creek Nurseries, Fresno, CA, Catalogue of fruit and shade trees, vines, ornamental plants and roses, 1887 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. I. Newson, Grand Central Nurseries, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : all of the best old and new sorts, evergreens, shrubs, vines, roses, plants, etc., 1887 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Gebrüder Schultheis, Steinfurth-Bad Nauheim, Namens-Verzeichnis aller vorhandenen und bekannten Rosen, 1887 Online-lesen oder Download-Link
  • Parsons & Co. (Flushing, New York, N.Y.), Kissena Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of hardy ornamental trees, flowering shrubs and vines : including rhododendrons, roses, magnolias, Chinese and Ghent azaleas, camellias, Japanese maples and other rare and choice plants, 1887 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Syracuse Nurseries, Smith, Powell & Lamb, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses, etc. : cultivated and for sale at the Syracuse Nurseries, 1887 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. L. McKay & Co, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, evergreens, etc. : together with vauable hints on planting, 1887 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.M. Howell, Dallas Nurseries, Catalogue of Texas raised fruit, shade and ornamental trees, grapes, vines, roses, flowering shrubs, etc., 1887/1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles A. Reeser Co., Innisfallen Greenhouses, Springfield, Ohio, Catalog, 1887 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. Sieckmann, Köstritz, Preis-Verzeichnis Georginen u. Rosen, 1887 Online-lesen oder Download-Link

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  • California Nursery Co, Descriptive catalogue of ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubs, roses, etc., 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H. Cannell & Sons, Swanley, Kent, England, Catalogue 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Capital City Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, shrubs, roses, plants, etc. : grown and for sale, 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Clingman Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of Southern and acclimated fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, evergreens, shrubs, roses, etc. : cultivated and for sale, 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Cranston, King's Acre Nurseries near Hereford, Cultural directions for the rose : with full descriptions of all the newest and best roses in cultivation, selections adapted to various circumstances and situations and a calender of operations to be performed each month throughout the year : also a complete catalog of roses introduced up to the present time, 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Dallas Nurseries, J.M. Howell, Catalogue of Texas raised fruit, shade and ornamental trees, grapes, vines, roses, flowering shrubs, etc., 1888/1889 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Ellwanger & Barry's catalogue : ornamental trees, shrubs, etc, 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • E. Forgeot & Cie, 6 & 8, Quai de la Mégisserie, Paris, Prix courant général 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mount Hope Nurseries, Ellwanger & Barry, A descriptive catalogue of select roses, for 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mount Hope Nurseries, Ellwanger & Barry, Descriptive catalogue of hardy ornamental trees, shrubs, herbaceous perennial pants, etc. : twenty-seventh edition, 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Morris Nursery Co, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses, &c. cultivated and for sale at the Morris Nurseries, 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Andrew T. Garey, Garey's Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of ornamental trees and shrubs : fruit trees, flowering plants, roses &c., 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Parsons & Sons Co, Kissena Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of hardy ornamental trees, flowering shrubs and vines : including rhododendrons, roses, magnolias, Chinese and Ghent azaleas, camellias, Japanese maples and other rare and choice plants, 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rancho Chico Nurseries, John Bidwell, Descriptive catalogue of fruit, shade and ornamental trees, roses, shrubs, plants &c., 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Saul, nurseryman, seedsman and florist, Washington, D. C., Descriptive catalogue of a selection of roses for 1888 : cultivated for sale by 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Scioto Valley Nurseries, Porthmouth, Ohio, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, evergreens, roses, green-house & hot-house plants, 1863 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Robert Scott & Son, Penrose Nurseries (Philadelphia, Pa.), Catalogue of Scott's roses and other beautiful flowers, 1888 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Ellwanger & Barry, Mount Hope Nurseries, A descriptive catalogue of select roses, for 1889 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C. H. Joosten, Wholesale catalogue of dutch bulbs : roman hyacinths, lilies, azaleas, camellias, hardy roses, rhododendrons, clematis, etc., etc., 1889 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fred W. Kelsey, Special abridged catalogue of the best fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, perennial plants, etc., 1889 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Maple Grove Nurseries, E. C. Pierson & Co, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc. : grown and for sale at Maple Grove Nurseries, 1889 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rancho Chico Nurseries, John Bidwell, Descriptive catalogue of fruit, shade, and ornamental trees, roses, shrubs, plants, etc., 1889 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles A. Reeser Co., Innisfallen Greenhouses, Springfield, Ohio, wholesale price list : for summer of 1889 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Gebrüder Schultheis, Steinfurth-Bad Nauheim, Neueste Rosen 1889 Online-lesen oder Download-Link
  • Robert Scott & Son, Penrose Nurseries (Philadelphia, Pa.), Catalogue of Scott's roses and other beautiful flowers, 1889 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Babylon Nursery, P.H. Foster, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, rare evergreens, shrubs, roses and clematus and a general assortment of greenhouse, bedding and garden plants cultivated and for sale at the babylon Nursery, 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bloomingdale Nurseries, James Draper, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, vines, plants, etc., 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • California Nursery Co, Descriptive catalogue of ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubs, roses, etc., 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • California Rose Company, Los Angeles, CA, Annual catalogue of field grown roses on own roots : open ground culture exclusively, 1890/1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Dingee and Conard Co West-Grove, Chester Co. Penna, The new guide to rose culture : 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Forked Deer Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue and price list of fruit trees and plants, evergreen trees, roses, etc., 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fruitland Nurseries (Augusta, Ga.), P. J. Berckmans, Catalogue of roses, fruit trees, evergreens, etc. for Florida and coast belt of Southern States, 1890/1891 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hammond Nurseries, Geneva, N.Y., Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, wines, roses, etc., cultivated 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H. E. Hooker Company, Hooker Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees grapes, roses, shrubs, etc., 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Excelsior Nurseries illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses, etc. / G. H. Miller & Son, 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kelway & Sons, Langport, Sommerset, Cataloge of Plants, Trees & c., 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kissena Nurseries, Parsons & Sons Co, Descriptive catalogue of hardy ornamental trees, flowering shrubs and vines : including rhododendrons, roses, magnolias, Chinese and Ghent azaleas, camellias, Japanese maples and other rare and choice plants, 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pacific Nursery, F. Ludemann, Descriptive catalogue of roses, camellias, azalias, ornamental evergreens and flowering plants, 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Park Nursery Company, Descriptive catalogue of roses, chrysanthemums, carnations, fuchsias, etc., 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Bidwell, General descriptive catalogue of the Rancho Chico Nursery : fruit, shade, and ornamental trees, roses, shrubs, greenhouse plants, etc., 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. P. Rupert & Sons, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, evergreens, etc. : together with valuable hints on planting, 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • University Avenue Nurseries, John Charlton & Sons' catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, roses, etc, 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Gebrüder Schultheis, Steinfurth-Bad Nauheim, Preisliste Obstbäume (u. Rosen) 1890 Online-lesen oder Download-Link
  • Gebrüder Schultheis, Steinfurth-Bad Nauheim, Rosen-Abstimmung 1890 Online-lesen oder Download-Link
  • Robert Scott & Son, Penrose Nurseries (Philadelphia, Pa.), Catalogue of Scott's roses and other beautiful flowers, 1890 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Andorra Nurseries, W. M. Warner Harper, Catalogue of Andorra Nurseries : choice hardy trees, shrubs, plants, roses, and fruit, 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Company, Continental Nurseries, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • James F. Le Clare, Descriptive catalogue of fruit andornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc., 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Capital City Nurseries, C. L. Watrous, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, shrubs, roses, plants, etc., 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Leanard Coates, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and nut trees ornamental and shade trees grape vines small fruits roses, palms, et.c, etc. grown and for sale at the Napa Valley Nurseries, 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Cumberland Nurseries, Henry S. Rupp & Sons, Descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, flowering shrubs, roses, flowers, bulbs, vines, small fruit plants, etc., 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.S. Curtice & Co, Descriptive catalogue of roses, clematis, ornamentals, fruit trees, etc., 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Daniels Bros. Ltd., Norwich, Catalogue, Autumn 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Domoto Bros., Descriptive catalogue of Japanese plants and shrubs roses, chrysanthemums, pelargoniums : also palms, ferns, tree peonies, etc., 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Good & Reese Co, Champion City Greenhouses, Springfield, Ohio : Floral Treasures, catalog, 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • L.W. Goodell, Dwight, Mass., new and choice seeds, bulbs, roses, rare water lilies chrysanthemums, and other plants : illustrated catalog, 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Jackson & Perkins Co, Newark, Wayne County, New York, List of choice specialities for nurserymen, florists and dealers, Roses, etc., 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Klehm's Nursery, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs plants roses & hardy bulbs, 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Peter Lambert, Trier, Spezial-Rosenkulturen, 1893 - 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. Van Lindley, Pomona Hill Nursery Co. (Pomona, N.C.), Descriptive catalogue of southern and acclimated fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, evergreens, shrubs, roses, &c., 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mount Hope Nurseries, Ellwanger & Barry, Supplementary catalogue of rare and choice trees, shrubs and roses including several valuable novelties and many specialties of superior merit, 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Morris Nurseries, West Chester, Pa., Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubbery, vines, roses, etc., cultivated and for sale 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rancho Chico Nurseries, John Bidwell, Descriptive catalogue of fruit, shade, and ornamental trees : roses, shrubs, plants, etc., 1893/1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles A. Reeser Co., Innisfallen Greenhouses, Springfield, Ohio, Bulbs, roses and plants : autumn 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Saul (Washington, D.C.), Wholesale catalogue of fruit, evergreen and ornamental trees shrubs, roses, greenhouse plants for the autumn of 1892 and spring 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. N. Scarff, Descriptive catalogue of the leading new fruits : a complete assortment of general nursery stock, fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, small fruits, etc., 1893 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.C. Schmidt - Blumenschmidt, Erfurt, Katalog 1893 Online-lesen oder Download-Link

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  • Andorra Nurseries, Wm. Warner Harper, Catalogue of Andorra Nurseries : choice hardy trees, shrubs, plants, roses, and fruit, 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Atlanta Nurseries, W. D. Beatie, Descriptive and illustrated catalogue of fruit trees, ornamental plants and roses, 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • P. A. Atkins, Descriptive catalogue of fruits, and ornamental trees, garden fruits, roses, shrubs, etc., 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bloomington Nursery (Bloomington, Ill.), Phoenix Nursery Company, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc. of the Phoenix Nursery Company : fall 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. F. Cecil, Priced catalogue of trees, plants, vines, etc., 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Alfred F. Conard (West Grove, Pa.), New and beautiful flowers, roses, seeds and plants, 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • L.W. Goodell, Dwight, Mass., : illustrated catalogue : new and choice seeds, bulbs, roses, chrysanthemums, rare water lilies and other plants, 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. C. Hill, Hillsville Nursery, Descriptive catalogue and price list of ornamental trees, roses, evergreens, shrubs, bulbs, vines, green house and bedding plants : also a general variety of fruit trees, 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hooker Nurseries, H. E. Hooker Company, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : grapes, roses, shrubs, etc., 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hutchinson & Sanborn, Oakland, CA, Descriptive catalogue of new and rare plants : evergreen trees, ornamental shrubs, roses and flowering plants, bulbs, flower and tree seeds, vegetable seeds, grass and clover seed, fruit trees, small fruits, garden hardware, etc., 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Jackson & Perkins Co, Newark, Wayne County, New York, Roses, roses, roses : special list for nurserymen, florists and dealers, Roses, etc., 1894/1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kelway & Sons, Langport, Sommerset, Cataloge of Plants, Trees & c., 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Knox Nurseries, H.M. Simpson Co, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses &c., 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Peter Lambert, Trier, Spezial-Rosenkulturen, 1894 - 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.A. Lewis, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, etc., 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Otto Mann, Leinzig-Eutritzsch, Engros-Liste, Frühjahr 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Merriman Nurseries, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc, 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mount Hope Nursery, T. Jay Lacy & Co, Descriptive catalogue of fruit trees, ornamental shurbs and roses, 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles A. Reeser Co., Innisfallen Greenhouses, Springfield, Ohio, Catalog 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • John Saul (Washington, D.C.), Wholesale catalogue of fruit, evergreen and ornamental trees shrubs, roses, and greenhouse plants for the autumn of 1894 and spring of 1895 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H. Schroeder, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc, 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Robert Scott & Son, Penrose Nurseries (Philadelphia, Pa.), Catalogue of Scott's roses and other beautiful flowers, 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Spaulding Nursery and Orchard Company, Spaulding's descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, plants and vines, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc, 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • L. Späth, Berlin, Baumschulen, Katalog 1894 Online-lesen oder Download-Link
  • Trumbull & Beebe's illustrated catalogue and price list of vegetable, flower, tree, and farm seeds, 1894 : fruit and ornamental trees, currants, gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, evergreens, shrubs, roses, etc, 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. A. Watson & Co, McLean County Nurseries, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, &c., 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Woodburn Nurseries (Woodburn, Or.), J. H. Settlemier & Son, Descriptive catalogue of fruit & ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Youngers & Co., Geneva Nurseries, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees grape vines small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc. cultivated and for sale by Geneva Nurseries, 1894 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Domoto Bros., Des catalogue of Japanese plants and shrubs : roses, chrysanthemums, pelargoniums, also palms, ferns, tree peonies, etc., 1896 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Ellwanger & Barry, Mount Hope Nurseries, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc, 1896 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Andorra Nurseries, Wm. Warner Harper, Catalogue of Andorra Nurseries : choice hardy trees, shrubs, plants, roses, and fruit, 1879 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Miss Ella V. Baines, Springfield, Ohio, Bulbs roses plants of all kinds for winter blooming : all the very best and choicest varieties, Autumn 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mount Hope Nurseries, Ellwanger & Barry, General catalogue : fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc, 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Bloomington Phoenix Nursery, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles A. Reeser Co., Innisfallen Greenhouses, Urbana, Ohio, illustrated catalogue of winter-flowering bulbs that bloom, roses, plants, seeds, 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Old Dominion Nurseries, W.T. Hood & Co, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses etc., 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Bloomington Phoenix Nursery, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H. M. Sandborn, Descriptive catalogue of new and rare plants evergreen trees, ornamental shrubs roses and flowering plants, bulbs flower and tree seeds, vegetable seeds, grass and clover seed, fruit trees, small fruits, garden hardware, etc., 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Traugott Jakob Seidel, Dresden-Striesen, Kunst- und Handelsgärtnerei, Katalog 1897 Online-lesen oder Download-Link
  • John H. Sievers, Our new seedling carnations, tuberous begonias and pelargoniums : also descriptive list of new and standard varieties of roses, carnations, pelargoniums, 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • L. Späth, Berlin, Baumschulen, Katalog 1897 Online-lesen oder Download-Link
  • Trumbull & Beebe's illustrated catalogue and price-list of vegetable, tree, flower and farm seeds : fruit and ornamental trees, currants, gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, evergreens, shrubs, roses, palms, etc., 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fred E. Young, Illustrated catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, etc., 1897 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Albertson & Hobbs, nurserymen, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses etc., 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Miss Ella V. Baines, Springfield, Ohio, Bulbs roses plants of all kinds for winter blooming : all the very best and choicest varieties, Autumn 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Miss Ella V. Baines, Springfield, Ohio, The best homes in America plant my flowers, why not you? : they grow and bloom, 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.E. Jackson, Piedmont Greenhouses, Catalogue of useful greenhouse and bedding plants, 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Heinrich Junge, Hameln: Sämereien, Pflanzen, Rosen, 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Frederick W. Kelsey, Desecriptive catalogue of choice hardy trees, evergreens, shrubs, roses, vines, hardy plants, and best fruits, 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. Van Lindley Nursery Co. (Pomona, N.C.), Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, evergreens, shrubs, roses, etc, 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.T. Lovett Company, Lovett's special catalogue of roses geraniums cannas palms carnations, chrysanthemums gladiolus, lilies, hardy herbaceous plants, and other summer flowering plants and bulbs, 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Otto Mann, Leinzig-Eutritzsch, Engros-Liste, Frühjahr 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Geo. H. Mellen Co, Innisfallen Greenhouses, Illustrated catalogue of bulbs, roses and plants : for winter and spring blooming, and fruits for fall planting, 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Bloomington Phoenix Nursery, Spring of 1899 wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses, bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Bloomington Phoenix Nursery, Fall of 1899 wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses, bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pomona Wholesale Nurseries (Fla. Macclenny), Griffing Brothers Co, Supplement to what to plant and how to plant it : or catalogue of Pomona Nurseries, 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Shady Hill Nursery Company, Catalogue of Holland bulbs, trees, shrubs, hardy herbaceous plants, roses, etc. : suggestions for autumn planting, 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Storrs & Harrison Co, Painesville Nurseries, Catalogue fruit, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1899 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Bloodgood Nurseries, Keene & Foulk, Descriptive catalogue of Bloodgood Nurseries : fruit, shade and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, vines, etc., 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bonham Nurseries, B.L. Adams, Descriptive catalogue of fruits, ornamental trees, flowering shrubs, vines, roses and small fruits, 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Company, Continental Nurseries, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbs and bulbous plants, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • McNary & Gaines, Xenia Star Nurseries, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Geo. H. Mellen Co, Innisfallen Greenhouses, Illustrated catalogue bulbs, roses, plants : for winter and spring blooming, 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Michael's Seed Store nursery catalogue : fruit trees, small fruits, ornamental trees, evergreens, seedling trees, shade trees, shrubs, roses, vines, bulbs, house plants, etc., 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mount Hope Nurseries, Ellwanger & Barry, Catalogue of holland bulbs roses and specialties for fall planting, 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Bend Nurseries, J.W. Stevenson, Catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Carl Pabst, Erfurt, Hauptpreisverzeichnis 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Bloomington Phoenix Nursery, Spring of 1900 : wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses, bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Fall of 1900 : wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses, bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1900 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • A.T. Cook, Hyde Park, N. Y., Illustrated catalog with honest descriptions of the very best, selected, tested money saving seeds : fruit plants, potatoes, cinnamon vines, roses, Japan tea plants, eggs for hatching, and the marvellous premiums or discounts, and extras given free with every order : selected especially for critical buyers, 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Dingee & Conard Co West-Grove, Chester Co. Penna, Our new guide to rose culture, 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fancher Creek Nurseries, George Christian Roeding, 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Descriptive catalogue of deciduous fruit trees, citrus trees, olive trees, and grape vines : ornamental trees, shrubs and roses, 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Farmer Seed and Nursery Co, Spring 1902 annual catalogue improved northern grown farm and garden seeds, hardy shrubs, roses, and small fruit plants / Farmer Seed Co., 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Geneva Nursery, W. & T. Smith Co, General catalogue : fruit & ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H.G. Hastings Co, Hastings' garden seeds, bulbs and roses for 1902 specially selected and grown for the southern states : summer and fall catalogue, 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • E.G. Hill & Company, Catalogue : 1902, Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.E. Jackson, Piedmont Greenhouses, Catalogue : useful greenhouse and bedding plants, 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Roses Ketten Frères à Luxembourg, Catalogues de pépiniéristes, Rosiers nouveaux, Printemps 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Roses Ketten Frères à Luxembourg, Catalogues de pépiniéristes, Automne 1902-1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W.B. Longstreth, Gratiot, Ohio, 1902 seed annual and bargain catalog : garden and flower seeds, roses, chrysanthemums, carnations, &c., 1902 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Fancher Creek Nurseries, Roeding, George C. Roeding 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, A descriptive catalogue of fruit and forest trees, vines and shrubs, choice palms and roses, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • R. & J. Farquhar Company, Boston, Catalogue 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bon Y Fedw Nursery, Descriptive catalogue and price list : fruit and ornamental trees, shrubbery, roses, etc., 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fresno Nurseries, F. H. Wilson, A descriptive catalogue of deciduous and citrus fruit trees, grape vines and small fruits, ornamental trees and vines, fine palms and roses : 1903-1904 [ Online-lesen und Download-Link]
  • E.G. Hill & Company, Catalogue] : 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • 'Jackson & Perkins Co, ' Newark, Wayne County, New York, Price list of roses in pots, spring 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.E. Jackson , Piedmont Greenhouses, Catalogue : useful greenhouse and bedding plants, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kansas City Nurseries, Blair & Kaufman, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kissena Nurseries, Parsons & Sons Co, Descriptive catalogue of hardy ornamental trees, flowering shrubs and vines : including rhododendrons, roses, magnolias, Chinese and Ghent azaleas, camellias, Japanese maples and other rare and choice plants, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Liebau & Co, Erfurt, Samenzucht, Großgärtnerei, Baumschulen. Katalog 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North-Western Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue : fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc. of the best quality, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Meador Bros. Nursery Co, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, grape vines, etc., 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Michael's Seed Store, Sioux City, Iowa, Michael's nursery catalog : fruit trees, small fruits, ornamental trees, evergreens, seedling trees, shade trees, shrubs, roses, vines, bulbs, house plants, etc., Spring 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Geo. H. Mellen Co, Illustrated catalogue of bulbs, roses and plants : for winter and spring blooming and fruits for fall planting, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mount Hope Nurseries, Ellwanger & Barry, Wholesale catalogue of the Mount Hope Nurseries : spring of 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Bend Nurseries, J.W. Stevenson, Catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses, bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Wholesale catalogue of trees, plants, shrubs, roses, bulbs, greenhouse and bedding plants, etc., 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.A. Reeser Company, Innisfallen Greenhouses, Urbana, Ohio, Illustrated catalogue : beautiful flowers for every home, seeds that grow and fine roses, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Schmidt & Botley, Catalogue (Roses), 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • L. Späth, Berlin, Baumschulen, Katalog 1903 Online-lesen oder Download-Link
  • G. C. Stone, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit trees, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, vines and plants, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Storrs & Harrison Co, Painesville Nurseries, 50th Anniversary catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, perennial plants, etc., 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Swain Nelson & Sons Company, Glen View Nurseries, Wholesale catalogue and price list of hardy trees, shrubs, roses : evergreens, vines, fruits and herbaceous perennials, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Trumbull & Beebe's catalogue [of] vegetable, flower, farm and tree seeds, fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, roses, carnations, palms, etc., 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Utah Nursery Company, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, roses, shrubs, etc., 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • M.H. Walsh, Catalogue of hardy roses, hollyhocks, paeonies and phlox, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Weatherby Nursery, A. L. Zimmerman, Descriptive catalogue : hardy fruit, shade and ornamental trees, small fruit, shrubs, roses and herbaceous plants, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • West Jersey Nursery Company, Stanton B. Cole, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubs, roses, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Armstrong Nurseries (Ontario, Calif.) : a descriptive catalogue of fruit ad ornamental trees, plams, roses, vines plants and shrubs, 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bloodgood Nurseries, Keene & Foulk, Descriptive catalogue of deciduous and evergreen trees, roses, shrubs and vines, perennials, fruit trees and fruit plants, 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • California Nursery Co, Wm. J. Landers, Catalogue and price-list. fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, palms, roses, etc., 1904-1905 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H. Cannell & Sons, Swanley, Kent, England, Floral Guide 1904 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Armstrong Nurseries (Ontario, Calif.) : a descriptive catalogue of fruit ad ornamental trees, plams, roses, vines plants and shrubs, 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kissena Nurseries, Parsons & Sons Co, Catalogue of deciduous trees and shrubs, rare evergreens, Japanese maples, rhododendrons, roses and fruits, 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Leedle Floral Co, Springfield, Ohio, Rosy propositions, catalog : Spring 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Oregon Nursery Company, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubs, roses, vines, small fruits, etc., 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Wholesale catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, small fruits, hedge plants, roses, bulbs, herbaceous plants, etc., 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Wholesale catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, small fruits, hedge plants, roses, bulbs, herbaceous plants, etc., 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Portland Seed Company, 1906-07 catalogue of flowering bulbs, shrubs and roses, fruit and shade trees, etc., 1906/1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Savage & Fletcher, Salem, Oregon, catalog of seeds : plants and roses, poultry and bee supplies, sprays, spray pumps, fertilizers, tools, etc., 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Schmidt & Botley, W.W. Tracy, Jr., Springfield, Ohio, Catalog 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Sioux City Seed and Nursery Co, Spring 1906 nursery catalogue : fruit trees, small fruits, ornamental shade and seedling trees, evergreens, shrubs, roses, vines, bulbs, perennials, etc., 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • L. Späth, Berlin, Baumschulen, Katalog 1906 Online-lesen oder Download-Link
  • Swain Nelson & Sons Company, Glen View Nurseries, Wholesale catalogue and price list : hardy trees, shrubs, roses, evergreens, vines, fruits and herbaceous perennials, 1906 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Union Nurseries (Union, Or.), J.B. Weaver & Sons, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Union Nurseries (Union, Or.), J.B. Weaver & Sons, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • United States Nursery Co., Rich Mississippi, Field grown roses : Fall 1906-Spring 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • New England Nurseries (Bedford, Mass.), General catalogue : hardy fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines and roses, 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Bend Nurseries, J.W. Stevenson, North Bend, Nebraska, Spring and Fall-1907 catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Carl Pabst, Erfurt, Hauptpreisverzeichnis 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Wholesale catalogue spring 1907 : fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, small fruits, hedge plants, roses, bulbs, herbaceous plants, etc. etc., 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pine Tree State Seed Company, W.R. Kimball, Bath, Main, reliable flower and vegetable seeds, bulbs, hardy shrubs, roses and bedding plants : Bargain catalog for 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Wholesale catalogue fall 1907 : fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, small fruits, hedge plants, roses, bulbs, herbaceous plants, etc., 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wilhelm Pfitzer, Kunst- und Handelsgärtner, Stuttgart, Militärstr. 74, Preis-Verzeichnis Rosen 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Frederic J. Rea, Catalogue of popular hardy herbaceous perennials : roses, shrubs, vines, etc., 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Schmidt & Botley, W.W. Tracy, Jr., Springfield, Ohio, Catalog 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • L. Späth, Berlin, Baumschulen, Katalog 1907 Online-lesen oder Download-Link
  • Storrs & Harrison Co, Painesville Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Utah Nursery Company, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, roses, shrubs, etc., 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Vincennes Nurseries, W.C. Reed, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wagner Park Nursery Co, Sidney, Ohio, Plants and plans for beautiful surroundings : catalog no. 15, 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link* M.H. Walsh, Wood's Hole, Mass., Catalogue of hardy roses, hollyhocks, paeonies and phlox, 1903 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • M.H. Walsh, Wood's Hole, Mass., Catalogue of hardy roses, hollyhocks, paeonies and phlox, 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Washington Nursery Co, Complete descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, small fruits, roses, shrubs and climbing vines, etc., 1907 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • W.B. Longstreth, Gratiot, Ohio, 1908 seed annual and bargain catalog : garden and flower seeds, roses, chrysanthemums, carnations, &c., 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • National Nursery Company, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Jersey Nurseries General catalogue : fruit and ornamental trees, grape-vines, small fruits, shrubs, roses and perennials, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • B. Müllerklein, Karlstadt, Bayern, Baumschulen, Preis- und Sortenverzeichnis 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Carl Pabst, Erfurt, Hauptpreisverzeichnis 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Puget Sound Nursery and Seed Co, C.N. Sandahl, Descriptive catalogue 1908 : seeds and plants, cut flowers, fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, roses, vines, bulbs, etc., 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Puyallup Nursery, A. Lingham, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Roeder Nurseries, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rosedale Nurseries, S. G. Harris, Supplement and price-list to our general catalogue of choice plants, shrubs, roses, trees, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Sarcoxie Nurseries, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, grape vines, shrubs, roses, peonies, etc., 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Storrs & Harrison Co, Painesville Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Tennessee Wholesale Nurseries, Inc, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • United States Nursery Co., Rich Mississippi, Field grown roses : Fall 1908-Spring 1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • G. L. Welch & Co, Kelsey Nurseries, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees : vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Western New York Nursery Company, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, evergreens, vines, hardy plants, bulbs, roses, etc., 1908 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Ellwanger & Barry, Mount Hope Nurseries, Abridged catalog of new and noteworthy trees, shrubs, evergreens, fruits roses, hardy plants, 1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fancher Creek Nurseries, George Christian Roeding, 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Price catalogue season 1909-1910 : fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, palms, roses, 1909/1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • First National Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubs, roses, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1909 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Davis County Nurseries, Harness, Dix & Co, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, roses, shrubs, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Davis County Nurseries, Harness, Dix & Co, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, roses, shrubs, etc., 1910/1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Dingee & Conard Co West-Grove, Chester Co. Penna, Our new guide to rose culture, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Dingee & Conard Co West-Grove, Chester Co. Penna, Dingee guide to rose culture : roses and bulbs for fall planting, Autumn 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fancher Creek Nurseries, George Christian Roeding, 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, palms, roses : illustrated price catalogue season 1910/1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Gainesville Nurseries, H.S. Graves, Gainesville, Florida, catalog and price list : 1910/1911 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.E. Jackson, Piedmont Greenhouses, Gainesville, Ga., Catalogue 1910 : useful green house and bedding plants, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Karl Foerster (1874-1970), Berlin, Bumenschmuck, Rosen 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Excelsior Nurseries, Rome, Georgia, illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses, etc. / G. H. Miller & Son, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fonthill Nurseries, General catalogue with prices : of ornamental and shade trees, flowering shrubs, vines, roses, bulbs, and perennial plants, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fremont Nursery, John Day, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubs, vines, roses and plants, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fresno Nursery Company, Annual descriptive catalogue of deciduous and citrus fruit trees raisin, table and wine grapes, small fruits, ornamental trees, roses, palms, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • E. Gill Nursery Co, General catalogue of roses, palms, shade and ornamental trees, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Goos & Koenemann, Niederwalluf : Das Buch über Stauden, Rosen 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Goos & Koenemann, Niederwalluf : Ergänzungsliste, Das Buch über Stauden, Rosen 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Harrison Nursery Co, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hoopes, Bro. & Thomas, West Chester, PA, Handbook of ornamental trees and plants, Catalog 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.F. Lansing, Illustrative and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants,shrubs, roses, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lowell Nurseries, N. P. Husted & Co, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.T. Lovett Company, Little Silver, N. J., Catalog of hardy perennials shrubs, vines, roses, hedge plants evergreen trees small fruits and garden roots with illustrations and comments : no. 1, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Marshalls Nurseries, Marshall Bros, Arlington, Nebr., Descriptive catalogue of fruit trees, vines, small fruits, ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Morris Nursery Co, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubbery, vines, roses, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mount Hope Nurseries, Ellwanger & Barry, established 1840 : general catalogue, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mount Hope Nurseries, Ellwanger & Barry, established 1840 : general catalogue, 1910.1 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Orange County Nurseries, T.J. Dwyer & Company, Cornwall, New York, General catalogue of the Orange County Nurseries : hardy fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines and roses, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pacific Nursery, H. Kempf, Catalogue and price list of fall 1910 and spring 1911 : trees, shrubs, roses, camellias, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Perry Nursery Co, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : roses grape vines shrubs small fruits plants, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Willis S. Pino, Pino's Seed Store, Catalogue of flower, vegetable and field seeds, bulbs, fertilizers, garden implements, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pioneer Nuseries Company, Descriptive catalogue of fruit, ornamental trees, small fruits, grape vines, flowering shrubs and roses, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Portland Seed Co., Portland, Oregon, Bulbs, roses, shrubs, catalog, Automn 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Saddler Bros. Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, etc., 1910 [ Online-lesen und Download-Link]
  • W. & T. Smith Company, General catalogue of hardy fruits and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines and roses : the product of sixty years' experience, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • L. Späth, Berlin, Baumschulen, Katalog 1910 Online-lesen oder Download-Link
  • Spaulding Nursery and Orchard Co, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Standard Nursery Co, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Storrs & Harrison Co, Painesville Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Sunnyside Nursery Company (Sunnyside, Wash.), Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles H. Totty, Madison, N.J., Chrysanthemums and other plants for 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • James Truitt & Sons, Chanute Nurseries, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Utah Nursery Company, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, roses, shrubs, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Vredenburg & Co, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wagner Park Nursery Co, Catalogue, 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H.J. Weber & Sons Nursery Company, Nursery, Missoury, Forty-third general descriptive catalog and price list of fruit and ornamental trees, plants, ornamental shrubs, evergreens, vines, hardy perennials, roses, bulbs, greenhouse plants, etc. 1910, Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • West Jersey Nursery Company, Stanton B. Cole, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : roses, shrubs, plants, small fruits, grape vines, etc., 1910 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • E.F. Dwyer & Sons, Dahlia catalogue 1912 : shrubs, roses and hardy plants, dahlias, gladioli and tuberoses, fruit and ornamental trees, cut flowers in season, vines and climbers, 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fancher Creek Nurseries, George Christian Roeding, Fresno, CA, 1868-1928, Fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, palms, roses : illustrated price catalogue season 1912/1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chas. R. Fish & Co, West Side Nurseries, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses and herbaceous plants cultivated and for sale, 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Dingee & Conard Co West-Grove, Chester Co. Penna, Dingee guide to rose culture, 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Dingee & Conard Co West-Grove, Chester Co. Penna, Spring-flowering bulbs roses and house plants for fall planting, Autumn 1912 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • J.T. Lovett Company, Monmouth Nursery, Little Silver, N. J., Catalog of perennials, shrubs, vines, roses, evergreen trees, garden roots, berry plants and grape vines 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.T. Lovett Company, Monmouth Nursery, Little Silver, N. J., Catalog of berry plants and grape vines peonies, phlox and other hardy perennials plants, evergreen trees, shrubs, vines, hedge plants, roses and garden roots, autumn 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kelly Bros. Nurseries, Dansville, N.Y. : catalog 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Arpad Mühle (1870-1930), Temesvár : Rosenkatalog 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Myer & Son, Bridgeville Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, &c., 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Clément Nabonnand, Horticulteur à Estérel-Parc près Cannes, Catalogues de pépiniéristes, 1913/1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • New England Nurseries (Bedford, Mass.), Catalogue of trees, shrubs, evergreens, roses, vines and herbaceous perennials, 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • New England Nurseries (Bedford, Mass.), Catalog of bulbs, evergreens, deciduous trees, hardy vines, shrubs, herbaceous perennials, roses for autumn planting and evergreens for forestry purposes, autumn 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Nonne & Hoepker, Ahrensburg bei Hamburg: Hauptkatalog Stauden, Rosen 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Bend Nurseries, J.W. Stevenson, 1913-spring and fall-1913 : catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Orange County Nurseries, T.J. Dwyer & Company, Cornwall, New York, General catalogue : hardy fruit & ornamental trees, shrubs, vines & roses, 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Oregon Nursery Company, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, vines, small fruits, etc., 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Portland Seed Co., Portland, Oregon, "diamond quality" fruit, shade and ornamental trees, roses, bulbs and plants catalog, Automn 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Perry Nursery Co, Revised, illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees shrubs, roses, bulbs and bulbous plants, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • A.N. Pierson, Inc, Annual catalogue [of] roses, chrysanthemums, bedding plants, palms, ferns and orchids, 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rice Brothers Co, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses and herbaceous plants, 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rochester Nurseries, Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the finest kinds of deciduous and evergreen trees : shrubs, roses, vines, herbaceous plants, fruit trees, etc. 1913
  • Rosedale Nurseries, S. G. Harris, descriptive catalogue, 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rosemont Gardens, W.B. Paterson, Montgomery, Alab., Catalogue for Fall 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • L. Späth, Berlin, Baumschulen, Katalog 1913 Online-lesen oder Download-Link
  • Spokane Seed Company, Spokane, WA : "diamond quality" bulbs, roses, plants, fruit, shade and ornamental trees, Autumn catalog 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Texas Seed and Floral Company, Complete catalogue of seeds, plants, bulbs, roses, poultry supplies, bee supplies, insecticides, garden tools, etc., 1913 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • United States Nursery Co., Rich Mississippi, Field grown roses : Fall 1913-Spring 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Davis County Nurseries, Harness, Dix & Co, Descriptive catalogue of deciduous fruit trees, grapes, small fruits, shade and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses : together with brief planting, cultural and pruning directions, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Dingee & Conard Co West-Grove, Chester Co. Penna, Dingee guide to rose culture, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Dingee & Conard Co West-Grove, Chester Co. Penna, Our new guide to rose culture, Autumn 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Excelsior Nurseries, G. H. Miller & Son, Rome, Georgia, illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fancher Creek Nurseries, George Christian Roeding, 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, palms, roses : illustrated price catalogue season 1914/1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fremont Nurseries, B.E. Fields & Son, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fresno Nursery Company, Fresno, CA : deciduous and citrus fruit trees roses, plams, ornamentals, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Good & Reese Co, Champion City Greenhouses, Springfield, Ohio : Floral Treasures, catalog, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Goos & Koenemann, Niederwalluf : Das Buch über Stauden, Obstbäume, Rosen 1914/1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Goos & Koenemann, Niederwalluf : Das Buch über Stauden, Obstbäume, Rosen, Ergänzungsliste 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • M. H. Harman Company, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubs, vines and roses, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hawks Nursery Co, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses, bulbs etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hoopes, Bro. & Thomas Company, The West Chester Nurseries, West Chester, PA., Catalog 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Ince Nursery Company, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : vines, shrubbery, roses, bulbs, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Irving Avenue Nurseries, R.D. Cole & Co, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees : vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Roman J. Irwin, 1914 florists' wholesale catalogue of plants, cuttings, bulbs and choice flower seeds, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.E. Jackson, Piedmont Greenhouses, Gainesville, Ga., Spring and summer catalog 1914 : useful greenhouse and bedding plants, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Luke Brothers Company, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbs and bulbous plants, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.T. Lovett Company, Monmouth Nursery, Little Silver, N. J., Catalog of berry plants and grape vines peonies, phlox and other hardy perennials plants, evergreen trees, shrubs, vines, hedge plants, roses and garden roots 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mount Hope Nurseries, Ellwanger & Barry, Catalogue of Mount Hope Nurseries established 1840, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Bend Nurseries, J.W. Stevenson, 1914-spring and fall-1914 : catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pioneer Nursery, A. Foster, Catalogue and price list of deciduous, citrus, tropical and semi-tropical fruit trees, evergreen and deciduous ornamental trees and shrubs, evergreens and deciduous vines, bulbs, palms and roses, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Portland Seed Co., Portland, Oregon, Autumn catalog of trees, roses, bulbs, plants : fall 1914/spring 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • S.S. Pennock-Meehan Co, Philadelphia, Washington, Catalog 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Phoenix Nursery Company, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, &c., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rosedale Nurseries, S. G. Harris, descriptive catalogue, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rosemont Gardens, W.B. Paterson, Catalogue for spring 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.C. Schmidt - Blumenschmidt, Erfurt, Samen- und Pflanzen 1914 Online-lesen oder Download-Link
  • Sedgwick Nursery (Sedgwick, Kan.), General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, pæonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Southworth Brothers (Beverly, Mass.), Trees, shrubs, roses and hardy plants : catalog 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Victor Teschendorff (1877-1960),Dresden, Rosenkatalog 1914/1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles H. Totty, Madison, N.J., Chrysanthemums, carnations and roses, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Union Nurseries (Union, Or.), J.B. Weaver & Sons, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Utah Nursery Company, Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, roses, shrubs, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H.J. Weber & Sons Nursery Company, Nursery, Missoury, General descriptive catalog and price list of fruit, ornamental and shade trees, plants, evergreens, ornamental shrubs, roses, hardy perennial plants, bulbs, climbing vines, greenhouse plants, etc. 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • West Jersey Nursery Company, Stanton B. Cole, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : roses, shrubs, plants, small fruits, grape vines, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Westminster Nursery (Westminster, Md.), J. E. Stoner, Illustrated descriptive catalogue : fine fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses and bulbs, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Westminster Nursery (Westminster, Md.), J. E. Stoner, Fetter TextIllustrated descriptive catalogue : fine fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses and bulbs, 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Xenia Star Nurseries, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Yakima Valley Nursery Company, Complete descriptive catalogue [of] fruit, nut, shade and ornamental trees, small fruits, roses, ornamental shrubs, climbing vines, etc., 1914 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Davis County Nurseries, Harness, Dix & Co, Descriptive catalogue of deciduous fruit trees, grapes, small fruits, shade and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses : together with brief planting, cultural and pruning directions, 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Dingee & Conard Co West-Grove, Chester Co. Penna, Dingee guide to rose culture, 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Des Moines Nursery Company, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, shrubs and vines, perennial plants, roses, 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Fancher Creek Nurseries, George Christian Roeding, 1868-1928, Fresno, CA, Fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, palms, roses : illustrated price catalogue season 1915/1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Peter Lambert, Trier, Spezial-Rosenkulturen, 1915 - 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.F. Lansing, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.T. Lovett Company, Monmouth Nursery, Little Silver, N. J., Catalog of berry plants and grape vines peonies, phlox and other hardy perennials plants, evergreen trees, shrubs, vines, hedge plants, roses and garden roots 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • S.W. Marshall & Son, Marshall Nurseries (Fresno, Calif.), Descriptive catalogue : fruit, forest and ornamental trees, raisin, wine and table grapes, roses, palms, vines and shrubs, eucalyptus for timber culture, 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.L. Merrick & Co, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.B. Morey Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue : fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, grape vines, small fruits, etc, 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Moundridge Nursery Co., J.F. Crippen, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Vincennes Nurseries, W.C. Reed, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H.J. Weber & Sons Nursery Company, Nursery, Missoury, General descriptive catalog and price list of fruit, ornamental and shade trees, plants, evergreens, ornamental shrubs, roses, hardy perennial plants, bulbs, climbing vines, greenhouse plants, etc. 1915 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • H. J. Baker Nurseries, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Barbier & Cie, Pépinières, Orléans, France, Catalogue 1916 - 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Batavia Nurseries, Nelson Bogue, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, grape vines, and small fruits, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J. S. Bennett, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Continental Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Benjamin R. Cant & Sons, The Old Rose Gardens, Colchester, Catalogue 1916 - 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.E. Jackson, Piedmont Greenhouses, Gainesville, Ga., Spring and summer catalog 1916 : useful greenhouse and bedding plants, Spring and summer catalog 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • LaFayette Nurseries (LaFayette, Ind.), General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lake Shore Nurseries on Lake Erie, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lancaster County Nurseries, David S. Herr, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses, bulbs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Lassiter Nursery Co., General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H.V. Lawrence (Falmouth, Mass.), 1916 catalogue of seeds, fertilizers, tools and garden requisites, plants, hardy ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Liberty Square Nursery, W.P. Bolton & Sons, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.T. Lovett Company, Monmouth Nursery, Little Silver, N. J., Catalog of berry plants and grape vines peonies, phlox and other hardy perennials plants, evergreen trees, shrubs, vines, hedge plants, roses and garden roots, Autumn 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W.E. Marshall & Co, Descriptive catalogue : shrubs, trees, roses, fruits and herbaceous plants, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • McGregor Bros. Company, Springfield, Ohio, McGregor's autumn catalog : bulbs, roses, plants and seeds, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • McGregor Brothers Company, Wholesale catalogue : spring 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • McGregor Brothers Company, Wholesale catalogue : fall 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Merrimac Valley Nurseries, Frank W. Spinney, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, plants, spray calendars and formulas, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Morris Nursery Co, Descriptive catalogue of choice hardy trees, vines, shrubs, evergreens, roses, perennials, fruits, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Clément Nabonnand, Horticulteur à Estérel-Parc près Cannes, Catalogues de pépiniéristes, 1916/1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • New Antioch Nurseries, P. C. Van Dervoort, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Bend Nurseries, J.W. Stevenson, Catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1916 spring and fall 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Northern Nursery Co. (Denver, Colo.), General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Jersey Nurseries, Millburn, New Jersey, Fruit trees, shade trees, vines and roses, herbaceous plants and perennials, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Perry Nursery Co, Revised, illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees shrubs, roses, bulbs and bulbous plants, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Portland Seed Co., Portland, Oregon, Autumn catalog of trees, roses, bulbs, plants : fall 1916/spring 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H.W. Rice & Co, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rosedale Nurseries, S. G. Harris, descriptive catalogue, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rosemont Gardens, Catalogue of choice roses, bulbs and plants : for spring planting, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.C. Schmidt - Blumenschmidt, Erfurt, Samen- und Pflanzen 1916 Online-lesen oder Download-Link
  • Schoell Bros.' Nurseries, 1916 wholesale catalogue Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Sidney Nurseries, Geo. Hemm, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles H. Totty, Madison, N.J., Chrysanthemums, roses, carnations and hardy plants, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wagner Park Nursery Co, Sidney, Ohio, Catalogue, 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • H.J. Weber & Sons Nursery Company, Nursery, Missoury, General descriptive catalog and price list of fruit, ornamental and shade trees, plants, evergreens, ornamental shrubs, roses, hardy perennial plants, bulbs, climbing vines, greenhouse plants, etc. 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Leo Weltz's Sons, Wilmington Nurseries, Fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Joseph W. Vestal & Son, Little Rock, Arkansas, Vestal's spring guide 1916 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Barbier & Cie, Pépinières, Orléans, France, Catalogue 1917 - 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Batavia Nurseries, Nelson Bogue, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Benedict Nursery Company, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, &c., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • ᅠJos H. Black, Son & Co., Roses and evergreens.ᅠ Special catalogue, Spring, 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Company, Continental Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Burns City Nursery, F.B. Garrett, Catalogue of : choice trees, plants, vines, shrubs and roses, 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • California Rose Co., Catalogue of field-grown, own root roses, open ground culture exclusively, 1917/1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Benjamin R. Cant & Sons, The Old Rose Gardens, Colchester, Catalogue Spring 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Cash Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, &c., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Cedar Hill Nursery and Orchard Company, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Rochester Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the finest kinds of deciduous and evergreen trees shrubs, roses, vines, herbaceous plants, fruit trees, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chico Nursery Company, Chico, CA, Descriptive catalog : fruit and ornamental trees, roses, vines, shrubs, small fruits, 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Conard & Jones Co. (West Grove, Pa.), Floral guide, 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Conard & Jones Co. (West Grove, Pa.), New floral guide, Autumn 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.F. Lansing, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.T. Lovett Company, Monmouth Nursery, Little Silver, N. J., Catalog Spring 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Missing Link Apple Co., General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Morris Nursery Co, New York, N.Y., Descriptive catalogue of choice hardy trees, vines, shrubs, evergreens, roses, perennials, fruits, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • National Nurseries (Lawrence, Kan.), General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Bend Nurseries, J.W. Stevenson, North Bend, Nebraska, Catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1917 spring and fall 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Willis Nurseries, A. Willis & Co., General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Olaf J. Wingren, 1917 spring catalogue of dahlias, roses, perennials and ornamental shrubbery, 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Oregon Nursery Company, Descriptive catalogue of fruit, nut and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, roses, vines : wholesale and retail, 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pleasant Hill Nursery, A. LeFevre, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Portland Seed Co., Portland, Oregon, Autumn catalog of trees, roses, bulbs, plants : fall 1917/spring 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Princeton Nursery, W.E. McElderry, General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Prospect Hill Nurseries, Inc., Illustrative and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, &c., 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • San Fernando Nursery Co. Incorpor, Concise catalogue of fruit and shade trees, nut trees and grape vines, forest trees, palms and roses, vines and shrubs : especially adapted to the soil and climate of California and the adjoining states, 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Victor Teschendorff (1877-1960), Dresden, Rosenkatalog 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles H. Totty, Madison, N.J., Chrysanthemums, roses, carnations and hardy plants, 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Vereeniging Boom- en Plantenbeurs te Boskoop, Supplement Rozennaamlijst, 1917 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Kellogg's Nursery, M.S. Kellogg (Janesville, Wis.), New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Morris Nursery Co, New York, N.Y., Descriptive catalogue of choice hardy trees, vines, shrubs, evergreens, roses, perennials, fruits, etc., 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Bend Nurseries, J.W. Stevenson, North Bend, Nebraska, Catalogue and price list of fruit and ornamental trees : small fruits, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc., 1918 spring and fall 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Routledge Seed & Floral Co., Portland, Oregon, Our 1918 catalog of seeds, bulbs, roses, trees, birds, poultry and garden supplies, 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Sheridan Nurseries, A. Scott Carter, (Alexander Scott), b. 1881, A garden manual and catalogue of perennials, shrubs, trees, evergreens, climbers, roses : grown by Sheridan Nurseries at their nursery farms near Clarksons, Ont., 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Spokane Seed Company, Spokane, WA : Nursery catalog of fruit, shade and ornamental trees and shrubs, berry plants and bush fruits, Dutch bulbs, roses and flowering shrubs. Fall 1918-Spring 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles H. Totty, Madison, N.J., Chrysanthemums, roses, carnations and hardy plants, 1918 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Benedict Nursery Co., Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, &c., 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bobbink & Atkins Nursery, Rutherford, N. J. USA, Catalog of American-grown roses for America 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bobbink & Atkins Nursery, Rutherford, N. J. USA, Catalog of world's choicest roses grown in America, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Company, Continental Nurseries, Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc., 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • California Nursery Co, Inc., Niles, CA, Descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees evergreens, palms, shrubs, roses etc., 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Capital City Nursery Co., General descriptive catalogue of fruit trees, small fruits, ornamental trees, shrubs and vines, roses, bulbs, etc., 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Carman Nursery Company, Lawrence, Kansas, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Carol Plantation, owners: Jonathan Bourne, Jr., Carol B. Sperr, Theodore, Alabama, Fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs and roses, catalog, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Rochester Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the finest kinds of deciduous and evergreen trees : shrubs, roses, vines, herbaceous plants, fruit trees, etc., 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Commercial Nursery Company, Austin & Nicholson Bros, Winchester, Tennessee, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Conard & Jones Co. (West Grove, Pa.), The best roses for America, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Conard & Jones Co. (West Grove, Pa.), New floral guide, Autumn 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Denver Nursery and Orchard Company, Denver, Colorado, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Dingee & Conard Co West-Grove, Chester Co. Penna, Our new guide to rose culture, Autumn 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C. J. Martin, seedsman, Annual catalogue, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Morris Nursery Co, New York, N.Y., Descriptive catalogue of choice hardy trees, vines, shrubs, evergreens, roses, perennials, fruits, etc., 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Morris Nursery Co, New York, N.Y., Descriptive catalogue of choice hardy trees, vines, shrubs, evergreens, roses, perennials, fruits, etc., 1919.1 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • North Star Nursery Co., Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, vines, roses, shrubs, etc., 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Portland Seed Co., Portland, Oregon, Autumn catalog : fruit, shade and ornamental trees and shrubs, berry plants and bush fruit, bulbs, roses and flowering plants Fall 1919, spring 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Prospect Hill Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit & ornamental trees : small fruits, peonies, hardy border plants, shrubs, roses, &c., 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Routledge Seed & Floral Co., Portland, Oregon, Seeds, plants, bulbs, roses, trees and garden supplies : catalog, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Simpson Seed & Floral Co., Denver, Colorado, catalog of garden and flower seeds, poultry supplies, shrubs, vines, roses, etc., 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Spokane Seed Company, Spokane, WA : Autumn catalog of Fruit, shade and ornamental trees and shrubs, bulbs, roses and flowering plants. Fall 1919-Spring 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Swedberg Nursery, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, grape vines, small fruit, perennial plants, bulbs, etc, etc., 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Valdesian Nurseries, Bostic, North Carolina, Catalog of evergreens, shrubs, vines, roses, perennials and bulbs, fruit, trees and plants, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wagner Park Nursery Co, Sidney, Ohio, Catalog of roses, shrubs, trees, hardy flowers, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Joseph W. Vestal & Son, Little Rock, Arkansas, Vestal's spring guide 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Westminster Nursery, J.E. Stoner, Illustrated descriptive catalogue : fine fruits, ornamental trees, vines, shrubbery, roses, bulbs, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wichita Nurseries & Seed House, Wichita, Kansas, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1919 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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ca. 1920


  • J.E. Jackson, Piedmont Greenhouses, Gainesville, Ga., Spring and summer catalog 1920 : useful greenhouse and bedding plants, Spring and summer catalog 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kallay Bros. Co. (Painesville, Ohio), Catalogue of seeds, plants, bulbs, roses and nursery stock / Kallay Bros. Co., 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mound Nursery Co., West Allis, Wisc., New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Northern Nursery Co. (Denver, Colo.), General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Parker Bros. Nursery Co., Fayetteville Nurseries, Catalogue of "Arkansas grown" fruit trees : shade trees, shrubs, roses, plants, vines, etc., 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pawnee Rock Nursery, W. M. Zieber, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses and plants, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wilhelm Pfitzer, Kunst- und Handelsgärtner, Stuttgart, Militärstr. 74, Haupt-Preis-Verzeichnis 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Piggott Nurseries, Inc., Piggott, Arcansas, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Riverside Nurseries, R.A. Jones, (Hillyard, Wash.), Catalog and price list of fruit & ornamental trees, roses, shrubs, etc. : Catalog B, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • D. Rusconi, Cincinatti, Ohio, bulb and seed merchantIllustrated catalog of bulbs, seeds, plants, roses, etc., florists' supplies, poultry supplies, also famous Rusconi lawn grass seed for lawns, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Simpson Seed and Floral Co., Denver, Colorado, Simpson's catalog [of] garden and flower seeds, poultry supplies, shrubs, vines, roses, etc., 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Spokane Seed Company, Spokane, WA : Autumn catalog of Bulbs, roses, plants, fruit, shade and ornamental trees. Autumn 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Swedberg Nursery, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue : fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, grape vines, small fruit, perennial plants, bulbs, etc, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Victor Teschendorff (1877-1960), Dresden, Rosenkatalog 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles H. Totty, Madison, N.J., Chrysanthemums, roses, carnations and hardy plants, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Valdesian Nurseries, Bostic, North Carolina, Catalog of evergreens, shrubs, vines, roses, perennials and bulbs, fruit trees and plants : landscaping the home grounds, 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Joseph W. Vestal & Son, Little Rock, Arkansas, Vestal's spring guide 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Willis Nurseries, A. Willis & Co., General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies, hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1920 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Brown Brothers Company, Continental Nurseries, Rochester, N.Y., Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bobbink & Atkins, Rutherford, N. J., Supplementary list of roses to our catalogue of 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Baker Nursery & Seed Co., Fond du Lac, Wisc., New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Benedict Nursery Co., General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Buntings' Nurseries, G.E. Bunting & Sons., Selbyville, Delaware, Buntings' catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc. : strawberry plants, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Buntings' Nurseries, G.E. Bunting & Sons., Selbyville, Delaware, Buntings' catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc. : strawberry plants, Second issue, 1921.1 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Central Illinois Nursery, Wm. H. Gibbs, Normal, Illinois, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Central Nurseries, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chanute Nurseries, Chanute, Kansas, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Conard & Jones Co. (West Grove, Pa.), Cold country set, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Conard & Jones Co. (West Grove, Pa.), Roses, Spring 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Daniels Bros. Ltd., Norwich, Catalogue, Spring 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Alex. Dickson & Sons Ltd., Hawlmark, Newtownards, N. Ireland, Catalogue of Roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • C.E. Dysinger Nursery, Tippecanoe City, Ohio, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Garnett Nurseries, John C. Embry, Garnett, Kansas, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.E. Jackson, Piedmont Greenhouses, Gainesville, Ga., Spring and summer catalog 1921 : useful greenhouse and bedding plants, Spring and summer catalog 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Jerseyville Nursery, (Inc.), L.E. Wilkinson, Jerseyville, Illinois, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kayser & Seibert Odenwälder Pflanzenkulturen, Roßdorf bei Darmstadt: Katalog 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Valdesian Nurseries, Bostic, North Carolina, Catalog of evergreens, shrubs, vines, roses, perennials and bulbs, fruit trees and plants : landscaping the home grounds, 1921 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Baker Nursery & Seed Co., Fond du Lac, Wisc., New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Barbier & Cie, Pépinières, Orléans, France, Catalogue général 1922 - 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • A. G. Blount's Nurseries, Hastings, New York, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bobbink & Atkins Nursery, Rutherford, N. J. USA, Catalog: Get acquainted with the Bobbink & Atkins roses this fall of 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Bobbink & Atkins, Supplementary list of roses to our catalogue of 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Company, Continental Nurseries, Rochester, N.Y., Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees : evergreens, shrubs, roses, perennials plants, etc, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Buntings' Nurseries, G.E. Bunting & Sons., Selbyville, Delaware, Buntings' catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc. : strawberry plants, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Frank Cant & Co., Brainswick Rose Gardens, Colchester, Catalogue 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Carman Nursery Company, Lawrence Nurseries, Lawrence, Kansas, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Central Illinois Nursery, Wm. H. Gibbs, Normal, Illinois, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Central Nurseries, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Rochester Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the finest kinds of deciduous and evergreen trees, shrubs, roses, vines, herbaceous plants, fruit trees, etc., 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Conard & Jones Co., West Grove, Pa., Roses, Catalog Spring 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Conard & Jones Co., West Grove, Pa., Roses, Catalog Autumn 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Conard & Jones Co., West Grove, Pa., How to grow roses, Catalog 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Cromwell Gardens, A.N. Pierson, Inc., 1872-1922, Cromwell, Conn., catalog, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Daniels Bros. Ltd., Norwich, Catalogue, Autumn 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Dayton Nurseries, W. Grant Schoenly, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, plants, shrubs, roses, etc., 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Deerfield Nursery Co., New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Dingee & Conard Co West-Grove, Chester Co. Penna, New guide to rose culture, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.E. Jackson, Piedmont Greenhouses, Gainesville, Ga., Spring and summer catalog 1922 : useful greenhouse and bedding plants, Spring and summer catalog 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Herman F. Johnson & Son., Normal, Illinois, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Jerseyville Nursery, (Inc.), L.E. Wilkinson, Jerseyville, Illinois, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. Kordes Söhne, Sparrieshoop, Germany, Katalog 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Peter Lambert, Rosen, Obst- und Zierbäume, 1922/1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mattapoisett Flower Fields, J.S. Figueiredo, Descriptive catalogue of choice gladioli, dahlias, phlox, roses and other plants, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • New Antioch Nurseries, Wilmington, Ohio, Fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • N. F. McCarthy and Co, 1922 Spring catalogue of hardy roses, rhododendrons, specimen evergreens, flowering shrubs to be sold at our salesroom each day at private sale from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. : after April 4, auctions will be held on Tuesdays and Fridays, auction of bedding plants, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • McGregor Bros. Company, Springfield, Ohio, autumn catalog : bulbs, roses, plants and seeds, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • National Nurseries (Lawrence, Kan.), New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Nonne & Hoepker, Ahrensburg bei Hamburg: Hauptkatalog Stauden, Rosen 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Victor Teschendorff (1877-1960), Dresden, Rosenkatalog 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Mountain View Nursery Co. Inc., Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, plants, shrubs, roses, etc., 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Outpost Nurseries, Ridgefield, Conn., catalog, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Overman's Nursery, Spokane, Washington, Ornamental and fruit trees, flowering shrubs and vines, roses and evergreens : spring and fall 1922 catalog Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Padre's Botanical Gardens, Rev. Geo. M. A. Schoener, Santa Barbara, CA, General catalog and price list of roses, dahlias, gladioli and other useful flowers, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Portland Seed Co., Portland, Oregon, Autumn 1922 catalog of bulbs, roses, plants, fruit, shade and ornamental trees, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Riverside Nurseries, R.A. Jones, (Hillyard, Wash.), Catalog and price list of fruit & ornamental trees, roses, shrubs, etc. : Catalog C, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Spokane Seed Company, Spokane, WA : Autumn catalog of Bulbs, roses, plants, fruit, shade and ornamental trees. Autumn 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Swartz Nursery, Kenosha, Wis. : growers of trees, shrubs, perennial plants, roses, etc., catalog, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Victor Teschendorff (1877-1960), Dresden, Rosenkatalog 1922.1 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles H. Totty, Madison, N.J., Chrysanthemums, roses, carnations and hardy plants, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Valdesian Nurseries, Bostic, North Carolina, Catalog of evergreens, shrubs, vines, roses, perennials and bulbs, fruit trees and plants : landscaping the home grounds, 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Joseph W. Vestal & Son, Little Rock, Arkansas, Vestal's guide to fall planting 1922 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Bobbink & Atkins Nursery, Rutherford, N. J. USA, Catalog of American grown roses, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Brown Brothers Company, Continental Nurseries, Rochester, N.Y., Descriptive catalog : fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubs, perennials plants, roses, etc., 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Buntings' Nurseries, G.E. Bunting & Sons., Selbyville, Delaware, Buntings' catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc. : strawberry plants, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Central Nurseries, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Chase Bros. Co. (Rochester, N.Y.), Rochester Nurseries, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the finest kinds of deciduous and evergreen trees : shrubs, roses, vines, herbaceous plants, fruit trees, etc., 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W.B. Clarke, San Jose, California, Roses - budded and own roots, Catlogue 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Conard-Pyle Co., West Grove, Pa., Rosa hugonis, A Chinese Beauty, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Conard & Jones Co., West Grove, Pa., Grade count choice lots of roses and other ornamental stock. Bulletin no. 1, spring 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Conard & Jones Co., West Grove, Pa., New counts roses. Bulletin no. 2, spring 1923. Bulletin no. 2, spring 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Cromwell Gardens, A.N. Pierson, Inc., 1872-1923, Cromwell, Conn., catalog, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Deerfield Nursery Co., General catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, paeonies : hardy border plants, bulbs, etc., 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Dingee & Conard Co West-Grove, Chester Co. Penna, New guide to rose culture, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Heller Bros. Co, P.J. Lynch, Nre Castle, Indiana, Autumn edition : The roses of New Castle, catalog, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • E.G. Hill Company, Richmond, Indiana, Catalogue, : our specialties, roses, carnations and mums, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Hoopes, Bro. & Thomas Company, The West Chester Nurseries, West Chester, PA., Catalog 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Inter-State Nurseries, C. M. Griffing & Co., Macclenny, Florida, Catalog for 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.E. Jackson, Piedmont Greenhouses, Gainesville, Ga., Spring and summer catalog 1923 : useful greenhouse and bedding plants, Spring and summer catalog 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • W. Kordes Söhne, Sparrieshoop, Germany, Katalog 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kallay Bros. Co. (Painesville, Ohio), Catalogue of seeds, plants, bulbs, roses and nursery stock : spring 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kokosing Nursery, Chas. McDonald, Illustrated descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Krause Nursery, H.E. Krause, Spokane, Washington, Plant a rose garden : Krause's Nursery rose catalog and price list, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Manchester Nurseries, C.E. Wilson & Co., Manchester, Conn., New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • J.M. McCullough's Sons Co., Cincinnato, Ohio, catalog of bulbs, seeds, plants, roses, shrubbery, trees, etc. for fall planting, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • S.R. McKee Nurseries and Rose Gardens, Jacksonville, Texas, catalog, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Morris Nursery Co, New York, N.Y., Descriptive catalogue of choice hardy trees, vines, shrubs, evergreens, roses, perennials, fruits, etc., 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Clément Nabonnand, Horticulteur à Estérel-Parc près Cannes, Catalogues de pépiniéristes, 1923/1924 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Padre's Botanical Gardens, Rev. Geo. M. A. Schoener, Santa Barbara, CA, General catalog and price list of roses, dahlias, gladioli and other productions, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pawnee Rock Nursery, W. M. Zieber, Pawnee Rock, Kansas, New illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruits and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, vines and roses, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Perry Nursery Co, Revised, illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees shrubs, roses, bulbs and bulbous plants, grape vines, small fruits, etc., 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Pioneer Nursery of Monrovia, Monrovia, CA, Catalog and prices of deciduous, citrus and tropical fruit trees, berries, nuts, ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, flowering plants together with instructions for planting and care ... 1876-1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Portland Seed Co., Portland, Oregon, Autumn catalog 1923 : roses, plants, fruit-shade-ornamental trees and shrubbery, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Quaker Hill Nursery Co., Newark, New York, growers of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, roses, shrubs, and hedging, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • E.E. Randall, Catalogue of ornamental shrubs : trees, roses, fruits, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Red Wing Nursery Co., Lake City, Minn., New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Riverside Nurseries, J.K. Wheat, Phoenix, Arizona, Descriptive price catalog : citrus and deciduous fruit trees, grape vines, berries, ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, potted plants, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rockfall Nursery Co., Rockfall, Connecticut, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Roeder Nurseries, W. H. Roeder, Osceola, Missouri : fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, climbing vines and perennials, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Rosedale Nurseries, S. G. Harris, descriptive catalogue, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Constant Soupert, Luxembourg, Catalogues de pépiniéristes - Rosiers-Collection unique, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Victor Teschendorff (1877-1960), Dresden, Rosenkatalog Herbst 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Charles H. Totty, Madison, N.J., Chrysanthemums, roses, carnations and hardy plants, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Villa Nurseries, Portland, Oregon, New illustrated and descriptive catalog of fruit and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines and roses, 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Washington Nursery Co, Toppenish, Washington, Condensed catalog and price list. No. 22 : fruit trees, shade trees, shrubbery, vines, roses, berries, etc., 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Wayside Gardens Co., Mentor, Ohio, Wholesale catalog for spring 1923 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • J.M. McCullough's Sons Co., R.S. McCullough, president, Chas. R. Moore, vice-pres't : catalog of bulbs, seeds, plants, roses, shrubs, fruit trees, shade and ornamental trees, etc., with complet cultural directions for bulbs, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • McHenry's Peony and Dahlia Gardens, Denver, Colorado : catalog, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Memphis Plant Co., Charles L. Botto, Memphis, Tenn., Catalog of dahlias, glads, roses, bedding plants and vegetable plants, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • M.J. Moniz, berry specialist, grower and nurseryman, Descriptive catalogue of berry and small fruit plants, deciduous and citrus fruit trees, roses and grapevines, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • New Brunswick Nurseries, Fred. D. Osman, Garden roses : how to make them grow and bloom, guide and catalog, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • New Brunswick Nurseries, Fred. D. Osman, New Brunswick, N. J., Buyer's guide of dependable stock : for florists and nuserymen who want better results, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • New Brunswick Nurseries, Fred. D. Osman, New Brunswick, N. J., "Miles of roses" will greet the visitors today at N.B. Nurseries : catalog, chiefly of roses, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Nonne & Hoepker, Ahrensburg bei Hamburg: Hauptkatalog Stauden, Rosen 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Westminster Nursery, J.E. Stoner, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, roses, etc., 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Willis Nurseries, A. Willis & Co., Ottawa, Kansas, Illustrated and descriptive catalog of ornamental and fruit trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines, evergreens, perennials, roses, bulbs and roots, etc., 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Oscar S. Witte, Buffalo, N. Y., rose culturist : catalog, 1925 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Kellogg's Nursery, M.S. Kellogg (Janesville, Wis.), 1926 annual catalog : fruit trees, small fruits, grapes, evergreens, roses, climbing vines, ornamental shrubs, etc., 1926 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Kelly Plant Gardens, Spokane, Washington, 1926 catalog : vegetable and flowering plants, strawberry and small fruit plants, roses, house plants and shrubs for spring planting, 1926 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Roses Ketten Frères à Luxembourg, Catalogues de pépiniéristes, 1926 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Peter Lambert, Trier, Spezial-Rosenkulturen, 1926 - 1927 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Oscar S. Witte, Buffalo, N. Y., Roses for rose lovers : catalog, 1926 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Walter W. Vail Nurseries, Catalogue for the home builder : fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, climbing vines and perennials
  • Wayside Gardens Co., Mentor, Ohio, Hardy herbaceous and Alpine plants : wholesale catalog, Spring 1926 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • H.L. Baake & Son, Sawtelle, CA, Catalog and garden guide for winter and spring : ornamental trees, shrubs and vines, palms, roses, ferns, flowering plants, citrus and deciduous fruit trees, barry plants, 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link
  • Miss Ella V. Baines, The Woman Florist, Springfield, Ohio : Spring 1928 Online-lesen und Download-Link

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  • Bobbink & Atkins Nursery, Rutherford, N. J. USA, roses, perennials, shrubs and evergreens, novelties and reduced price list for 1933 Online-lesen und Download-Link


nach 1934

  • Walter W. Vail Nurseries, Catalogue for the home builder : fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, climbing vines and perennials - nach 1934 Online-lesen und Download-Link




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